2012-01-09 11:54:50 -05:00

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#General Gentoo maintainance

Checking for updates

Sync with Gentoo's servers, and then see what updates there are:

emerge --sync && emerge -pv --update world

To install available updates:

emerge --update world

Starting / Restarting Services

Gentoo services have init files in the /etc/init.d/ directory.

  • To start a service: /etc/init.d/[service] start

  • To restart a service: /etc/init.d/[service] restart

  • To stop a service: /etc/init.d/[service] stop

  • Common services

    mysqld - mysql

    php-fpm - php with fpm

    lighttpd - lighttpd web server

Installing software

Generally, all there is to installing addtional software is

emerge [software]

But sometimes you don't know the package name, or if it exists, so you want to search:

emerge --search [software]

And it's a good idea to see what packages will be installed, without actually installing it

emerge -pv [software]

  • If the sofware you are trying to install is masked, you can add the software to the package.keywords file in /etc/portage/. If the file doesn't exist, you can create it. Each package added to the file looks like this: [category]/[software] ~amd64 or if you are using a 32-bit version, [category]/[software] ~x86

  • If the software doesn't have the USE settings it needs, for example if php doesn't have mysql support, you can add these to the package.use file in /etc/portage :

dev-lang/php mysql