from __future__ import annotations from typing import overload, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING import color import exceptions if TYPE_CHECKING: from engine import Engine from entity import Actor, Entity, Item class Action: def __init__(self, entity: Actor) -> None: super().__init__() self.entity = entity @property def engine(self) -> Engine: """Return the engine this action belongs to.""" return self.entity.gamemap.engine @overload def perform(self) -> None: """Perform this action with the objects needed to determine its scope. `self.engine` is the scope this action is being performed in. `self.entity` is the object performing the action. This method must be overwritten by Action subclasses. """ class PickupAction(Action): """Pickup an item and add it to the inventory, if there is room for it.""" def __init__(self, entity: Actor): super().__init__(entity) def perform(self) -> None: actor_location_x = self.entity.x actor_location_y = self.entity.y inventory = self.entity.inventory for item in self.engine.game_map.items: if actor_location_x == item.x and actor_location_y == item.y: if len(inventory.items) >= inventory.capacity: raise exceptions.Impossible("Your inventory is full.") self.engine.game_map.entities.remove(item) item.parent = self.entity.inventory inventory.items.append(item) self.engine.message_log.add_message(f"You picked up the {}!") return raise exceptions.Impossible("There is nothing here to pick up.") class ItemAction(Action): def __init__( self, entity: Actor, item: Item, target_xy: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None ): super().__init__(entity) self.item = item if not target_xy: target_xy = entity.x, entity.y self.target_xy = target_xy @property def target_actor(self) -> Optional[Actor]: """Return the actor at this action's destination.""" return self.engine.game_map.get_actor_at_location(*self.target_xy) def perform(self) -> None: """Invoke the item's ability, this action will be given to provide context.""" self.item.consumable.activate(self) class EscapeAction(Action): def perform(self) -> None: raise SystemExit() class WaitAction(Action): def perform(self) -> None: pass class ActionWithDirection(Action): def __init__(self, entity: Actor, dx: int, dy: int): super().__init__(entity) self.dx = dx self.dy = dy @property def dest_xy(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Returns this action's destination.""" return self.entity.x + self.dx, self.entity.y + self.dy @property def blocking_entity(self) -> Optional[Entity]: """Return the blocking entity at this action's destination.""" return self.engine.game_map.get_blocking_entity_at_location(*self.dest_xy) @property def target_actor(self) -> Optional[Actor]: """Return the actor at this action's destination.""" return self.engine.game_map.get_actor_at_location(*self.dest_xy) class MeleeAction(ActionWithDirection): def perform(self) -> None: target = self.target_actor if not target: raise exceptions.Impossible("Nothing to attack.") damage = self.entity.fighter.power - target.fighter.defense attack_desc = f"{} attacks {}" if self.entity is self.engine.player: attack_color = color.player_atk else: attack_color = color.enemy_atk if damage > 0: self.engine.message_log.add_message( f"{attack_desc} for {damage} hit points.", attack_color, ) target.fighter.hp -= damage else: self.engine.message_log.add_message( f"{attack_desc} but does no damage.", attack_color, ) class MovementAction(ActionWithDirection): def perform(self) -> None: dest_x, dest_y = self.dest_xy if not self.engine.game_map.in_bounds(dest_x, dest_y): # Destination is out of bounds raise exceptions.Impossible("That way is blocked.") if not self.engine.game_map.tiles["walkable"][dest_x, dest_y]: # Destination is blocked by a tile. raise exceptions.Impossible("That way is blocked.") if self.engine.game_map.get_blocking_entity_at_location(dest_x, dest_y): # Destination is blocked by an entity. raise exceptions.Impossible("That way is blocked.") self.entity.move(self.dx, self.dy) class BumpAction(ActionWithDirection): def perform(self) -> None: if self.target_actor: return MeleeAction(self.entity, self.dx, self.dy).perform() else: return MovementAction(self.entity, self.dx, self.dy).perform()