2022-01-18 13:26:26 -05:00

148 lines
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from __future__ import annotations
import random
from typing import Iterator, List, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING
import tcod
import entity_factories
from game_map import GameMap
import tile_types
from engine import Engine
class RectangularRoom:
def __init__(self, x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int):
self.x1 = x
self.y1 = y
self.x2 = x + width
self.y2 = y + height
def center(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
center_x = int((self.x1 + self.x2) / 2)
center_y = int((self.y1 + self.y1) / 2)
return center_x, center_y
def inner(self) -> Tuple[slice, slice]:
"""Return the inner area of this room as a 2D array index."""
return slice(self.x1 + 1, self.x2), slice(self.y1 + 1, self.y2)
def intersects(self, other: RectangularRoom) -> bool:
"""Return True if this room overlaps with another RectangularRoom."""
return (
self.x1 <= other.x2
and self.x2 >= other.x1
and self.y1 <= other.y2
and self.y2 >= other.y1
def place_entities(
room: RectangularRoom,
dungeon: GameMap,
maximum_monsters: int,
maximum_items: int,
) -> None:
number_of_monsters = random.randint(0, maximum_monsters)
number_of_items = random.randint(0, maximum_items)
for i in range(number_of_monsters):
x = random.randint(room.x1 + 1, room.x2 - 1)
y = random.randint(room.y1 + 1, room.y2 - 1)
if not any(entity.x == x and entity.y == y for entity in dungeon.entities):
if random.random() < 0.8:
entity_factories.orc.spawn(dungeon, x, y)
entity_factories.troll.spawn(dungeon, x, y)
for i in range(number_of_items):
x = random.randint(room.x1 + 1, room.x2 - 1)
y = random.randint(room.y1 + 1, room.y2 - 1)
if not any(entity.x == x and entity.y == y for entity in dungeon.entities):
item_chance = random.random()
if item_chance < 0.7:
entity_factories.health_potion.spawn(dungeon, x, y)
elif item_chance < 0.8:
entity_factories.fireball_scroll.spawn(dungeon, x, y)
elif item_chance < 0.9:
entity_factories.confusion_scroll.spawn(dungeon, x, y)
entity_factories.lightning_scroll.spawn(dungeon, x, y)
def tunnel_between(start: Tuple[int, int], end: Tuple[int, int]) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, int]]:
"""Return an L-shaped tunnel between these two points."""
x1, y1 = start
x2, y2 = end
if random.random() < 0.5: # 50% chance.
# Move horizontally, then vertically
corner_x, corner_y = x2, y1
# Move vertically, then horizontally
corner_x, corner_y = x1, y2
# Generate the coordinates for this tunnel
for x, y in tcod.los.bresenham((x1, y1), (corner_x, corner_y)).tolist():
yield x, y
for x, y in tcod.los.bresenham((corner_x, corner_y), (x2, y2)).tolist():
yield x, y
def generate_dungeon(
max_rooms: int,
room_min_size: int,
room_max_size: int,
map_width: int,
map_height: int,
max_monsters_per_room: int,
max_items_per_room: int,
engine: Engine,
) -> GameMap:
"""Generate a new dungeon map."""
player = engine.player
dungeon = GameMap(engine, map_width, map_height, entities=[player])
rooms: List[RectangularRoom] = []
for r in range(max_rooms):
room_width = random.randint(room_min_size, room_max_size)
room_height = random.randint(room_min_size, room_max_size)
x = random.randint(0, dungeon.width - room_width - 1)
y = random.randint(0, dungeon.height - room_height - 1)
# "RectangularRoom" class makes rectangles easier to work with
new_room = RectangularRoom(x, y, room_width, room_height)
# Run through the other rooms and see if they intersect with this one.
# If there are no intersections then the room is valid
if any(new_room.intersects(other_room) for other_room in rooms):
continue # This room intersects, so go to the next attempt.
# Dig out this room's inner area.
dungeon.tiles[new_room.inner] = tile_types.floor
if len(rooms) == 0:
# The first room, where the player starts.
player.place(*new_room.center, dungeon)
else: # All rooms after the first.
# Dig out a tunnel between this room and the previous one
for x, y in tunnel_between(rooms[-1].center, new_room.center):
dungeon.tiles[x, y] = tile_types.floor
place_entities(new_room, dungeon, max_monsters_per_room, max_items_per_room)
# Finally, append the new room to the list.
return dungeon