var nodeunit = require('../lib/nodeunit'); var sandbox = require('../lib/utils').sandbox; var testCase = nodeunit.testCase; exports.testSimpleSandbox = function (test) { var raw_jscode1 = sandbox(__dirname + '/fixtures/raw_jscode1.js'); test.equal(raw_jscode1.hello_world('foo'), '_foo_', 'evaluation ok'); test.done(); }; exports.testSandboxContext = function (test) { var a_variable = 42; // should not be visible in the sandbox var raw_jscode2 = sandbox(__dirname + '/fixtures/raw_jscode2.js'); a_variable = 42; // again for the win test.equal( raw_jscode2.get_a_variable(), 'undefined', 'the variable should not be defined' ); test.done(); }; exports.testSandboxMultiple = function (test) { var raw_jscode3 = sandbox([ __dirname + '/fixtures/raw_jscode3.js', __dirname + '/fixtures/raw_jscode3.js', __dirname + '/fixtures/raw_jscode3.js' ]); test.equal(raw_jscode3.t, 3, 'two files loaded'); test.done(); };