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# Query
A query builder/database abstraction layer, using prepared statements for security.
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## Requirements
* PDO extensions for the databases you wish to use (unless it's Firebird, in which case, the interbase extension is required)
* Supported version of PHP (Older versions may work, but are not supported)
## Databases Supported
* Firebird (via interbase extension)
* PostgreSQL
* SQLite
## Including Query in your application
* Install via composer and include `vendor/autoload.php`
## Connecting
Create a connection array or object similar to this:
$params = array(
'type' => 'mysql', // mysql, pgsql, firebird, sqlite
'host' => 'localhost', // address or socket
'user' => 'root',
'pass' => '',
'port' => '3306',
'database' => 'test_db',
// Only required for
// SQLite or Firebird
'file' => '/path/to/db/file',
// Optional paramaters
'prefix' => 'tbl_', // Database table prefix
'alias' => 'old' // Connection name for the Query function
$db = Query($params);
The parameters required depend on the database.
### Query function
You can use the `Query()` function as a reference to the last connected database. E.g.
// or
$result = Query()->query($sql);
If the `alias` key is set in the parameters, you can refer to a specific database connection
// Set the alias in the connection parameters
$params['alias'] = 'old';
// Connect to the legacy database
### Running Queries
Query uses the same interface as CodeIgniter's [Query Builder](http://www.codeigniter.com/user_guide/database/query_builder.html) class. However, it does not implement the `update_batch` or caching methods. For specific query builder methods, see the [class documentation](https://gitdev.timshomepage.net/Query/docs/classes/Query_QueryBuilder.html#methods).
Underscored methods are also aliased to camel case methods.
#### You can also run queries manually.
To run a prepared statement, call
`$db->prepare_execute($sql, $params)`.
To run a plain query, `$db->query($sql)`
### Retrieving Results:
An example of a moderately complex query:
$query = $db->select('id, key as k, val')
->from('table t')
->where('k >', 3)
->or_where('id !=' 5)
->order_by('val', 'DESC')
->limit(3, 1)
This will generate a query similar to (with this being the output for a PostgreSQL database):
SELECT "id", "key" AS "k", "val"
FROM "table" "t"
WHERE "k" > ?
OR "id" != ?
To retrieve the results of a query, use the PDO method [fetch](http://php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.fetch.php) and/or [fetchAll](http://php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.fetchall.php).
$query = $db->get('table_name');
$results = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
### Inserting / Updating
An example of an insert query:
$query = $db->set('foo', 'bar')
->set('foobar', 'baz')
->where('foo !=', 'bar')
An example of an update query:
$query = $db->set('foo', 'bar')
->set('foobar', 'baz')
->where('foo !=', 'bar')
The `set` method can also take an array as a parameter, instead of setting individual values.