import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { renderIntoDocument, scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag, Simulate } from 'react-addons-test-utils'; import {List} from 'immutable'; import {Voting} from '../../src/components/Voting'; import {expect} from 'chai'; describe('Voting', () => { it('renders a pair of buttons', () => { const component = renderIntoDocument( ); const buttons = scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(component, 'button'); expect(buttons.length).to.equal(2); expect(buttons[0].textContent).to.equal('Trainspotting'); expect(buttons[1].textContent).to.equal('28 Days Later'); }); it('invokes callback when a button is clicked', () => { let votedWith; const vote = (entry) => votedWith = entry; const component = renderIntoDocument( ); const buttons = scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(component, 'button');[0]); expect(votedWith).to.equal('Trainspotting'); }); it('disables buttons when user has voted', () => { const component = renderIntoDocument( ); const buttons = scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(component, 'button'); expect(buttons.length).to.equal(2); expect(buttons[0].hasAttribute('disabled')).to.equal(true); expect(buttons[1].hasAttribute('disabled')).to.equal(true); }); it('adds label to the voted entry', () => { const component = renderIntoDocument( ); const buttons = scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(component, 'button'); expect(buttons[0].textContent).to.contain('Voted'); }); it('renders just the winner when there is one', () => { const component = renderIntoDocument( ); const buttons = scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(component, 'button'); expect(buttons.length).to.equal(0); const winner = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(component.refs.winner); expect(winner); expect(winner.textContent).to.contain('Trainspotting'); }); it('renders as a pure component', () => { const pair = ['Trainspotting', '28 Days Later']; const container = document.createElement('div'); let component = ReactDOM.render( , container ); let firstButton = scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(component, 'button')[0]; expect(firstButton.textContent).to.equal('Trainspotting'); pair[0] = 'Sunshine'; component = ReactDOM.render( , container ); firstButton = scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(component, 'button')[0]; expect(firstButton.textContent).to.equal('Trainspotting'); }); it('does update DOM when prop changes', () => { const pair = List.of('Trainspotting', '28 Days Later'); const container = document.createElement('div'); let component = ReactDOM.render( , container ); let firstButton = scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(component, 'button')[0]; expect(firstButton.textContent).to.equal('Trainspotting'); const newPair = pair.set(0, 'Sunshine'); component = ReactDOM.render( , container ); firstButton = scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(component, 'button')[0]; expect(firstButton.textContent).to.equal('Sunshine'); }); });