/** * @fileoverview NodeUnit test * @copyright Bertrand Chevrier 2012 * @author Bertrand Chevrier * @license MIT * * @module test/jsdoc-task */ var fs = require('fs'); var expectedFiles = ['index.html', 'jsdoc-plugin.html', 'jsdoc-plugin.js.html']; /** * NodeUnit group of test that check the result once the task has been launched * * @see https://github.com/caolan/nodeunit/ * * @class JsdocTaskTest */ var JsdocTaskTest = { /** * Check the destination directory exists * @memberOf JsdociTaskTest * @param {Object} test - the node unit test context */ 'destination check' : function(test){ 'use strict'; test.expect(1); fs.exists(this.destination, function(result){ test.ok(result === true, 'The documentation destination should exists'); test.done(); }); }, /** * Check the documentation content * @memberOf JsdociTaskTest * @param {Object} test - the node unit test context */ 'content check' : function(test){ var base = this.destination + '/'; test.expect(expectedFiles.length); expectedFiles.forEach(function(file){ test.ok(fs.existsSync(base + file), 'The file ' + base + file + ' should exists'); }); test.done(); } }; module.exports = exports = JsdocTaskTest;