use std::collections::HashSet; use super::common::MapChunk; use crate::Map; pub struct Solver { constraints: Vec, chunk_size: i32, chunks: Vec>, chunks_x: usize, chunks_y: usize, remaining: Vec<(usize, i32)>, // (index, # of neighbors) pub possible: bool, } impl Solver { pub fn new(constraints: Vec, chunk_size: i32, map: &Map) -> Solver { let chunks_x = (map.width / chunk_size) as usize; let chunks_y = (map.height / chunk_size) as usize; let mut remaining: Vec<(usize, i32)> = Vec::new(); for i in 0..(chunks_x * chunks_y) { remaining.push((i, 0)); } Solver { constraints, chunk_size, chunks: vec![None; chunks_x * chunks_y], chunks_x, chunks_y, remaining, possible: true, } } fn chunk_idx(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> usize { ((y * self.chunks_x) + x) as usize } fn count_neighbors(&self, chunk_x: usize, chunk_y: usize) -> i32 { let mut neighbors = 0; if chunk_x > 0 { let left_idx = self.chunk_idx(chunk_x - 1, chunk_y); if self.chunks[left_idx].is_some() { neighbors += 1; } } if chunk_x < self.chunks_x - 1 { let right_idx = self.chunk_idx(chunk_x + 1, chunk_y); if self.chunks[right_idx].is_some() { neighbors += 1; } } if chunk_y > 0 { let up_idx = self.chunk_idx(chunk_x, chunk_y - 1); if self.chunks[up_idx].is_some() { neighbors += 1; } } if chunk_y < self.chunks_y - 1 { let down_idx = self.chunk_idx(chunk_x, chunk_y + 1); if self.chunks[down_idx].is_some() { neighbors += 1; } } neighbors } pub fn iteration(&mut self, map: &mut Map, rng: &mut rltk::RandomNumberGenerator) -> bool { if self.remaining.is_empty() { return true; } // Populate the neighbor count of the remaining list let mut remain_copy = self.remaining.clone(); let mut neighbors_exist = false; for r in remain_copy.iter_mut() { let idx = r.0; let chunk_x = idx % self.chunks_x; let chunk_y = idx / self.chunks_x; let neighbor_count = self.count_neighbors(chunk_x, chunk_y); if neighbor_count > 0 { neighbors_exist = true; } *r = (r.0, neighbor_count); } remain_copy.sort_by(|a, b| b.1.cmp(&a.1)); self.remaining = remain_copy; // Pick a random chunk we haven't dealt with yet and get its index, remove from remaining list let remaining_index = if !neighbors_exist { (rng.roll_dice(1, self.remaining.len() as i32) - 1) as usize } else { 0_usize }; let chunk_index = self.remaining[remaining_index].0; self.remaining.remove(remaining_index); let chunk_x = chunk_index % self.chunks_x; let chunk_y = chunk_index / self.chunks_x; let mut neighbors = 0; let mut options: Vec> = Vec::new(); if chunk_x > 0 { let left_idx = self.chunk_idx(chunk_x - 1, chunk_y); match self.chunks[left_idx] { None => {} Some(nt) => { neighbors += 1; options.push(self.constraints[nt].compatible_with[3].clone()); } } } if chunk_x < self.chunks_x - 1 { let right_idx = self.chunk_idx(chunk_x + 1, chunk_y); match self.chunks[right_idx] { None => {} Some(nt) => { neighbors += 1; options.push(self.constraints[nt].compatible_with[2].clone()); } } } if chunk_y > 0 { let up_idx = self.chunk_idx(chunk_x, chunk_y - 1); match self.chunks[up_idx] { None => {} Some(nt) => { neighbors += 1; options.push(self.constraints[nt].compatible_with[1].clone()); } } } if chunk_y < self.chunks_y - 1 { let down_idx = self.chunk_idx(chunk_x, chunk_y + 1); match self.chunks[down_idx] { None => {} Some(nt) => { neighbors += 1; options.push(self.constraints[nt].compatible_with[0].clone()); } } } if neighbors == 0 { // There is nothing nearby, so we can have anything! let new_chunk_idx = (rng.roll_dice(1, self.constraints.len() as i32) - 1) as usize; self.chunks[chunk_index] = Some(new_chunk_idx); let left_x = chunk_x as i32 * self.chunk_size; let right_x = (chunk_x + 1) as i32 * self.chunk_size; let top_y = chunk_y as i32 * self.chunk_size; let bottom_y = (chunk_y + 1) as i32 * self.chunk_size; let mut i = 0_usize; for y in top_y..bottom_y { for x in left_x..right_x { let mapidx = map.xy_idx(x, y); let tile = self.constraints[new_chunk_idx].pattern[i]; map.tiles[mapidx] = tile; i += 1; } } } else { // There are neighbors, so we try to be compatible with them let mut options_to_check: HashSet = HashSet::new(); for o in options.iter() { for i in o.iter() { options_to_check.insert(*i); } } let mut possible_options: Vec = Vec::new(); for new_chunk_idx in options_to_check.iter() { let mut possible = true; for o in options.iter() { if !o.contains(new_chunk_idx) { possible = false; } } if possible { possible_options.push(*new_chunk_idx); } } if possible_options.is_empty() { rltk::console::log("Oh no! It's not possible!"); self.possible = false; return true; } let new_chunk_idx = if possible_options.len() == 1 { 0 } else { rng.roll_dice(1, possible_options.len() as i32) - 1 }; self.chunks[chunk_index] = Some(new_chunk_idx as usize); let left_x = chunk_x as i32 * self.chunk_size; let right_x = (chunk_x + 1) as i32 * self.chunk_size; let top_y = chunk_y as i32 * self.chunk_size; let bottom_y = (chunk_y + 1) as i32 * self.chunk_size; let mut i = 0_usize; for y in top_y..bottom_y { for x in left_x..right_x { let mapidx = map.xy_idx(x, y); let tile = self.constraints[new_chunk_idx as usize].pattern[i]; map.tiles[mapidx] = tile; i += 1; } } } false } }