var Command = require('./command'); var util = require('util'); var CommandCode = require('../constants/commands'); var Packets = require('../packets'); function BinlogDump(opts) {; //this.onResult = callback; this.opts = opts; } util.inherits(BinlogDump, Command); BinlogDump.prototype.start = function(packet, connection) { var packet = new Packets.BinlogDump(this.opts); connection.writePacket(packet.toPacket(1)); return BinlogDump.prototype.binlogData; }; function BinlogEventHeader(packet) { this.timestamp = packet.readInt32(); this.eventType = packet.readInt8(); this.serverId = packet.readInt32(); this.eventSize = packet.readInt32(); this.logPos = packet.readInt32(); this.flags = packet.readInt16(); } function RotateEvent(packet) { this.pposition = packet.readInt32(); // TODO: read uint64 here var positionDword2 = packet.readInt32(); this.nextBinlog = packet.readString(); = 'RotateEvent'; } function FormatDescriptionEvent(packet) { this.binlogVersion = packet.readInt16(); this.serverVersion = packet.readString(50).replace(/\u0000.*/, ''); this.createTimestamp = packet.readInt32(); this.eventHeaderLength = packet.readInt8(); // should be 19 this.eventsLength = packet.readBuffer(); = 'FormatDescriptionEvent'; } function QueryEvent(packet) { var parseStatusVars = require('../packets/binlog_query_statusvars.js'); this.slaveProxyId = packet.readInt32(); this.executionTime = packet.readInt32(); var schemaLength = packet.readInt8(); this.errorCode = packet.readInt16(); var statusVarsLength = packet.readInt16(); var statusVars = packet.readBuffer(statusVarsLength); this.schema = packet.readString(schemaLength); packet.readInt8(); // should be zero this.statusVars = parseStatusVars(statusVars); this.query = packet.readString(); = 'QueryEvent'; } function XidEvent(packet) { this.binlogVersion = packet.readInt16(); this.xid = packet.readInt64(); = 'XidEvent'; } var eventParsers = []; eventParsers[2] = QueryEvent; eventParsers[4] = RotateEvent; eventParsers[15] = FormatDescriptionEvent; eventParsers[16] = XidEvent; BinlogDump.prototype.binlogData = function(packet) { // ok - continue consuming events // error - error // eof - end of binlog if (packet.isEOF()) { this.emit('eof'); return null; } // binlog event header var ok = packet.readInt8(); var header = new BinlogEventHeader(packet); var EventParser = eventParsers[header.eventType]; var event; if (EventParser) event = new EventParser(packet); else { event = { name: 'UNKNOWN' } } event.header = header; this.emit('event', event); return BinlogDump.prototype.binlogData; }; module.exports = BinlogDump;