/*! * Nodeunit * Copyright (c) 2010 Caolan McMahon * MIT Licensed */ /** * Module dependencies */ var nodeunit = require('../nodeunit'), utils = require('../utils'), fs = require('fs'), path = require('path'), AssertionError = require('assert').AssertionError; /** * Reporter info string */ exports.info = "Pretty minimal output"; /** * Run all tests within each module, reporting the results to the command-line. * * @param {Array} files * @api public */ exports.run = function (files, options, callback) { if (!options) { // load default options var content = fs.readFileSync( __dirname + '/../../bin/nodeunit.json', 'utf8' ); options = JSON.parse(content); } var red = function (str) { return options.error_prefix + str + options.error_suffix; }; var green = function (str) { return options.ok_prefix + str + options.ok_suffix; }; var magenta = function (str) { return options.assertion_prefix + str + options.assertion_suffix; }; var bold = function (str) { return options.bold_prefix + str + options.bold_suffix; }; var start = new Date().getTime(); var opts = { testspec: options.testspec, testFullSpec: options.testFullSpec, moduleStart: function (name) { process.stdout.write(bold(name) + ': '); }, moduleDone: function (name, assertions) { console.log(''); if (assertions.failures()) { assertions.forEach(function (a) { if (a.failed()) { a = utils.betterErrors(a); if (a.error instanceof AssertionError && a.message) { console.log( 'Assertion in test ' + bold(a.testname) + ': ' + magenta(a.message) ); } console.log(a.error.stack + '\n'); } }); } }, testStart: function () { }, testDone: function (name, assertions) { if (!assertions.failures()) { process.stdout.write('.'); } else { process.stdout.write(red('F')); assertions.forEach(function (assertion) { assertion.testname = name; }); } }, done: function (assertions) { var end = new Date().getTime(); var duration = end - start; if (assertions.failures()) { console.log( '\n' + bold(red('FAILURES: ')) + assertions.failures() + '/' + assertions.length + ' assertions failed (' + assertions.duration + 'ms)' ); } else { console.log( '\n' + bold(green('OK: ')) + assertions.length + ' assertions (' + assertions.duration + 'ms)' ); } if (callback) callback(assertions.failures() ? new Error('We have got test failures.') : undefined); } }; if (files && files.length) { var paths = files.map(function (p) { return path.resolve(p); }); nodeunit.runFiles(paths, opts); } else { nodeunit.runModules(files,opts); } };