1.5.1 / 2014-09-07 ================== * Support Node.js 0.6 * deps: media-typer@0.3.0 * deps: mime-types@~2.0.1 - Support Node.js 0.6 1.5.0 / 2014-09-05 ================== * fix `hasbody` to be true for `content-length: 0` 1.4.0 / 2014-09-02 ================== * update mime-types 1.3.2 / 2014-06-24 ================== * use `~` range on mime-types 1.3.1 / 2014-06-19 ================== * fix global variable leak 1.3.0 / 2014-06-19 ================== * improve type parsing - invalid media type never matches - media type not case-sensitive - extra LWS does not affect results 1.2.2 / 2014-06-19 ================== * fix behavior on unknown type argument 1.2.1 / 2014-06-03 ================== * switch dependency from `mime` to `mime-types@1.0.0` 1.2.0 / 2014-05-11 ================== * support suffix matching: - `+json` matches `application/vnd+json` - `*/vnd+json` matches `application/vnd+json` - `application/*+json` matches `application/vnd+json` 1.1.0 / 2014-04-12 ================== * add non-array values support * expose internal utilities: - `.is()` - `.hasBody()` - `.normalize()` - `.match()` 1.0.1 / 2014-03-30 ================== * add `multipart` as a shorthand