<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>JSDoc: Source: QueryBuilder.js</title> <script src="scripts/prettify/prettify.js"> </script> <script src="scripts/prettify/lang-css.js"> </script> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="//html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script> <![endif]--> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="styles/prettify-tomorrow.css"> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="styles/jsdoc-default.css"> </head> <body> <div id="main"> <h1 class="page-title">Source: QueryBuilder.js</h1> <section> <article> <pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>const Helpers = require('./Helpers'); const QueryBuilderBase = require('./QueryBuilderBase'); /** * Main object that builds SQL queries. * * @param {Driver} Driver - The syntax driver for the database * @param {Adapter} Adapter - The database module adapter for running queries * @extends QueryBuilderBase */ class QueryBuilder extends QueryBuilderBase { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ! Miscellaneous Methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Run a set of queries from a file * * @param {string} file - The path to the sql file * @param {string} [separator=';'] - The character separating each query * @return {Promise} - The result of all the queries */ queryFile (file, separator = ';') { return Helpers.readFile(file).then(sqlFile => { const queries = sqlFile.split(separator); const results = []; queries.forEach(sql => { results.push(this.query(sql)); }); return Promise.all(results); }); } /** * Run an arbitrary sql query. Run as a prepared statement. * * @param {string} sql - The sql to execute * @param {Array} [params] - The query parameters * @return {Promise} - Promise with result of query */ query (sql, params) { return this.adapter.execute(sql, params); } /** * Reset the object state for a new query * * @return {void} */ resetQuery () { this._resetState(); } /** * Returns the current class state for testing or other purposes * * @private * @return {Object} - The State object */ getState () { return this.state; } /** * Empties the selected database table * * @param {string} table - the name of the table to truncate * @return {void|Promise} - Returns a promise if no callback is supplied */ truncate (table) { return this.query(this.driver.truncate(table)); } /** * Closes the database connection for the current adapter * * @return {void} */ end () { this.adapter.close(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ! Query Builder Methods // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Specify rows to select in the query * * @param {String|Array} fields - The fields to select from the current table * @example query.select('foo, bar'); // Select multiple fields with a string * @example query.select(['foo', 'bar']); // Select multiple fileds with an array * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ select (fields) { // Split/trim fields by comma fields = (Array.isArray(fields)) ? fields : fields.split(',').map(Helpers.stringTrim); // Split on 'As' fields.forEach((field, index) => { if (/as/i.test(field)) { fields[index] = field.split(/ as /i).map(Helpers.stringTrim); } }); const safeArray = this.driver.quoteIdentifiers(fields); // Join the strings back together safeArray.forEach((field, index) => { if (Array.isArray(field)) { safeArray[index] = safeArray[index].join(' AS '); } }); this.state.selectString += safeArray.join(', '); return this; } /** * Specify the database table to select from * * @param {String} tableName - The table to use for the current query * @example query.from('tableName'); * @example query.from('tableName t'); // Select the table with an alias * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ from (tableName) { // Split identifiers on spaces let identArray = tableName.trim().split(' ').map(Helpers.stringTrim); // Quote/prefix identifiers identArray[0] = this.driver.quoteTable(identArray[0]); identArray = this.driver.quoteIdentifiers(identArray); // Put it back together this.state.fromString = identArray.join(' '); return this; } /** * Add a 'like/ and like' clause to the query * * @param {String} field - The name of the field to compare to * @param {String} val - The value to compare to * @param {String} [pos=both] - The placement of the wildcard character(s): before, after, or both * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ like (field, val, pos) { this._like(field, val, pos, ' LIKE ', 'AND'); return this; } /** * Add a 'not like/ and not like' clause to the query * * @param {String} field - The name of the field to compare to * @param {String} val - The value to compare to * @param {String} [pos=both] - The placement of the wildcard character(s): before, after, or both * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ notLike (field, val, pos) { this._like(field, val, pos, ' NOT LIKE ', 'AND'); return this; } /** * Add an 'or like' clause to the query * * @param {String} field - The name of the field to compare to * @param {String} val - The value to compare to * @param {String} [pos=both] - The placement of the wildcard character(s): before, after, or both * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ orLike (field, val, pos) { this._like(field, val, pos, ' LIKE ', 'OR'); return this; } /** * Add an 'or not like' clause to the query * * @param {String} field - The name of the field to compare to * @param {String} val - The value to compare to * @param {String} [pos=both] - The placement of the wildcard character(s): before, after, or both * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ orNotLike (field, val, pos) { this._like(field, val, pos, ' NOT LIKE ', 'OR'); return this; } /** * Add a 'having' clause * * @param {String|Object} key - The name of the field and the comparision operator, or an object * @param {String|Number} [val] - The value to compare if the value of key is a string * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ having (key, val = null) { this._having(key, val, 'AND'); return this; } /** * Add an 'or having' clause * * @param {String|Object} key - The name of the field and the comparision operator, or an object * @param {String|Number} [val] - The value to compare if the value of key is a string * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ orHaving (key, val = null) { this._having(key, val, 'OR'); return this; } /** * Set a 'where' clause * * @param {String|Object} key - The name of the field and the comparision operator, or an object * @param {String|Number} [val] - The value to compare if the value of key is a string * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ where (key, val) { this._where(key, val, 'AND'); return this; } /** * Set a 'or where' clause * * @param {String|Object} key - The name of the field and the comparision operator, or an object * @param {String|Number} [val] - The value to compare if the value of key is a string * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ orWhere (key, val) { this._where(key, val, 'OR'); return this; } /** * Select a field that is Null * * @param {String} field - The name of the field that has a NULL value * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ whereIsNull (field) { this._whereNull(field, 'IS NULL', 'AND'); return this; } /** * Specify that a field IS NOT NULL * * @param {String} field - The name so the field that is not to be null * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ whereIsNotNull (field) { this._whereNull(field, 'IS NOT NULL', 'AND'); return this; } /** * Field is null prefixed with 'OR' * * @param {String} field - The name of the field * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ orWhereIsNull (field) { this._whereNull(field, 'IS NULL', 'OR'); return this; } /** * Field is not null prefixed with 'OR' * * @param {String} field - The name of the field * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ orWhereIsNotNull (field) { this._whereNull(field, 'IS NOT NULL', 'OR'); return this; } /** * Set a 'where in' clause * * @param {String} key - the field to search * @param {Array} values - the array of items to search in * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ whereIn (key, values) { this._whereIn(key, values, 'IN', 'AND'); return this; } /** * Set a 'or where in' clause * * @param {String} key - the field to search * @param {Array} values - the array of items to search in * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ orWhereIn (key, values) { this._whereIn(key, values, 'IN', 'OR'); return this; } /** * Set a 'where not in' clause * * @param {String} key - the field to search * @param {Array} values - the array of items to search in * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ whereNotIn (key, values) { this._whereIn(key, values, 'NOT IN', 'AND'); return this; } /** * Set a 'or where not in' clause * * @param {String} key - the field to search * @param {Array} values - the array of items to search in * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ orWhereNotIn (key, values) { this._whereIn(key, values, 'NOT IN', 'OR'); return this; } /** * Set values for insertion or updating * * @param {String|Object} key - The key or object to use * @param {String} [val] - The value if using a scalar key * @example query.set('foo', 'bar'); // Set a key, value pair * @example query.set({foo:'bar'}); // Set with an object * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ set (key, val) { // Set the appropriate state variables this._mixedSet('setArrayKeys', 'key', key, val); this._mixedSet('values', 'value', key, val); // Use the keys of the array to make the insert/update string // and escape the field names this.state.setArrayKeys = this.state.setArrayKeys.map(this.driver._quote); // Generate the "set" string this.state.setString = this.state.setArrayKeys.join('=?,'); this.state.setString += '=?'; return this; } /** * Add a join clause to the query * * @param {String} table - The table you are joining * @param {String} cond - The join condition. * @param {String} [type='inner'] - The type of join, which defaults to inner * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ join (table, cond, type) { type = type || 'inner'; // Prefix/quote table name table = table.split(' ').map(Helpers.stringTrim); table[0] = this.driver.quoteTable(table[0]); table = table.map(this.driver.quoteIdentifiers); table = table.join(' '); // Parse out the join condition const parsedCondition = this.parser.compileJoin(cond); const condition = `${table} ON ${parsedCondition}`; // Append the join condition to the query map this._appendMap(`\n${type.toUpperCase()} JOIN `, condition, 'join'); return this; } /** * Group the results by the selected field(s) * * @param {String|Array} field - The name of the field to group by * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ groupBy (field) { if (!Helpers.isScalar(field)) { const newGroupArray = field.map(this.driver.quoteIdentifiers); this.state.groupArray = this.state.groupArray.concat(newGroupArray); } else { this.state.groupArray.push(this.driver.quoteIdentifiers(field)); } this.state.groupString = ` GROUP BY ${this.state.groupArray.join(',')}`; return this; } /** * Order the results by the selected field(s) * * @param {String} field - The field(s) to order by * @param {String} [type='ASC'] - The order direction, ASC or DESC * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ orderBy (field, type) { type = type || 'ASC'; // Set the fields for later manipulation field = this.driver.quoteIdentifiers(field); this.state.orderArray[field] = type; const orderClauses = []; // Flatten key/val pairs into an array of space-separated pairs Object.keys(this.state.orderArray).forEach(key => { orderClauses.push(`${key} ${this.state.orderArray[key].toUpperCase()}`); }); // Set the final string this.state.orderString = ` ORDER BY ${orderClauses.join(', ')}`; return this; } /** * Put a limit on the query * * @param {Number} limit - The maximum number of rows to fetch * @param {Number} [offset] - The row number to start from * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ limit (limit, offset) { this.state.limit = limit; this.state.offset = offset || null; return this; } /** * Adds an open paren to the current query for logical grouping * * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ groupStart () { const conj = (this.state.queryMap.length < 1) ? ' WHERE ' : ' AND '; this._appendMap(conj, '(', 'groupStart'); return this; } /** * Adds an open paren to the current query for logical grouping, * prefixed with 'OR' * * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ orGroupStart () { this._appendMap('', ' OR (', 'groupStart'); return this; } /** * Adds an open paren to the current query for logical grouping, * prefixed with 'OR NOT' * * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ orNotGroupStart () { this._appendMap('', ' OR NOT (', 'groupStart'); return this; } /** * Ends a logical grouping started with one of the groupStart methods * * @return {QueryBuilder} - The Query Builder object, for chaining */ groupEnd () { this._appendMap('', ')', 'groupEnd'); return this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ! Result Methods // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Get the results of the compiled query * * @param {String} [table] - The table to select from * @param {Number} [limit] - A limit for the query * @param {Number} [offset] - An offset for the query * @example query.get('table_name').then(promiseCallback); // Get all the rows in the table * @example query.get('table_name', 5); // Get 5 rows from the table * @example query.get(); // Get the results of a query generated with other methods * @return {Promise<Result>} - Promise containing the result of the query */ get (table, limit, offset) { if (table) { this.from(table); } if (limit) { this.limit(limit, offset); } // Run the query return this._run('get', table); } /** * Run the generated insert query * * @param {String} table - The table to insert into * @param {Object} [data] - Data to insert, if not already added with the 'set' method * @return {Promise<Result>} - Promise containing the result of the query */ insert (table, data) { if (data) { this.set(data); } // Run the query return this._run('insert', this.driver.quoteTable(table)); } /** * Insert multiple sets of rows at a time * * @param {String} table - The table to insert into * @param {Array} data - The array of objects containing data rows to insert * @example query.insertBatch('foo',[{id:1,val:'bar'},{id:2,val:'baz'}]) *.then(promiseCallback); * @return {Promise<Result>} - Promise containing the result of the query */ insertBatch (table, data) { const batch = this.driver.insertBatch(table, data); // Run the query return this.query(batch.sql, batch.values); } /** * Run the generated update query * * @param {String} table - The table to insert into * @param {Object} [data] - Data to insert, if not already added with the 'set' method * @return {Promise<Result>} - Promise containing the result of the query */ update (table, data) { if (data) { this.set(data); } // Run the query return this._run('update', this.driver.quoteTable(table)); } /** * Creates a batch update sql statement * * @param {String} table - The table to update * @param {Object} data - Batch insert data * @param {String} updateKey - The field in the table to compare against for updating * @return {Number} Number of rows updated */ updateBatch (table, data, updateKey) { const [sql, insertData, affectedRows] = this.driver.updateBatch(table, data, updateKey); this._run('', table, sql, insertData); return affectedRows; } /** * Run the generated delete query * * @param {String} table - The table to insert into * @param {Object} [where] - Where clause for delete statement * @return {Promise<Result>} - Promise containing the result of the query */ delete (table, where) { if (where) { this.where(where); } // Run the query return this._run('delete', this.driver.quoteTable(table)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ! Methods returning SQL // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Return generated select query SQL * * @param {String} [table] - the name of the table to retrieve from * @param {Boolean} [reset=true] - Whether to reset the query builder so another query can be built * @return {String} - The compiled sql statement */ getCompiledSelect (table, reset = true) { if (table) { this.from(table); } return this._getCompile('get', table, reset); } /** * Return generated insert query SQL * * @param {String} table - the name of the table to insert into * @param {Boolean} [reset=true] - Whether to reset the query builder so another query can be built * @return {String} - The compiled sql statement */ getCompiledInsert (table, reset = true) { return this._getCompile('insert', this.driver.quoteTable(table), reset); } /** * Return generated update query SQL * * @param {String} table - the name of the table to update * @param {Boolean} [reset=true] - Whether to reset the query builder so another query can be built * @return {String} - The compiled sql statement */ getCompiledUpdate (table, reset = true) { return this._getCompile('update', this.driver.quoteTable(table), reset); } /** * Return generated delete query SQL * * @param {String} table - the name of the table to delete from * @param {Boolean} [reset=true] - Whether to reset the query builder so another query can be built * @return {String} - The compiled sql statement */ getCompiledDelete (table, reset = true) { return this._getCompile('delete', this.driver.quoteTable(table), reset); } } module.exports = QueryBuilder; </code></pre> </article> </section> </div> <nav> <h2><a href="index.html">Home</a></h2><h3>Modules</h3><ul><li><a href="module-drivers_MariaDB.html">drivers/MariaDB</a></li><li><a href="module-drivers_MSSQLDriver.html">drivers/MSSQLDriver</a></li><li><a href="module-drivers_Mysql.html">drivers/Mysql</a></li><li><a href="module-drivers_Pg.html">drivers/Pg</a></li><li><a href="module-drivers_Sqlite.html">drivers/Sqlite</a></li></ul><h3>Classes</h3><ul><li><a href="NodeQuery.html">NodeQuery</a></li><li><a href="QueryBuilder.html">QueryBuilder</a></li><li><a href="Result.html">Result</a></li></ul> </nav> <br class="clear"> <footer> Documentation generated by <a href="https://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc">JSDoc 3.5.5</a> on Mon Feb 12 2018 14:58:25 GMT-0500 (EST) </footer> <script> prettyPrint(); </script> <script src="scripts/linenumber.js"> </script> </body> </html>