program simple_types; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} const pName='simple_types'; tab=#9; var smallInteger: SmallInt= -37; started: boolean = false; begin WriteLn('This program is called ', tab, tab, '"', pName, '"', sLineBreak); WriteLn('When initalised smallInteger has the value: ', smallInteger); WriteLn('When initialized started has the value: ', started, sLineBreak); smallInteger += 100; WriteLn('After adding 100 to smallInteger its value is: ', smallInteger); started:= not started; WriteLn('Negating started gives it the new value: ', started, sLineBreak); WriteLn('The highest value a SmallInt can store is: ', High(SmallInt)); WriteLn('The lowest value a SmallInt can store is: ', Low(SmallInt)); {$IFDEF WINDOWS} readln; {$ENDIF} end.