2012-01-24 16:57:15 -05:00

777 B

#Setting up PHP

Use Flags

In order for PHP to be most useful, it should have as many of the modules installed as will be used. I recommend installing it using the FPM sapi, which manages php session spawning.

Here are some recommended flags: mysql utf8 threads -readline libssh2 -cgi fpm xcache suhosin postgres mysqlnd reflection session simplexml sockets spl pdo mbstring sqlite3 mysqli soap exif


The PHP_TARGETS setting in /etc/make.conf lets you select which versions of PHP to compile. If possible, I recommend always using the latest stable version.

As of the time this is written, php 5.3 is the latest version, so I would add this line to /etc/make.conf


As of this writing, PHP compiles with clang reliably.