'group', //'user' => 'user', //'user_group' => 'user_group' ); public function __construct($name = NULL, array $data = array(), $dataName = '') { parent::__construct($name, $data, $dataName); } public function setUp() { parent::tearDown(); parent::setUp(); /* * this is an example of how you would load a product model, * load fixture data into the test database (assuming you have the fixture yaml files filled with data for your tables), * and use the fixture instance variable $this->CI->load->model('Product_model', 'pm'); $this->pm=$this->CI->pm; $this->dbfixt('users', 'products') the fixtures are now available in the database and so: $this->users_fixt; $this->products_fixt; */ } public function testProductFetching() { /* $this->assertEqual($this->products_fixt['first'], $this->pm->product(1)); */ } }