var mysql = require('../'); var Connection = require('./Connection'); var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var Util = require('util'); var PoolConnection = require('./PoolConnection'); module.exports = Pool; Util.inherits(Pool, EventEmitter); function Pool(options) {; this.config = options.config; this.config.connectionConfig.pool = this; this._allConnections = []; this._freeConnections = []; this._connectionQueue = []; this._closed = false; } Pool.prototype.getConnection = function (cb) { if (this._closed) { return process.nextTick(function(){ return cb(new Error('Pool is closed.')); }); } var connection; if (this._freeConnections.length > 0) { connection = this._freeConnections.shift(); return this.acquireConnection(connection, cb); } if (this.config.connectionLimit === 0 || this._allConnections.length < this.config.connectionLimit) { connection = new PoolConnection(this, { config: this.config.newConnectionConfig() }); this._allConnections.push(connection); return connection.connect({timeout: this.config.acquireTimeout}, function (err) { if (this._closed) { return cb(new Error('Pool is closed.')); } if (err) { return cb(err); } this.emit('connection', connection); return cb(null, connection); }.bind(this)); } if (!this.config.waitForConnections) { return process.nextTick(function(){ return cb(new Error('No connections available.')); }); } this._enqueueCallback(cb); }; Pool.prototype.acquireConnection = function acquireConnection(connection, cb) { if (connection._pool !== this) { throw new Error('Connection acquired from wrong pool.'); } var pool = this; connection._pool = null;{timeout: this.config.acquireTimeout}, function(err) { if (!err) { connection._pool = pool; cb(null, connection); return; } connection.destroy(); pool._connectionQueue.unshift(cb); pool._removeConnection(connection); }); }; Pool.prototype.releaseConnection = function releaseConnection(connection) { var cb; if (connection._pool) { if (connection._pool !== this) { throw new Error('Connection released to wrong pool'); } if (connection._purge) { // purge connection from pool this._purgeConnection(connection); return; } else if (this._freeConnections.indexOf(connection) !== -1) { // connection already in free connection pool // this won't catch all double-release cases throw new Error('Connection already released'); } else { // add connection to end of free queue this._freeConnections.push(connection); } } while (this._closed && this._connectionQueue.length) { // empty the connection queue cb = this._connectionQueue.shift(); process.nextTick(cb.bind(null, new Error('Pool is closed.'))); } if (this._connectionQueue.length) { cb = this._connectionQueue.shift(); this.getConnection(cb); } }; Pool.prototype.end = function (cb) { this._closed = true; if (typeof cb != "function") { cb = function (err) { if (err) throw err; }; } var calledBack = false; var closedConnections = 0; var connection; var endCB = function(err) { if (calledBack) { return; } if (err || ++closedConnections >= this._allConnections.length) { calledBack = true; return cb(err); } }.bind(this); if (this._allConnections.length === 0) { return process.nextTick(endCB); } while (this._allConnections.length) { connection = this._allConnections[0]; connection._pool = null; connection._realEnd(endCB); this._removeConnection(connection); } }; Pool.prototype.query = function (sql, values, cb) { var query = Connection.createQuery(sql, values, cb); if (!(typeof sql === 'object' && 'typeCast' in sql)) { query.typeCast = this.config.connectionConfig.typeCast; } if (this.config.connectionConfig.trace) { // Long stack trace support query._callSite = new Error; } this.getConnection(function (err, conn) { if (err) { var cb = query._callback; cb && cb(err); return; } // Release connection based off event query.once('end', function() { conn.release(); }); conn.query(query); }); return query; }; Pool.prototype._enqueueCallback = function _enqueueCallback(callback) { if (this.config.queueLimit && this._connectionQueue.length >= this.config.queueLimit) { process.nextTick(function () { var err = new Error('Queue limit reached.'); err.code = 'POOL_ENQUEUELIMIT'; callback(err); }); return; } // Bind to domain, as dequeue will likely occur in a different domain var cb = process.domain ? process.domain.bind(callback) : callback; this._connectionQueue.push(cb); this.emit('enqueue'); }; Pool.prototype._purgeConnection = function _purgeConnection(connection) { var pool = this; connection._realEnd(function(err) { if (err) { connection.destroy(); } pool._removeConnection(connection); }); }; Pool.prototype._removeConnection = function(connection) { var index; connection._pool = null; if ((index = this._allConnections.indexOf(connection)) !== -1) { // Remove connection from all connections this._allConnections.splice(index, 1); } if ((index = this._freeConnections.indexOf(connection)) !== -1) { // Remove connection from free connections this._freeConnections.splice(index, 1); } this.releaseConnection(connection); }; Pool.prototype.escape = function(value) { return mysql.escape(value, this.config.connectionConfig.stringifyObjects, this.config.connectionConfig.timezone); }; Pool.prototype.escapeId = function escapeId(value) { return mysql.escapeId(value, false); };