'use strict'; let helpers = { /** * Wrap String.prototype.trim in a way that is easily mappable * * @param {String} str - The string to trim * @return {String} - The trimmed string */ stringTrim: str => str.trim(), /** * Get the type of the variable passed * * @see https://techblog.badoo.com/blog/2013/11/01/type-checking-in-javascript/ * @see http://toddmotto.com/understanding-javascript-types-and-reliable-type-checking/ * @param {mixed} o - Object to type check * @return {String} - Type of the object */ type: o => { let type = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase(); // handle NaN and Infinity if (type === 'number') { if (isNaN(o)) { return 'nan'; } if (!isFinite(o)) { return 'infinity'; } } return type; }, /** * Determine whether an object is scalar * * @param {mixed} obj - Object to test * @return {bool} - Is object scalar */ isScalar: obj => { let scalar = ['string', 'number', 'boolean']; return scalar.indexOf(helpers.type(obj)) !== -1; }, /** * Get a list of values with a common key from an array of objects * * @param {Array} arr - The array of objects to search * @param {String} key - The key of the object to get * @return {Array} - The new array of plucked values */ arrayPluck: (arr, key) => { let output = []; // Empty case if (arr.length === 0) { return output; } arr.forEach(obj => { if (! helpers.isUndefined(obj[key])) { output.push(obj[key]); } }); return output; }, /** * Determine if a value matching the passed regular expression is * in the passed array * * @param {Array} arr - The array to search * @param {RegExp} pattern - The pattern to match * @return {Boolean} - If an array item matches the pattern */ regexInArray: (arr, pattern) => { // Empty case(s) if (! helpers.isArray(arr) || arr.length === 0) { return false; } let i, l = arr.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { // Short circuit if any items match if (pattern.test(arr[i])) { return true; } } return false; }, /** * Make the first letter of the string uppercase * * @param {String} str - The string to modify * @return {String} - The modified string */ upperCaseFirst: str => { str += ''; let first = str.charAt(0).toUpperCase(); return first + str.substr(1); }, }; // Define an 'is' method for each type let types = [ 'Null', 'Undefined', 'Object', 'Array', 'String', 'Number', 'Boolean', 'Function', 'RegExp', 'NaN', 'Infinite', ]; types.forEach(t => { /** * Determine whether a variable is of the type specified in the * function name, eg isNumber * * Types available are Null, Undefined, Object, Array, String, Number, Boolean, Function, RegExp, NaN and Infinite * * @name is[type] * @param {mixed} o * @return {Boolean} */ helpers[`is${t}`] = function(o) { if (t.toLowerCase() === 'infinite') { t = 'infinity'; } return helpers.type(o) === t.toLowerCase(); }; }); module.exports = helpers;