125 lines
3.8 KiB

* @fileoverview This task helps you to run jsdoc3 to generate doc in your Grunt build sequence
* @copyright Bertrand Chevrier 2012
* @author Bertrand Chevrier <chevrier.bertrand@gmail.com>
* @license MIT
* @module tasks/jsdoc-plugin
* Register the jsdoc task and helpers to Grunt
* @type GruntTask
* @constructor
* @param {Object} grunt - the grunt context
module.exports = function jsDocTask(grunt) {
'use strict';
var util = require('util'),
errorCode = {
generic : 1,
task : 3
* Register the jsdoc task to Grunt
function registerJsdocTask() {
var fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
exec = require('./lib/exec'),
options = grunt.task.current.options({'private': true}),
done = grunt.task.current.async(),
srcs = grunt.task.current.filesSrc,
jsDocPath = grunt.task.current.data.jsdoc,
jsDocNpmPath = 'node_modules/.bin/jsdoc',
timeout = 60000, //todo implement and move in options
cliFlags = ['recurse', 'private', 'lenient', 'explain', 'help', 'version', 'test', 'verbose', 'nocolor', 'template', 'configure', 'destination', 'encoding', 'tutorials', 'match', 'query'],
//validate options
if (!options.destination) {
// Support for old syntax where destination was provided through 'dest' key
options.destination = grunt.task.current.files[0].dest || 'doc';
//legacy configs
options.configure = options.config;
// Compute JSDoc flags from options
for(var optionName in options){
var option = options[optionName];
if(cliFlags.indexOf(optionName) === -1 || !option){
delete options[optionName];
if(jsDocPath && grunt.file.exists(jsDocPath) && grunt.file.isFile(jsDocPath)){
//use the given jsdoc path if set
jsDoc = jsDocPath;
} else {
//lookup jsdoc
jsDoc = exec.lookup(grunt, jsDocNpmPath, ['node_modules/grunt-jsdoc/']);
// convert jsdoc path to relative path
jsDoc = path.relative('.', jsDoc);//, path.resolve('.'));
//check if jsdoc npm module is installed
if(jsDoc === undefined){
grunt.log.error('Unable to locate jsdoc');
grunt.fail.warn('Wrong installation/environnement', errorCode.generic);
} else {
grunt.log.debug("jsdoc found at : " + jsDoc);
//check if there is sources to generate the doc for
if(srcs.length === 0 && !options.configure){
grunt.log.error('No source files defined');
grunt.fail.warn('Wrong configuration', errorCode.generic);
//check if jsdoc config file path is provided and does exist
if (options.configure && !fs.existsSync(options.configure)){
grunt.log.error('jsdoc config file path does not exist');
grunt.fail.warn('Wrong configuration', errorCode.generic);
fs.exists(options.destination, function(exists){
//if the destination don't exists, we create it
grunt.log.debug('create destination : ' + options.destination);
//execution of the jsdoc command
var child = exec.buildSpawned(grunt, jsDoc, srcs, options);
child.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
grunt.log.debug('jsdoc output : ' + data);
child.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
grunt.log.error('An error occurs in jsdoc process:\n' + data);
grunt.fail.warn('jsdoc failure', errorCode.task);
child.on('exit', function(code){
if(code === 0){
grunt.log.write('Documentation generated to ' + path.resolve(options.destination));
} else {
grunt.log.error('jsdoc terminated');
grunt.fail.warn('jsdoc failure', errorCode.task);
//bind the task to the grunt context
grunt.registerMultiTask('jsdoc', 'Generates source documentation using jsdoc', registerJsdocTask);