use ::rltk::RandomNumberGenerator; use ::specs::prelude::*; use crate::components::{ AreaOfEffect, Equipped, InBackpack, LootTable, Name, OnDeath, Player, Pools, Position, }; use crate::effects::*; use crate::raws::{self, SpawnType, RAWS}; use crate::{colors, gamelog, Map, RunState}; pub fn delete_the_dead(ecs: &mut World) { let mut dead: Vec = Vec::new(); // Scope for the sake of the borrow checker { let combat_stats = ecs.read_storage::(); let players = ecs.read_storage::(); let names = ecs.read_storage::(); let entities = ecs.entities(); for (entity, stats) in (&entities, &combat_stats).join() { if stats.hit_points.current < 1 { match players.get(entity) { None => { if let Some(victim_name) = names.get(entity) { gamelog::color_line(colors::RED, & .append("is dead!") .log(); } dead.push(entity) } Some(_) => { let mut runstate = ecs.write_resource::(); *runstate = RunState::GameOver; } } } } } // Drop everything held by dead people let mut to_spawn: Vec<(String, Position)> = Vec::new(); { // To avoid hold of borrowed entires, use a scope let mut to_drop: Vec<(Entity, Position)> = Vec::new(); let entities = ecs.entities(); let mut equipped = ecs.write_storage::(); let mut carried = ecs.write_storage::(); let mut positions = ecs.write_storage::(); let loot_tables = ecs.read_storage::(); let mut rng = ecs.write_resource::(); for victim in dead.iter() { let pos = positions.get(*victim); for (entity, equipped) in (&entities, &equipped).join() { if equipped.owner == *victim { // Drop their stuff if let Some(pos) = pos { to_drop.push((entity, *pos)); } } } for (entity, backpack) in (&entities, &carried).join() { if backpack.owner == *victim { // Drop their stuff if let Some(pos) = pos { to_drop.push((entity, *pos)); } } } if let Some(table) = loot_tables.get(*victim) { let drop_finder = raws::get_item_drop(&crate::raws::RAWS.lock().unwrap(), &mut rng, &table.table); if let Some(tag) = drop_finder { if let Some(pos) = pos { to_spawn.push((tag, *pos)); } } } } for drop in to_drop.iter() { equipped.remove(drop.0); carried.remove(drop.0); positions .insert(drop.0, drop.1) .expect("Unable to insert position"); } } { for drop in to_spawn.iter() { raws::spawn_named_item( &RAWS.lock().unwrap(), ecs, &drop.0, SpawnType::AtPosition { x: drop.1.x, y: drop.1.y, }, ); } } // Fire death events for victim in dead.iter() { let death_effects = ecs.read_storage::(); if let Some(death_effect) = death_effects.get(*victim) { let mut rng = ecs.fetch_mut::(); for effect in death_effect.abilities.iter() { if rng.roll_dice(1, 100) <= (effect.chance * 100.0) as i32 { let map = ecs.fetch::(); if let Some(pos) = ecs.read_storage::().get(*victim) { let spell_entity = crate::raws::find_spell_entity(ecs, &effect.spell).unwrap(); let tile_idx = map.xy_idx(pos.x, pos.y); let target = if let Some(aoe) = ecs.read_storage::().get(spell_entity) { Targets::Tiles { tiles: aoe_tiles(&map, rltk::Point::new(pos.x, pos.y), aoe.radius), } } else { Targets::Tile { tile_idx: tile_idx as i32, } }; add_effect( None, EffectType::SpellUse { spell: crate::raws::find_spell_entity(ecs, &effect.spell).unwrap(), }, target, ); } } } } } for victim in dead { ecs.delete_entity(victim) .expect("Unable to delete the dead"); } }