Timothy Warren edited this page 2022-03-04 12:40:14 -05:00

Anime Collection Setup

Because the anime collection can use more than one type of database, the setup is a bit more complex than other features to setup.

Unfortunately, at this point, this means putting the database connection information in two places:

  • app/config/database.toml - tells Hummingbird how to connect to the database
  • phinx.yml - tells the Database migration tool how to connect to the database

Hummingbird Config

See Configuration Page for more information

Phinx Config

  1. Copy the phinx.yml.dist example config to phinx.yml, which has a development sqlite setup
  2. Update the phinx.yml file based on the instructions here

Example sqlite config:

    migrations: '%%PHINX_CONFIG_DIR%%/migrations'

    default_migration_table: phinxlog
    default_database: production
        adapter: sqlite
        name: ./anime_collection # Will create anime_collection.sqlite3 file

Setup steps

  1. Create phinx and Hummingbird config files
  2. Install phinx in the tools/phinx folder by running composer install
  3. Run the migrations. Based on the example file above, you'd run: ./tools/phinx/vendor/bin/phinx migrate -e production

Importing Anime:

  1. Login
  2. Click the [ Add Item ] link on the Anime Collection page
  3. Enter the name of the anime you wish to add, and select the appropriate search result
  4. Save & Repeat as needed