'use strict'; /** * Class that wraps database connection libraries * * @private * @param {Object} instance - The connection object */ class Adapter { /** * Invoke an adapter * * @constructor * @param {Object} instance - The connection object */ constructor (instance) { this.instance = instance; } /** * Run the sql query as a prepared statement * * @param {String} sql - The sql with placeholders * @param {Array} params - The values to insert into the query * @param {Function} [callback] - Callback to run when a response is recieved * @return {void|Promise} - returns a promise if no callback is passed */ execute (/* sql, params, callback */) { throw new Error('Correct adapter not defined for query execution'); } /** * Transform the adapter's result into a standard format * * @param {*} originalResult - the original result object from the driver * @return {Result} - the new result object */ transformResult (originalResult) { throw new Error('Result transformer method not defined for current adapter'); } /** * Close the current database connection * @return {void} */ close () { this.instance.end(); } } module.exports = Adapter;