# Rust Roguelike A rogue-like game, implemented in Rust, with the `specs` ECS library, and `rltk` roguelike toolkit. ## Rust Setup Follow the instructions on the [Getting Started](https://www.rust-lang.org/learn/get-started) page of the Rust language website.You should then have `rustup` and `cargo` available in your terminal. If you want to run on a Raspberry Pi, or via WebAseembly, you will also need `make`. ## Running the game `cargo run` or `make run` ### Running the game (Raspberry Pi) `make run-pi` ## WebAssembly Build * Install the WebAssembly target via rustup: `rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown` * Install `wasm-bindgen`: `cargo install wasm-bindgen-cli` * Run `make build-wasm` * Serve the `wasm` folder with a web server (wasm will not work straight from the html file) ## Makefile If you want to see what else you can run with Makefile, run `make help`. This will list commands and what they do.