Fork 0

Generate map with cellular automata, completes section 4.5

This commit is contained in:
Timothy Warren 2021-12-03 15:55:07 -05:00
parent e8c03b9536
commit 545deb24d8
4 changed files with 266 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use specs::prelude::*;
use specs::saveload::{ConvertSaveload, Marker};
use specs_derive::*;
#[derive(Component, ConvertSaveload, Copy, Clone)]
#[derive(Component, ConvertSaveload, Default, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Position {
pub x: i32,
pub y: i32,

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@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
use super::MapBuilder;
use crate::{components::Position, spawner, Map, TileType, SHOW_MAPGEN_VISUALIZER};
use rltk::RandomNumberGenerator;
use specs::prelude::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub struct CellularAutomataBuilder {
map: Map,
starting_position: Position,
depth: i32,
history: Vec<Map>,
noise_areas: HashMap<i32, Vec<usize>>,
impl MapBuilder for CellularAutomataBuilder {
fn build_map(&mut self) {
fn spawn_entities(&mut self, ecs: &mut World) {
for area in self.noise_areas.iter() {
spawner::spawn_region(ecs, area.1, self.depth);
fn get_map(&self) -> Map {
fn get_starting_position(&self) -> Position {
fn get_snapshot_history(&self) -> Vec<Map> {
fn take_snapshot(&mut self) {
let mut snapshot = self.map.clone();
for v in snapshot.revealed_tiles.iter_mut() {
*v = true;
impl CellularAutomataBuilder {
pub fn new(new_depth: i32) -> CellularAutomataBuilder {
CellularAutomataBuilder {
map: Map::new(new_depth),
starting_position: Position::default(),
depth: new_depth,
history: Vec::new(),
noise_areas: HashMap::new(),
fn build(&mut self) {
let mut rng = RandomNumberGenerator::new();
// First we completely randomize the map, setting 55% of it to be floor.
for y in 1..self.map.height - 1 {
for x in 1..self.map.width - 1 {
let roll = rng.roll_dice(1, 100);
let idx = self.map.xy_idx(x, y);
if roll > 55 {
self.map.tiles[idx] = TileType::Floor
} else {
self.map.tiles[idx] = TileType::Wall
// Now we iteratively apply cellular automata rules
for _i in 0..15 {
let mut newtiles = self.map.tiles.clone();
for y in 1..self.map.height - 1 {
for x in 1..self.map.width - 1 {
let idx = self.map.xy_idx(x, y);
let mut neighbors = 0;
if self.map.tiles[idx - 1] == TileType::Wall {
neighbors += 1;
if self.map.tiles[idx + 1] == TileType::Wall {
neighbors += 1;
if self.map.tiles[idx - self.map.width as usize] == TileType::Wall {
neighbors += 1;
if self.map.tiles[idx + self.map.width as usize] == TileType::Wall {
neighbors += 1;
if self.map.tiles[idx - (self.map.width as usize - 1)] == TileType::Wall {
neighbors += 1;
if self.map.tiles[idx - (self.map.width as usize + 1)] == TileType::Wall {
neighbors += 1;
if self.map.tiles[idx + (self.map.width as usize - 1)] == TileType::Wall {
neighbors += 1;
if self.map.tiles[idx + (self.map.width as usize + 1)] == TileType::Wall {
neighbors += 1;
if neighbors > 4 || neighbors == 0 {
newtiles[idx] = TileType::Wall;
} else {
newtiles[idx] = TileType::Floor;
self.map.tiles = newtiles.clone();
// Find a starting point; start at the middle and walk left until we find an open tile
self.starting_position = Position {
x: self.map.width / 2,
y: self.map.height / 2,
let mut start_idx = self
.xy_idx(self.starting_position.x, self.starting_position.y);
while self.map.tiles[start_idx] != TileType::Floor {
self.starting_position.x -= 1;
start_idx = self
.xy_idx(self.starting_position.x, self.starting_position.y)
// Find all tiles we can reach from the starting point
let map_starts: Vec<usize> = vec![start_idx];
let dijkstra_map = rltk::DijkstraMap::new(
let mut exit_tile = (0, 0.0f32);
for (i, tile) in self.map.tiles.iter_mut().enumerate() {
if *tile == TileType::Floor {
let distance_to_start = dijkstra_map.map[i];
// We can't get to this tile - so we'll make it a wall
if distance_to_start == f32::MAX {
*tile = TileType::Wall;
} else {
// If it is further away than our current exit candidate, move the exit
if distance_to_start > exit_tile.1 {
exit_tile.0 = i;
exit_tile.1 = distance_to_start;
// Place the stairs
self.map.tiles[exit_tile.0] = TileType::DownStairs;
// Now we build a noise map for use in spawning entities later
let mut noise = rltk::FastNoise::seeded(rng.roll_dice(1, 65536) as u64);
for y in 1..self.map.height - 1 {
for x in 1..self.map.width - 1 {
let idx = self.map.xy_idx(x, y);
if self.map.tiles[idx] == TileType::Floor {
let cell_value_f = noise.get_noise(x as f32, y as f32) * 10240.0;
let cell_value = cell_value_f as i32;
if self.noise_areas.contains_key(&cell_value) {
} else {
self.noise_areas.insert(cell_value, vec![idx]);

View File

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
mod bsp_dungeon;
mod bsp_interior;
mod cellular_automata;
mod common;
mod simple_map;
use crate::{Map, Position};
use bsp_dungeon::BspDungeonBuilder;
use bsp_interior::BspInteriorBuilder;
use cellular_automata::CellularAutomataBuilder;
use common::*;
use simple_map::SimpleMapBuilder;
use specs::prelude::*;
@ -21,9 +23,10 @@ pub trait MapBuilder {
pub fn random_builder(new_depth: i32) -> Box<dyn MapBuilder> {
let mut rng = rltk::RandomNumberGenerator::new();
match rng.roll_dice(1, 3) {
match rng.roll_dice(1, 4) {
1 => Box::new(BspDungeonBuilder::new(new_depth)),
2 => Box::new(BspInteriorBuilder::new(new_depth)),
3 => Box::new(CellularAutomataBuilder::new(new_depth)),
_ => Box::new(SimpleMapBuilder::new(new_depth)),

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use crate::components::*;
use crate::{map::MAP_WIDTH, random_table::RandomTable, Rect};
use crate::{map::MAP_WIDTH, random_table::RandomTable, Map, Rect, TileType};
use rltk::{RandomNumberGenerator, RGB};
use specs::prelude::*;
use specs::saveload::{MarkedBuilder, SimpleMarker};
@ -57,54 +57,79 @@ fn room_table(map_depth: i32) -> RandomTable {
/// fills a room with stuff!
pub fn spawn_room(ecs: &mut World, room: &Rect, map_depth: i32) {
let spawn_table = room_table(map_depth);
let mut spawn_points: HashMap<usize, String> = HashMap::new();
let mut possible_targets: Vec<usize> = Vec::new();
// Scope to keep the borrow checker happy
// Borrow scope - to keep access to the map separated
let mut rng = ecs.write_resource::<RandomNumberGenerator>();
let num_spawns = rng.roll_dice(1, MAX_MONSTERS + 3) + (map_depth - 1) - 3;
for _i in 0..num_spawns {
let mut added = false;
let mut tries = 0;
while !added && tries < 20 {
let x = (room.x1 + rng.roll_dice(1, i32::abs(room.x2 - room.x1))) as usize;
let y = (room.y1 + rng.roll_dice(1, i32::abs(room.y2 - room.y1))) as usize;
let idx = (y * MAP_WIDTH) + x;
if !spawn_points.contains_key(&idx) {
spawn_points.insert(idx, spawn_table.roll(&mut rng));
added = true;
} else {
tries += 1;
let map = ecs.fetch::<Map>();
for y in room.y1 + 1..room.y2 {
for x in room.x1 + 1..room.x2 {
let idx = map.xy_idx(x, y);
if map.tiles[idx] == TileType::Floor {
// Actually spawn stuff
for spawn in spawn_points.iter() {
let x = (*spawn.0 % MAP_WIDTH) as i32;
let y = (*spawn.0 / MAP_WIDTH) as i32;
spawn_region(ecs, &possible_targets, map_depth);
match spawn.1.as_ref() {
"Goblin" => goblin(ecs, x, y),
"Orc" => orc(ecs, x, y),
"Health Potion" => health_potion(ecs, x, y),
"Fireball Scroll" => fireball_scroll(ecs, x, y),
"Confusion Scroll" => confusion_scroll(ecs, x, y),
"Magic Missile Scroll" => magic_missile_scroll(ecs, x, y),
"Dagger" => dagger(ecs, x, y),
"Shield" => shield(ecs, x, y),
"Longsword" => longsword(ecs, x, y),
"Tower Shield" => tower_shield(ecs, x, y),
"Rations" => rations(ecs, x, y),
"Magic Mapping Scroll" => magic_mapping_scroll(ecs, x, y),
"Bear Trap" => bear_trap(ecs, x, y),
_ => {}
pub fn spawn_region(ecs: &mut World, area: &[usize], map_depth: i32) {
let spawn_table = room_table(map_depth);
let mut spawn_points: HashMap<usize, String> = HashMap::new();
let mut areas: Vec<usize> = Vec::from(area);
// Scope to keep the borrow checker happy
let mut rng = ecs.write_resource::<RandomNumberGenerator>();
let num_spawns = i32::min(
areas.len() as i32,
rng.roll_dice(1, MAX_MONSTERS + 3) + (map_depth - 1) - 3,
if num_spawns == 0 {
for _i in 0..num_spawns {
let array_index = if areas.len() == 1 {
} else {
(rng.roll_dice(1, areas.len() as i32) - 1) as usize
let map_idx = areas[array_index];
spawn_points.insert(map_idx, spawn_table.roll(&mut rng));
// Actually spawn the monsters
for spawn in spawn_points.iter() {
spawn_entity(ecs, &spawn);
/// Spawns a named entity (name in tuple.1) at the location in (tuple.0)
fn spawn_entity(ecs: &mut World, spawn: &(&usize, &String)) {
let x = (*spawn.0 % MAP_WIDTH) as i32;
let y = (*spawn.0 / MAP_WIDTH) as i32;
match spawn.1.as_ref() {
"Goblin" => goblin(ecs, x, y),
"Orc" => orc(ecs, x, y),
"Health Potion" => health_potion(ecs, x, y),
"Fireball Scroll" => fireball_scroll(ecs, x, y),
"Confusion Scroll" => confusion_scroll(ecs, x, y),
"Magic Missile Scroll" => magic_missile_scroll(ecs, x, y),
"Dagger" => dagger(ecs, x, y),
"Shield" => shield(ecs, x, y),
"Longsword" => longsword(ecs, x, y),
"Tower Shield" => tower_shield(ecs, x, y),
"Rations" => rations(ecs, x, y),
"Magic Mapping Scroll" => magic_mapping_scroll(ecs, x, y),
"Bear Trap" => bear_trap(ecs, x, y),
_ => {}