#include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct InputBuffer_t { char* buffer; size_t buffer_length; ssize_t input_length; }; typedef struct InputBuffer_t InputBuffer; enum ExecuteResult_t { EXECUTE_SUCCESS, EXECUTE_DUPLICATE_KEY, EXECUTE_TABLE_FULL }; typedef enum ExecuteResult_t ExecuteResult; enum MetaCommandResult_t { META_COMMAND_SUCCESS, META_COMMAND_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND }; typedef enum MetaCommandResult_t MetaCommandResult; enum PrepareResult_t { PREPARE_SUCCESS, PREPARE_NEGATIVE_ID, PREPARE_STRING_TOO_LONG, PREPARE_SYNTAX_ERROR, PREPARE_UNRECOGNIZED_STATEMENT }; typedef enum PrepareResult_t PrepareResult; enum StatementType_t { STATEMENT_INSERT, STATEMENT_SELECT }; typedef enum StatementType_t StatementType; const uint32_t COLUMN_USERNAME_SIZE = 32; const uint32_t COLUMN_EMAIL_SIZE = 255; struct Row_t { uint32_t id; char username[COLUMN_USERNAME_SIZE + 1]; char email[COLUMN_EMAIL_SIZE + 1]; }; typedef struct Row_t Row; struct Statement_t { StatementType type; Row row_to_insert; // only used by insert statement }; typedef struct Statement_t Statement; #define size_of_attribute(Struct, Attribute) sizeof(((Struct*)0)->Attribute) const uint32_t ID_SIZE = size_of_attribute(Row, id); const uint32_t USERNAME_SIZE = size_of_attribute(Row, username); const uint32_t EMAIL_SIZE = size_of_attribute(Row, email); const uint32_t ID_OFFSET = 0; const uint32_t USERNAME_OFFSET = ID_OFFSET + ID_SIZE; const uint32_t EMAIL_OFFSET = USERNAME_OFFSET + USERNAME_SIZE; const uint32_t ROW_SIZE = ID_SIZE + USERNAME_SIZE + EMAIL_SIZE; const uint32_t PAGE_SIZE = 4096; const uint32_t TABLE_MAX_PAGES = 100; struct Pager_t { int file_descriptor; uint32_t file_length; uint32_t num_pages; void* pages[TABLE_MAX_PAGES]; }; typedef struct Pager_t Pager; struct Table_t { Pager* pager; uint32_t root_page_num; }; typedef struct Table_t Table; struct Cursor_t { Table* table; uint32_t page_num; uint32_t cell_num; bool end_of_table; // Indicates a position one past the last element }; typedef struct Cursor_t Cursor; void print_row(Row* row) { printf("(%d, %s, %s)\n", row->id, row->username, row->email); } enum NodeType_t { NODE_INTERNAL, NODE_LEAF }; typedef enum NodeType_t NodeType; /* * Common Node Header Layout */ const uint32_t NODE_TYPE_SIZE = sizeof(uint8_t); const uint32_t NODE_TYPE_OFFSET = 0; const uint32_t IS_ROOT_SIZE = sizeof(uint8_t); const uint32_t IS_ROOT_OFFSET = NODE_TYPE_SIZE; const uint32_t PARENT_POINTER_SIZE = sizeof(uint32_t); const uint32_t PARENT_POINTER_OFFSET = IS_ROOT_OFFSET + IS_ROOT_SIZE; const uint32_t COMMON_NODE_HEADER_SIZE = NODE_TYPE_SIZE + IS_ROOT_SIZE + PARENT_POINTER_SIZE; /* * Internal Node Header Layout */ const uint32_t INTERNAL_NODE_NUM_KEYS_SIZE = sizeof(uint32_t); const uint32_t INTERNAL_NODE_NUM_KEYS_OFFSET = COMMON_NODE_HEADER_SIZE; const uint32_t INTERNAL_NODE_RIGHT_CHILD_SIZE = sizeof(uint32_t); const uint32_t INTERNAL_NODE_RIGHT_CHILD_OFFSET = INTERNAL_NODE_NUM_KEYS_OFFSET + INTERNAL_NODE_NUM_KEYS_SIZE; const uint32_t INTERNAL_NODE_HEADER_SIZE = COMMON_NODE_HEADER_SIZE + INTERNAL_NODE_NUM_KEYS_SIZE + INTERNAL_NODE_RIGHT_CHILD_SIZE; /* * Internal Node Body Layout */ const uint32_t INTERNAL_NODE_KEY_SIZE = sizeof(uint32_t); const uint32_t INTERNAL_NODE_CHILD_SIZE = sizeof(uint32_t); const uint32_t INTERNAL_NODE_CELL_SIZE = INTERNAL_NODE_CHILD_SIZE + INTERNAL_NODE_KEY_SIZE; /* Keep this small for testing */ const uint32_t INTERNAL_NODE_MAX_CELLS = 3; /* * Leaf Node Header Layout */ const uint32_t LEAF_NODE_NUM_CELLS_SIZE = sizeof(uint32_t); const uint32_t LEAF_NODE_NUM_CELLS_OFFSET = COMMON_NODE_HEADER_SIZE; const uint32_t LEAF_NODE_NEXT_LEAF_SIZE = sizeof(uint32_t); const uint32_t LEAF_NODE_NEXT_LEAF_OFFSET = LEAF_NODE_NUM_CELLS_OFFSET + LEAF_NODE_NUM_CELLS_SIZE; const uint32_t LEAF_NODE_HEADER_SIZE = COMMON_NODE_HEADER_SIZE + LEAF_NODE_NUM_CELLS_SIZE + LEAF_NODE_NEXT_LEAF_SIZE; /* * Leaf Node Body Layout */ const uint32_t LEAF_NODE_KEY_SIZE = sizeof(uint32_t); const uint32_t LEAF_NODE_KEY_OFFSET = 0; const uint32_t LEAF_NODE_VALUE_SIZE = ROW_SIZE; const uint32_t LEAF_NODE_VALUE_OFFSET = LEAF_NODE_KEY_OFFSET + LEAF_NODE_KEY_SIZE; const uint32_t LEAF_NODE_CELL_SIZE = LEAF_NODE_KEY_SIZE + LEAF_NODE_VALUE_SIZE; const uint32_t LEAF_NODE_SPACE_FOR_CELLS = PAGE_SIZE - LEAF_NODE_HEADER_SIZE; const uint32_t LEAF_NODE_MAX_CELLS = LEAF_NODE_SPACE_FOR_CELLS / LEAF_NODE_CELL_SIZE; const uint32_t LEAF_NODE_RIGHT_SPLIT_COUNT = (LEAF_NODE_MAX_CELLS + 1) / 2; const uint32_t LEAF_NODE_LEFT_SPLIT_COUNT = (LEAF_NODE_MAX_CELLS + 1) - LEAF_NODE_RIGHT_SPLIT_COUNT; NodeType get_node_type(void* node) { uint8_t value = *((uint8_t*)(node + NODE_TYPE_OFFSET)); return (NodeType)value; } void set_node_type(void* node, NodeType type) { uint8_t value = type; *((uint8_t*)(node + NODE_TYPE_OFFSET)) = value; } bool is_node_root(void* node) { uint8_t value = *((uint8_t*)(node + IS_ROOT_OFFSET)); return (bool)value; } void set_node_root(void* node, bool is_root) { uint8_t value = is_root; *((uint8_t*)(node + IS_ROOT_OFFSET)) = value; } uint32_t* node_parent(void* node) { return node + PARENT_POINTER_OFFSET; } uint32_t* internal_node_num_keys(void* node) { return node + INTERNAL_NODE_NUM_KEYS_OFFSET; } uint32_t* internal_node_right_child(void* node) { return node + INTERNAL_NODE_RIGHT_CHILD_OFFSET; } uint32_t* internal_node_cell(void* node, uint32_t cell_num) { return node + INTERNAL_NODE_HEADER_SIZE + cell_num * INTERNAL_NODE_CELL_SIZE; } uint32_t* internal_node_child(void* node, uint32_t child_num) { uint32_t num_keys = *internal_node_num_keys(node); if (child_num > num_keys) { printf("Tried to access child_num %d > num_keys %d\n", child_num, num_keys); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (child_num == num_keys) { return internal_node_right_child(node); } else { return internal_node_cell(node, child_num); } } uint32_t* internal_node_key(void* node, uint32_t key_num) { return (void*)internal_node_cell(node, key_num) + INTERNAL_NODE_CHILD_SIZE; } uint32_t* leaf_node_num_cells(void* node) { return (char *)node + LEAF_NODE_NUM_CELLS_OFFSET; } uint32_t* leaf_node_next_leaf(void* node) { return node + LEAF_NODE_NEXT_LEAF_OFFSET; } void* leaf_node_cell(void* node, uint32_t cell_num) { return (char *)node + LEAF_NODE_HEADER_SIZE + cell_num; } uint32_t* leaf_node_key(void* node, uint32_t cell_num) { return leaf_node_cell(node, cell_num); } void* leaf_node_value(void* node, uint32_t cell_num) { return leaf_node_cell(node, cell_num) + LEAF_NODE_KEY_SIZE; } uint32_t get_node_max_key(void* node) { switch (get_node_type(node)) { case NODE_INTERNAL: return *internal_node_key(node, *internal_node_num_keys(node) - 1); case NODE_LEAF: return *leaf_node_key(node, *leaf_node_num_cells(node) - 1); } } void print_constants() { printf("ROW_SIZE: %d\n", ROW_SIZE); printf("COMMON_NODE_HEADER_SIZE: %d\n", COMMON_NODE_HEADER_SIZE); printf("LEAF_NODE_HEADER_SIZE: %d\n", LEAF_NODE_HEADER_SIZE); printf("LEAF_NODE_CELL_SIZE: %d\n", LEAF_NODE_CELL_SIZE); printf("LEAF_NODE_SPACE_FOR_CELLS: %d\n", LEAF_NODE_SPACE_FOR_CELLS); printf("LEAF_NODE_MAX_CELLS: %d\n", LEAF_NODE_MAX_CELLS); } void* get_page(Pager* pager, uint32_t page_num) { if (page_num > TABLE_MAX_PAGES) { printf("Tried to fetch page number out of bounds. %d > %d\n", page_num, TABLE_MAX_PAGES); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (pager->pages[page_num] == NULL) { // Cache miss. Allocate memory and load from file. void* page = malloc(PAGE_SIZE); uint32_t num_pages = pager->file_length / PAGE_SIZE; // We might save a partial page at the end of the file if (pager->file_length % PAGE_SIZE) { num_pages += 1; } if (page_num <= num_pages) { lseek(pager->file_descriptor, page_num * PAGE_SIZE, SEEK_SET); ssize_t bytes_read = read(pager->file_descriptor, page, PAGE_SIZE); if (bytes_read == -1) { printf("Error reading file: %d\n", errno); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } pager->pages[page_num] = page; if (page_num >= pager->num_pages) { pager->num_pages = page_num + 1; } } return pager->pages[page_num]; } void indent(uint32_t level) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < level; i++) { printf(" "); } } void print_tree(Pager* pager, uint32_t page_num, uint32_t indentation_level) { void* node = get_page(pager, page_num); uint32_t num_keys, child; switch(get_node_type(node)) { case (NODE_LEAF): num_keys = *leaf_node_num_cells(node); indent(indentation_level); printf("- leaf (size %d\n", num_keys); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_keys; i++) { indent(indentation_level + 1); printf("- %d\n", *leaf_node_key(node, i)); } break; case (NODE_INTERNAL): num_keys = *internal_node_num_keys(node); indent(indentation_level); printf("- internal (size %d)\n", num_keys); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_keys; i++) { child = *internal_node_child(node, i); print_tree(pager, child, indentation_level + 1); indent(indentation_level + 1); printf("- key %d\n", *internal_node_key(node, i)); } child = *internal_node_right_child(node); print_tree(pager, child, indentation_level + 1); break; } } void serialize_row(Row* source, void* destination) { memcpy(destination + ID_OFFSET, &(source->id), ID_SIZE); memcpy(destination + USERNAME_OFFSET, &(source->username), USERNAME_SIZE); memcpy(destination + EMAIL_OFFSET, &(source->email), EMAIL_SIZE); } void deserialize_row(void* source, Row* destination) { memcpy(&(destination->id), source + ID_OFFSET, ID_SIZE); memcpy(&(destination->username), source + USERNAME_OFFSET, USERNAME_SIZE); memcpy(&(destination->email), source + EMAIL_OFFSET, EMAIL_SIZE); } void initialize_leaf_node(void* node) { set_node_type(node, NODE_LEAF); set_node_root(node, false); *leaf_node_num_cells(node) = 0; *leaf_node_next_leaf(node) = 0; } void initialize_internal_node(void* node) { set_node_type(node, NODE_INTERNAL); set_node_root(node, false); *internal_node_num_keys(node) = 0; } Cursor* leaf_node_find(Table* table, uint32_t page_num, uint32_t key) { void* node = get_page(table->pager, page_num); uint32_t num_cells = *leaf_node_num_cells(node); Cursor* cursor = malloc(sizeof(Cursor)); cursor->table = table; cursor->page_num = page_num; // Binary search uint32_t min_index = 0; uint32_t one_past_max_index = num_cells; while (one_past_max_index != min_index) { uint32_t index = (min_index + one_past_max_index) / 2; uint32_t key_at_index = *leaf_node_key(node, index); if (key == key_at_index) { cursor->cell_num = index; return cursor; } if (key < key_at_index) { one_past_max_index = index; } else { min_index = index + 1; } } cursor->cell_num = min_index; return cursor; } uint32_t internal_node_find_child(void* node, uint32_t key) { /* * Return the index of the child which should contain * the given key */ uint32_t num_keys = *internal_node_num_keys(node); /* Binary search */ uint32_t min_index = 0; uint32_t max_index = num_keys; /* there is one more child than key */ while (min_index != max_index) { uint32_t index = (min_index + max_index) / 2; uint32_t key_to_right = *internal_node_key(node, index); if (key_to_right >= key) { max_index = index; } else { min_index = index + 1; } } return min_index; } Cursor* internal_node_find(Table* table, uint32_t page_num, uint32_t key) { void *node = get_page(table->pager, page_num); uint32_t child_index = internal_node_find_child(node, key); uint32_t child_num = *internal_node_child(node, child_index); void* child = get_page(table->pager, child_num); switch (get_node_type(child)) { case NODE_LEAF: return leaf_node_find(table, child_num, key); case NODE_INTERNAL: return internal_node_find(table, child_num, key); } } /* * Return the position of the given key. * If the key is not present, return the position * where it should be inserted */ Cursor* table_find(Table* table, uint32_t key) { uint32_t root_page_num = table->root_page_num; void* root_node = get_page(table->pager, root_page_num); if (get_node_type(root_node) == NODE_LEAF) { return leaf_node_find(table, root_page_num, key); } else { return internal_node_find(table, root_page_num, key); } } Cursor* table_start(Table* table) { Cursor* cursor = table_find(table, 0); void* node = get_page(table->pager, cursor->page_num); uint32_t num_cells = *leaf_node_num_cells(node); cursor->end_of_table = (num_cells == 0); return cursor; } void* cursor_value(Cursor* cursor) { uint32_t page_num = cursor->page_num; void* page = get_page(cursor->table->pager, page_num); return leaf_node_value(page, cursor->cell_num); } void cursor_advance(Cursor* cursor) { uint32_t page_num = cursor->page_num; void* node = get_page(cursor->table->pager, page_num); cursor->cell_num += 1; if (cursor->cell_num >= (*leaf_node_num_cells(node))) { /* Advance to next leaf node */ uint32_t next_page_num = *leaf_node_next_leaf(node); if (next_page_num == 0) { /* This was rightmost leaf */ cursor->end_of_table = true; } else { cursor->page_num = next_page_num; cursor->cell_num = 0; } } } Pager* pager_open(const char* filename) { // Read/Write mode, Create non-existent file, user read and write permission int fd = open(filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR); if (fd == -1) { printf("Unable to open file\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } off_t file_length = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); Pager* pager = malloc(sizeof(Pager)); pager->file_descriptor = fd; pager->file_length = file_length; pager->num_pages = (file_length / PAGE_SIZE); if (file_length % PAGE_SIZE != 0) { printf("Db file is not a whole number of pages. Corrupt file.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TABLE_MAX_PAGES; i++) { pager->pages[i] = NULL; } return pager; } Table* db_open(const char* filename) { Pager* pager = pager_open(filename); Table* table = malloc(sizeof(Table)); table->pager = pager; table->root_page_num = 0; if (pager->num_pages == 0) { // New database file. Initialize page 0 as leaf node. void* root_node = get_page(pager, 0); initialize_leaf_node(root_node); set_node_root(root_node, true); } return table; } InputBuffer* new_input_buffer() { InputBuffer* input_buffer = malloc(sizeof(InputBuffer)); input_buffer->buffer = NULL; input_buffer->buffer_length = 0; input_buffer->input_length = 0; return input_buffer; } void print_prompt() { printf("db > "); } void read_input(InputBuffer* input_buffer) { ssize_t bytes_read = getline( &(input_buffer->buffer), &(input_buffer->buffer_length), stdin ); if (bytes_read <= 0) { printf("Error reading input\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Ignore trailing newline input_buffer->input_length = bytes_read -1; input_buffer->buffer[bytes_read - 1] = 0; } void pager_flush(Pager* pager, uint32_t page_num) { if (pager->pages[page_num] == NULL) { printf("Tried to flush null page\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } off_t offset = lseek(pager->file_descriptor, page_num * PAGE_SIZE, SEEK_SET); if (offset == -1) { printf("Error seeking: %d\n", errno); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ssize_t bytes_written = write(pager->file_descriptor, pager->pages[page_num], PAGE_SIZE); if (bytes_written == -1) { printf("Error writing: %d\n", errno); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void db_close(Table* table) { Pager* pager = table->pager; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pager->num_pages; i++) { if (pager->pages[i] == NULL) { continue; } pager_flush(pager, i); free(pager->pages[i]); pager->pages[i] = NULL; } int result = close(pager->file_descriptor); if (result == -1) { printf("Error closing db file.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for(uint32_t i = 0; i < TABLE_MAX_PAGES; i++) { void* page = pager->pages[i]; if (page) { free(page); pager->pages[i] = NULL; } } free(pager); } MetaCommandResult do_meta_command(InputBuffer* input_buffer, Table* table) { if (strcmp(input_buffer->buffer, ".exit") == 0) { db_close(table); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if (strcmp(input_buffer->buffer, ".btree") == 0){ printf("Tree:\n"); print_tree(table->pager, 0, 0); return META_COMMAND_SUCCESS; } else if (strcmp(input_buffer->buffer, ".constants") == 0) { printf("Constants:\n"); print_constants(); return META_COMMAND_SUCCESS; } else { return META_COMMAND_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND; } } PrepareResult prepare_insert(InputBuffer* input_buffer, Statement* statement) { statement->type = STATEMENT_INSERT; char* keyword = strtok(input_buffer->buffer, " "); char* id_string = strtok(NULL, " "); char* username = strtok(NULL, " "); char* email = strtok(NULL, " "); if (id_string == NULL || username == NULL || email == NULL) { return PREPARE_SYNTAX_ERROR; } int id = atoi(id_string); if (id < 0) { return PREPARE_NEGATIVE_ID; } if (strlen(username) > COLUMN_USERNAME_SIZE) { return PREPARE_STRING_TOO_LONG; } if (strlen(email) > COLUMN_EMAIL_SIZE) { return PREPARE_STRING_TOO_LONG; } statement->row_to_insert.id = id; strcpy(statement->row_to_insert.username, username); strcpy(statement->row_to_insert.email, email); return PREPARE_SUCCESS; } PrepareResult prepare_statement(InputBuffer* input_buffer, Statement* statement) { if (strncmp(input_buffer->buffer, "insert", 6) == 0) { return prepare_insert(input_buffer, statement); } if (strncmp(input_buffer->buffer, "select", 6) == 0) { statement->type = STATEMENT_SELECT; return PREPARE_SUCCESS; } return PREPARE_UNRECOGNIZED_STATEMENT; } /* * Until we start recycling free pages, new pages will always * go onto the end of the database file */ uint32_t get_unused_page_num(Pager * pager) { return pager->num_pages; } void create_new_root(Table* table, uint32_t right_child_page_num) { /* * Handle splitting the root. * Old root copied to new page, becomes left child. * Address of right child passed in. * Re-initialize root page to contain the new root node. * New root points to two children. */ void* root = get_page(table->pager, table->root_page_num); void* right_child = get_page(table->pager, right_child_page_num); uint32_t left_child_page_num = get_unused_page_num(table->pager); void* left_child = get_page(table->pager, left_child_page_num); /* Left child has data copied from old root */ memcpy(left_child, root, PAGE_SIZE); set_node_root(left_child, false); /* Root node is a new internal node with one key and two children */ initialize_internal_node(root); set_node_root(root, true); *internal_node_num_keys(root) = 1; *internal_node_child(root, 0) = left_child_page_num; uint32_t left_child_max_key = get_node_max_key(left_child); *internal_node_key(root, 0) = left_child_max_key; *internal_node_right_child(root) = right_child_page_num; *node_parent(left_child) = table->root_page_num; *node_parent(right_child) = table->root_page_num; } void internal_node_insert(Table* table, uint32_t parent_page_num, uint32_t child_page_num) { /* * Add a new child/key pair to parent that corresponds to child */ void* parent = get_page(table->pager, parent_page_num); void* child = get_page(table->pager, child_page_num); uint32_t child_max_key = get_node_max_key(child); uint32_t index = internal_node_find_child(parent, child_max_key); uint32_t original_num_keys = *internal_node_num_keys(parent); *internal_node_num_keys(parent) = original_num_keys + 1; if (original_num_keys >= INTERNAL_NODE_MAX_CELLS) { printf("Need to implement splitting internal node\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } uint32_t right_child_page_num = *internal_node_right_child(parent); void* right_child = get_page(table->pager, right_child_page_num); if (child_max_key > get_node_max_key(right_child)) { /* Replace right child */ *internal_node_child(parent, original_num_keys) = right_child_page_num; *internal_node_key(parent, original_num_keys) = get_node_max_key(right_child); *internal_node_right_child(parent) = child_page_num; } else { /* Make room for new cell */ for (uint32_t i = original_num_keys; i > index; i--) { void* destination = internal_node_cell(parent, i); void* source = internal_node_cell(parent, i - 1); memcpy(destination, source, INTERNAL_NODE_CELL_SIZE); } *internal_node_child(parent, index) = child_page_num; *internal_node_key(parent, index) = child_max_key; } } void update_internal_node_key(void* node, uint32_t old_key, uint32_t new_key) { uint32_t old_child_index = internal_node_find_child(node, old_key); *internal_node_key(node, old_child_index) = new_key; } void leaf_node_split_and_insert(Cursor* cursor, uint32_t key, Row* value) { /* * Create a new node and move half the cells over. * Insert the new value in one of the two nodes. * Update parent or create a new parent. */ void* old_node = get_page(cursor->table->pager, cursor->page_num); uint32_t old_max = get_node_max_key(old_node); uint32_t new_page_num = get_unused_page_num(cursor->table->pager); void* new_node = get_page(cursor->table->pager, new_page_num); initialize_leaf_node(new_node); *node_parent(new_node) = *node_parent(old_node); *leaf_node_next_leaf(new_node) = *leaf_node_next_leaf(old_node); *leaf_node_next_leaf(old_node) = new_page_num; /* * All existing keys plus new key should be divided * evenly between old (left) and new (right) nodes. * Starting from the right, move each key to correct position. */ for (int32_t i = LEAF_NODE_MAX_CELLS; i >= 0; i--) { void* destination_node; if (i >+ LEAF_NODE_LEFT_SPLIT_COUNT) { destination_node = new_node; } else { destination_node = old_node; } uint32_t index_within_node = i % LEAF_NODE_LEFT_SPLIT_COUNT; void* destination = leaf_node_cell(destination_node, index_within_node); if (i == cursor->cell_num) { serialize_row(value, leaf_node_value(destination_node, index_within_node)); *leaf_node_key(destination_node, index_within_node) = key; } else if (i > cursor->cell_num) { memcpy(destination, leaf_node_cell(old_node, i - 1), LEAF_NODE_CELL_SIZE); } else { memcpy(destination, leaf_node_cell(old_node, i), LEAF_NODE_CELL_SIZE); } } /* Update cell count on both leaf nodes */ *(leaf_node_num_cells(old_node)) = LEAF_NODE_LEFT_SPLIT_COUNT; *(leaf_node_num_cells(new_node)) = LEAF_NODE_RIGHT_SPLIT_COUNT; if (is_node_root(old_node)) { return create_new_root(cursor->table, new_page_num); } else { uint32_t parent_page_num = *node_parent(old_node); uint32_t new_max = get_node_max_key(old_node); void* parent = get_page(cursor->table->pager, parent_page_num); update_internal_node_key(parent, old_max, new_max); internal_node_insert(cursor->table, parent_page_num, new_page_num); return; } } void leaf_node_insert(Cursor* cursor, uint32_t key, Row* value) { void* node = get_page(cursor->table->pager, cursor->page_num); uint32_t num_cells = *leaf_node_num_cells(node); if (num_cells >= LEAF_NODE_MAX_CELLS) { // Node full leaf_node_split_and_insert(cursor, key, value); return; } if (cursor->cell_num < num_cells) { // Make room for new cell for (uint32_t i = num_cells; i > cursor->cell_num; i--) { memcpy(leaf_node_cell(node, i), leaf_node_cell(node, i - 1), LEAF_NODE_CELL_SIZE); } *(leaf_node_num_cells(node)) += 1; *(leaf_node_key(node, cursor->cell_num)) = key; serialize_row(value, leaf_node_value(node, cursor->cell_num)); } } ExecuteResult execute_insert(Statement* statement, Table* table) { void* node = get_page(table->pager, table->root_page_num); uint32_t num_cells = (*leaf_node_num_cells(node)); Row* row_to_insert = &(statement->row_to_insert); uint32_t key_to_insert = row_to_insert->id; Cursor* cursor = table_find(table, key_to_insert); if (cursor->cell_num < num_cells) { uint32_t key_at_index = *leaf_node_key(node, cursor->cell_num); if (key_at_index == key_to_insert) { return EXECUTE_DUPLICATE_KEY; } } leaf_node_insert(cursor, row_to_insert->id, row_to_insert); free(cursor); return EXECUTE_SUCCESS; } ExecuteResult execute_select(Statement* statement, Table* table) { Cursor* cursor = table_start(table); Row row; while (!(cursor->end_of_table)) { deserialize_row(cursor_value(cursor), &row); print_row(&row); cursor_advance(cursor); } free(cursor); return EXECUTE_SUCCESS; } ExecuteResult execute_statement(Statement* statement, Table* table) { switch(statement->type) { case (STATEMENT_INSERT): return execute_insert(statement, table); case (STATEMENT_SELECT): return execute_select(statement, table); } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { printf("Must supply a database filename\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } char* filename = argv[1]; Table* table = db_open(filename); InputBuffer* input_buffer = new_input_buffer(); while (true) { print_prompt(); read_input(input_buffer); if (input_buffer->buffer[0] == '.') { switch (do_meta_command(input_buffer, table)) { case (META_COMMAND_SUCCESS): continue; case (META_COMMAND_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND): printf("Unrecognized command '%s'\n", input_buffer->buffer); continue; } } Statement statement; switch(prepare_statement(input_buffer, &statement)) { case (PREPARE_SUCCESS): break; case (PREPARE_NEGATIVE_ID): printf("ID must be positive.\n"); continue; case (PREPARE_STRING_TOO_LONG): printf("String is too long.\n"); continue; case (PREPARE_SYNTAX_ERROR): printf("Syntax error. Could not parse statement.\n"); continue; case (PREPARE_UNRECOGNIZED_STATEMENT): printf("Unrecognized keyword at start of '%s'.\n", input_buffer->buffer); continue; } switch(execute_statement(&statement, table)) { case (EXECUTE_SUCCESS): printf("Executed.\n"); break; case (EXECUTE_DUPLICATE_KEY): printf("Error: Duplicate key.\n"); break; case (EXECUTE_TABLE_FULL): printf("Error: Table full.\n"); break; } } }