use ::bracket_lib::prelude::*; use super::{append_entry, LogFragment}; use crate::colors; /// The game log builder - builds one line at a time pub struct Logger { current_color: RGB, fragments: Vec, } /// Convenience method to create a new [`Logger`] and /// immediately append text pub fn line(text: T) -> Logger { Logger::new().append(text) } /// Convenience method to create a new [`Logger`] and /// immediately append text of the given color pub fn color_line(color: RGB, text: T) -> Logger { Logger::new().append_color(color, text) } /// Convenience function to log a simple line of white text pub fn log_line(text: T) { line(text).log(); } /// Convenience function to log a line of one color pub fn log_color_line(color: RGB, text: T) { color_line(color, text).log(); } impl Logger { pub fn new() -> Self { Logger { current_color: colors::WHITE, fragments: Vec::new(), } } /// Sets the color of text to be added to the current line #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn color(mut self, color: RGB) -> Self { self.current_color = color; self } /// Appends text to the current line of the game log. /// Generic on the [`ToString`] trait so that [`&str`], [`String`], /// and `&String` types, all work without more type juggling /// at the call site. pub fn append(mut self, text: T) -> Self { self.fragments.push(LogFragment { color: self.current_color, text: text.to_string(), }); self } pub fn npc_name(mut self, text: T) -> Self { self.fragments.push(LogFragment { color: colors::YELLOW, text: text.to_string(), }); self } pub fn item_name(mut self, text: T) -> Self { self.fragments.push(LogFragment { color: colors::CYAN, text: text.to_string(), }); self } pub fn damage(mut self, damage: i32) -> Self { self.fragments.push(LogFragment { color: colors::RED, text: format!("{}", damage), }); self } /// Convenience method to append text with a new color pub fn append_color(mut self, color: RGB, text: T) -> Self { self.fragments.push(LogFragment { color, text: text.to_string(), }); self } /// Append the current line to the log output pub fn log(self) { append_entry(self.fragments); } }