CI =& get_instance(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get User From Id * * Retrieve a user's username from their userid * @param int $user_id * @return string */ public function get_user_from_id($user_id) { $this->CI->db->select('id, username') ->from('todo_user') ->where('id', (int) $user_id); $res = $this->CI->db->get(); $row = $res->row(); return $row->username; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Crypt Pass * * Hashes passwords * @param string $password * @return string */ public function crypt_pass($password) { return password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Add Reg * * Submits a new user to the database * @return integer */ public function add_reg() { $user = $this->CI->input->post('user', TRUE); $pass = $this->crypt_pass($this->CI->input->post('pass', TRUE)); $email = $this->CI->input->post('email', TRUE); $this->CI->db->set('username', $user) ->set('password', $pass) ->set('email', $email); $this->CI->db->insert('user'); //Get affected rows $affected_rows = $this->CI->db->affected_rows(); //Get the userid of the latest user $res = $this->CI->db->select('MAX(id) as id') ->from('user') ->get(); $row = $res->row(); $this->uid = $row->id; //Add a group with the same name as the user $this->CI->db->set('name', $user) ->insert('group'); //Get the groupid of the latest group $res2 = $this->CI->db->select('MAX(id) as id') ->from('group') ->get(); $row = $res2->row(); $g_id = $row->id; //Set that user as the admin of that group $this->CI->db->set('group_id', $g_id) ->set('user_id', $this->uid) ->set('is_admin', 1) ->insert('group_users_link'); //Return affected rows return $affected_rows; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get Categories * * Retrieves list of category types from the database * @return array */ public function get_category_list() { $user_group_id = $this->get_user_group(); $cat = $this->CI->db->select('id,title,description,group_id') ->from('category') ->where('group_id', $user_group_id) ->or_where('group_id', 0) ->order_by('group_id', 'desc') ->order_by('title', 'asc') ->get(); return $cat->result_array(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get Group List * * An alias for the private get_groups method * @param int * @return array */ public function get_group_list($user_id) { return $this->get_groups($user_id); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Add Category * * Submits a new category to the database * @return bool */ public function add_category() { if($this->CI->input->post('title') == FALSE || $this->CI->input->post('desc') == FALSE) { show_error('You must put a title and description!'); return false; } $title = $this->CI->input->post('title', TRUE); $desc = $this->CI->input->post('desc', TRUE); //Check for the current category $this->CI->db->select('title') ->from('category') ->where('title', $title); $res = $this->CI->db->get(); if($res->num_rows() == 0) { //Get the current user's primary group $group_id = $this->get_user_group(); $this->CI->db->set('title', $title) ->set('description', $desc) ->set('group_id', $group_id); //Insert the new record $this->CI->db->insert('category'); $this->CI->session->flashdata('message', 'Successfully added new category.'); return true; } else { show_error('This category already exists!'); return false; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Add Group * * Submits a new group to the database * @return bool */ public function add_group() { if($this->CI->input->post('name') == FALSE) { show_error('You must have a name for your new group!'); return false; } $name = $this->CI->input->post('name'); //Add group $this->CI->db->set("name", $name)->insert('group'); //Get the groupid of the latest group $res = $this->CI->db->select('MAX(id) as id') ->from('group') ->get(); $row = $res->row(); $g_id = $row->id; //Set that user as the admin of that group $this->CI->db->set('group_id', $g_id) ->set('user_id', $this->CI->session->userdata('uid')) ->set('is_admin', 1) ->insert('group_users_link'); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get Category Select * * Generates select options for categories when adding a new task * @return string */ public function get_category_select() { $select_array = $this->get_category_list(); $html = ''; foreach($select_array as $r) { $html .= T4.''. "\n"; } return $html; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get Priority Select * * Generates select options for priorities when adding a new task * @return string */ public function get_priority_select() { $select_array = $this->get_priorities(); $html = ''; foreach($select_array as $r) { $html .= T4.''. "\n"; } return $html; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get Group Select * * Generates select options for groups when adding a friend * @param int $user_id * @return string */ public function get_group_select($user_id) { $select_array = $this->get_groups($user_id); $html = ''; foreach($select_array as $r) { $html .= T4.''. "\n"; } return $html; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Validate Pass * * Validate Password Change * @return mixed */ public function validate_pass() { $err = array(); $user = (int) $this->CI->session->userdata('uid'); $pass = $this->CI->input->post('pass'); $pass1 = $this->CI->input->post('pass1'); $old_pass = $this->CI->input->post('old_pass'); if($pass != $pass1) $err[] = "Passwords do not match."; //Check for current password in the database $user_check = $this->CI->db->select('password') ->from('user') ->where('id', $user) ->get(); $row = $user_check->row(); if ( ! password_verify($old_pass, $row->password)) { $err[] = "Wrong password"; } $res = (empty($err)) ? true : $err; if($res == TRUE) { $this->user = $user; $this->pass = $pass; } return $res; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Update Pass * * Updates user's password in the database */ public function update_pass() { $pass = $this->crypt_pass($this->pass); $this->CI->db->set('password', $pass) ->where('id', $this->user) ->update('user'); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Redirect 303 * * Shortcut function for 303 redirect * @param string $url */ public function redirect_303($url) { if (stripos($url, 'http') === FALSE) { $url = site_url($url); } $this->CI->output->set_header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"); $this->CI->output->set_header("Location:" . $url); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set Timezone * * Sets the timezone based on the user's settings * @param int $uid * @param string $timezone * @return bool */ public function set_timezone($uid, $timezone) { $this->CI->db->set('timezone', $timezone) ->where('id', $uid) ->update('user'); return ($this->CI->db->affected_rows == 1); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get Priorities * * Retreives list of priority types from the database * @return array */ public function get_priorities() { $pri = $this->CI->db->select('id,value') ->from('priority') ->order_by('id', 'asc') ->get(); return $pri->result_array(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get Groups * * Retrieves user's groups from db * @param int $user_id * @return array */ private function get_groups($user_id) { $username = $this->get_user_from_id($user_id); $groups = $this->CI->db->select(", name") ->from('group') ->join('group_users_link', ' = group_users_link.group_id', 'inner') ->where('user_id', $user_id) ->where('name !=', $username) ->where('is_admin', 1) ->order_by('name') ->get(); return $groups->result_array(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get User Account By Id * * Retrieves user's account info from db * @param int $user_id * @return array */ public function get_user_account_by_id($user_id) { $user_account = array(); //Get the user $user_query = $this->CI->db->from('user') ->where('id', (int) $user_id) ->get(); $user = $user_query->row(); $user_account['timezone'] = $user->timezone; $user_account['user'] = $user->username; $user_account['email'] = $user->email; $user_account['num_format'] = $user->num_format; return $user_account; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get User Group * * Gets the current user's primary group * @return int */ public function get_user_group() { $user_id = $this->CI->session->userdata('uid'); //Get the username $uname = $this->get_user_from_id($user_id); $group_query = $this->CI->db->select(' as group_id') ->from('group') ->where('name', $uname) ->limit(1) ->get(); $group = $group_query->row(); $group_id = $group->group_id; return $group_id; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get Friend List * * Gets the friends of the current user * @return array */ public function get_friend_list() { $user_id = $this->CI->session->userdata('uid'); //Get the current user's username $uname = $this->CI->db->select('username') ->from('user') ->where('id', $user_id) ->get(); $user_n = $uname->row(); $username = $user_n->username; //Get the list of friends $friends = $this->CI->db ->select('user_friend_id,user_friend_link.user_id as uid,user.username') ->from('todo_user_friend_link') ->join('user', ' OR', 'inner') ->where('confirmed', FRIEND_CONFIRMED) ->where('username !=', $username) ->group_start() ->where_in('todo_user_friend_link.user_id', $user_id) ->or_where_in('todo_user_friend_link.user_friend_id', $user_id) ->group_end() ->order_by('username', 'asc') ->get(); return $friends->result_array(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get Friends in Group * * Returns members of a group * @param int $group_id * @return array */ public function get_friends_in_group($group_id) { $friends = $this->CI->db ->select('user_id') ->from('group_users_link') ->where('group_id', $group_id) ->order_by('user_id') ->get(); return $friends->result_array(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Update group * * Updates a group's membership */ public function update_group() { $friends = $this->CI->input->post('friends'); $group_name = $this->CI->input->post('group_name'); $group_id = (int)$this->CI->uri->segment('3'); //Drop members in group except the creator $this->CI->db->where('group_id', $group_id) ->where('is_admin', 0) ->delete('group_users_link'); //Update the group name $this->CI->db->set('name', $group_name) ->where('id', $group_id) ->update('group'); foreach ($friends as $friend) { //Insert new friends $this->CI->db->set('group_id', $group_id) ->set('user_id', (int) $friend) ->set('is_admin', 0) ->insert('group_users_link'); } return 1; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Del group * * Deletes a friend group * @param int $group_id * @return int */ public function del_group($group_id) { //Check if the current user is group admin $is_admin = $this->CI->db->from('group_users_link') ->where('group_id', $group_id) ->where('is_admin', 1) ->get(); //The user is admin if($is_admin->num_rows() > 0) { //Delete the related records $this->CI->db->where('group_id', $group_id) ->delete('group_users_link'); $this->CI->db->where('group_id', $group_id) ->delete('group_task_link'); //Delete the group $this->CI->db->where('id', $group_id) ->delete('group'); return 1; } else { return -1; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Del Cat * * Deletes a task category * @param int $cat_id * @return int */ public function del_cat($cat_id) { //Get the user group id $gid = $this->get_user_group(); //Delete the category that matches the cat_id and gid $this->CI->db->where('group_id', $gid) ->where('id', $cat_id) ->delete('category'); if($this->CI->db->affected_rows() > 0) { return $this->CI->db->affected_rows(); } else { return -1; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get group name by id * * Gets a group name from the group id * @param int $group_id * @return string */ public function get_group_name_by_id($group_id) { $query = $this->CI->db->select('name') ->from('group') ->where('id', (int) $group_id) ->get(); $qrow = $query->row(); return $qrow->name; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Kanji Num * * Converts arabic to chinese number * @param int $orig_number * @return string */ public function kanji_num($orig_number) { $kanji_num = ''; $number = (int) $orig_number; // Return early on a zero if ($number === 0) return ZERO; // Map variables to their values and characters $meta_map = [ 100000000 => HUNDRED_MILLION, 10000 => TEN_THOUSAND, 1000 => THOUSAND, 100 => HUNDRED, 10 => TEN ]; // Map values to their kanji equivalent $char_map = [ 1 => ONE, 2 => TWO, 3 => THREE, 4 => FOUR, 5 => FIVE, 6 => SIX, 7 => SEVEN, 8 => EIGHT, 9 => NINE, ]; // Go through each place value // to get the kanji equivalent of foreach($meta_map as $value => $char) { if ($number < $value) continue; // Calculate the place value variable $place_value = floor($number / $value); // Get the remainder for the next place value; $number = $number - ($place_value * $value); // Recurse if the number is between 11,000 // and 100,000,000 to get the proper prefix, // which can be up to 9,999 if ($orig_number > 10000 && $place_value > 9) { $kanji_num .= $this->kanji_num($place_value); $place_value = 1; } // Add place value character and // place value to the output string, // skipping zero and one. A zero value // hides the place value character, and one // value is implied if there is no value // prefixing the place value character $kanji_num .= ($place_value > 1) ? $char_map[$place_value] . $char : $char; } // Add the smallest place value last, as a // one value is significant here $kanji_num .= ($number > 0) ? $char_map[$number] : ''; return $kanji_num; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get Category * * Returns a category from id * @param int $cat_id * @return array */ public function get_category($cat_id) { $cats = $this->CI->db->select('title, description') ->from('category') ->where('id', $cat_id) ->limit('1') ->get(); $cat = $cats->row_array(); return $cat; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get Friend Requests * * Retrieves number of friend requests for the current user * @return int */ public function get_friend_requests() { static $requests = NULL; if (is_null($requests)) { //Get friend requests for the current user $requests = $this->CI->db->select('user_id') ->distinct() ->from('user_friend_link') ->where('user_friend_id', $this->CI->session->userdata('uid')) ->where('confirmed', -1) ->get() ->num_rows(); } return $requests; } /** * Authenticate the user * * @return string */ public function verify_user() { $user = $this->CI->input->post('user'); $pass = $this->CI->input->post('pass'); //Check for the user in the database $uid_check = $this->CI->db->select('id, username, email, password, timezone, num_format') ->from('user') ->group_start() ->where('email', $user) ->or_where('username', $user) ->group_end() ->get(); $row = $uid_check->row(); if (password_verify($pass, $row->password)) { $this->CI->session->set_userdata('uid', $row->id); $this->CI->session->set_userdata('num_format', $row->num_format); $this->CI->session->set_userdata('username', $row->username); //Set Timezone $zone = $row->timezone; $tz_set = date_default_timezone_set($zone); if($tz_set == FALSE) display_error('Could not set timezone'); //Redirect to task list return TRUE; } else { return "Invalid username or password"; } } } // End of libraries/Todo.php