Add modules for sqlite and firebird

This commit is contained in:
Timothy Warren 2014-10-31 11:55:26 -04:00
parent 9c1d7e09b3
commit fb6bf25062
15 changed files with 5842 additions and 0 deletions

node_modules/dblite/.npmignore generated vendored Normal file
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node_modules/dblite/LICENSE.txt generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Copyright (C) 2013 by WebReflection
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

node_modules/dblite/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
a zero hassle wrapper for sqlite
var dblite = require('dblite'),
db = dblite('');
// Asynchronous, fast, and ...
db.query('SELECT * FROM table', function(err, rows) {
// ... that easy!
More in [the related blogpost]( and here too :-)
[![build status](](
### Important
Starting from **sqlite3** version `3.8.6` you need a "_new line agnostic_" version of `dblite`, right now represented by the latest version `0.6.0`. This **will break** compatibility with older version of the database cli.
### The What And The Why
I've created `dblite` module because there's still not a simple and straight forward or standard way to have [sqlite]( in [node.js]( without requiring to re-compile, re-build, download sources a part or install dependencies instead of simply `apt-get install sqlite3` or `pacman -S sqlite3` in your \*nix system.
`dblite` has been created with portability, simplicity, and reasonable performance for **embedded Hardware** such [Raspberry Pi]( and [Cubieboard]( in mind.
Generally speaking all linux based distributions like [Arch Linux](, where is not always that easy to `node-gyp` a module and add dependencies that work, can now use this battle tested wrap and perform basic to advanced sqlite operations.
### Bootstrap
To install dblite simply `npm install dblite` then in node:
var dblite = require('dblite'),
db = dblite('/folder/to/file.sqlite');
// ready to go, i.e.
'SELECT * FROM users WHERE pass = ?',
function (err, rows) {
var user = rows.length && rows[0];
By default the `dblite` function uses **sqlite3 as executable**. If you need to change the path simply update `dblite.bin = "/usr/local/bin/sqlite3";` before invoking the function.
### API
Right now a created `EventEmitter` `db` instance has 3 extra methods: `.query()`, `.lastRowID()`, and `.close()`.
The `.lastRowID(table, callback(rowid))` helper simplifies a common operation with SQL tables after inserts, handful as shortcut for the following query:
The method `.close()` does exactly what it suggests: it closes the database connection.
Please note that it is **not possible to perform other operations once it has been closed**.
Being an `EventEmitter` instance, the database variable will be notified with the `close` listener, if any.
### Understanding The .query() Method
The main role in this module is played by the `db.query()` method, a method rich in overloads all with perfect and natural meaning.
The amount of parameters goes from one to four, left to right, where left is the input going through the right which is the eventual output.
All parameters are optionals except the SQL one.
### db.query() Possible Combinations
db.query(SQL, callback:Function)
db.query(SQL, params:Array|Object)
db.query(SQL, fields:Array|Object)
db.query(SQL, params:Array|Object, callback:Function)
db.query(SQL, fields:Array|Object, callback:Function)
db.query(SQL, params:Array|Object, fields:Array|Object)
db.query(SQL, params:Array|Object, fields:Array|Object, callback:Function)
All above combinations are [tested properly in this file](test/dblite.js) together with many other tests able to make `dblite` robust enough and ready to be used.
Please note how `params` is always before `fields` and/or `callback` if `fields` is missing, just as reminder that order is left to right accordingly with what we are trying to do.
Following detailed explanation per each parameter.
#### The SQL:string
This string [accepts any query understood by SQLite]( plus it accepts all commands that regular SQLite shell would accept such `.databases`, `.tables`, `.show` and all others passing through the specified `info` listener, if any, using just the console as fallback otherwise.
var dblite = require('dblite'),
db = dblite('./db.sqlite');
// will call the implicit `info` console.log
/* will console.log something like:
echo: off
explain: off
headers: off
mode: csv
nullvalue: ""
output: stdout
separator: ","
stats: off
// normal query
db.query('INSERT INTO test VALUES(null, ?)', ['some text']);
db.query('SELECT * FROM test');
// will implicitly log the following
// [ [ '1', 'some text' ] ]
#### The params:Array|Object
If the SQL string **contains special chars** such `?`, `:key`, `$key`, or `@key` properties, these will be replaced accordingly with the `params` `Array` or `Object` that, in this case, MUST be present.
// params as Array
db.query('SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = ?', [1]);
// params as Object
db.query('SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = :id', {id:1});
// same as
db.query('SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = $id', {id:1});
// same as
db.query('SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = @id', {id:1});
#### The fields:Array|Object
By default, results are returned as an `Array` where all rows are the outer `Array` and each single row is another `Array`.
db.query('SELECT * FROM test');
// will log something like:
[ '1', 'some text' ], // row1
[ '2', 'something else' ] // rowN
If we specify a fields parameter we can have each row represented by an object, instead of an array.
// same query using fields as Array
db.query('SELECT * FROM test', ['key', 'value']);
// will log something like:
{key: '1', value: 'some text'}, // row1
{key: '2', value: 'something else'} // rowN
#### Parsing Through The fields:Object
[SQLite Datatypes]( are different from JavaScript plus SQLite works via affinity.
This module also parses sqlite3 output which is **always a string** and as string every result will always be returned **unless** we specify `fields` parameter as object, suggesting validation per each field.
// same query using fields as Object
db.query('SELECT * FROM test', {
key: Number,
value: String
// note the key as integer!
{key: 1, value: 'some text'}, // row1
{key: 2, value: 'something else'} // rowN
More complex validators/transformers can be passed without problems:
// same query using fields as Object
db.query('SELECT * FROM `table.users`', {
id: Number,
name: String,
adult: Boolean,
skills: JSON.parse,
birthday: Date,
cube: function (fieldValue) {
return fieldValue * 3;
#### The params:Array|Object AND The fields:Array|Object
Not a surprise we can combine both params, using the left to right order input to output so **params first**!
// same query using params AND fields
db.query('SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = :id', {
id: 1
key: Number,
value: String
// same as...
db.query('SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = ?', [1], ['key', 'value']);
// same as...
db.query('SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = ?', [1], {
key: Number,
value: String
// same as...
db.query('SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = :id', {
id: 1
}, [
'key', 'value'
#### The callback:Function
When a `SELECT` or a `PRAGMA` `SQL` is executed the module puts itself in a *waiting for results* state.
**Update** - Starting from `0.4.0` the callback will be invoked with `err` and `data` if the callback length is greater than one. `function(err, data){}` VS `function(data){}`. However, latter mode will keep working in order to not break backward compatibility.
**Update** - Starting from `0.3.3` every other `SQL` statement will invoke the callback after the operation has been completed.
As soon as results are fully pushed to the output the module parses this result, if any, and send it to the specified callback.
The callback is **always the last specified parameter**, if any, or the implicit equivalent of `console.log.bind(console)`.
Latter case is simply helpful to operate directly via `node` **console** and see results without bothering writing a callback each `.query()` call.
#### Extra Bonus: JSON Serialization With fields:Array|Object
If one field value is not scalar (boolean, number, string, null) `JSON.stringify` is performed in order to save data.
This helps lazy developers that don't want to pre parse every field and let `dblite` do the magic.
// test has two fields, id and value
db.query('INSERT INTO test VALUES(?, ?)', [
{name: 'dblite', rate: 'awesome'} // value serialized
// use the fields to parse back the object
db.query('SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = ?', [123], {
id: Number,
value: JSON.parse // value unserialized
}, function (err, rows) {
var record = rows[0];
console.log(; // 123
console.log(; // "dblite"
console.log(record.value.rate); // "awesome""
### Automatic Fields Through Headers
Since version `0.3.0` it is possible to enable automatic fields parsing either through initialization (suggested) or at runtime.
var dblite = require('dblite'),
// passing extra argument at creation
db = dblite('', '-header');
db.query('SELECT * FROM table', function(err, rows) {
rows[0]; // {header0: value0, headerN: valueN}
// at runtime
.query('.headers ON')
.query('SELECT * FROM table', function(err, rows) {
rows[0]; // {header0: value0, headerN: valueN}
.query('.headers OFF')
In version `0.3.2` a smarter approach for combined _headers/fields_ is used where the right key order is granted by headers but it's possible to validate known fields too.
var db = require('dblite')('', '-header');
db.query('SELECT 1 as one, 2 as two', {two:Number}, function(err, rows) {
rows[0]; // {one: "1", two: 2} // note "1" as String
In this way these two options can be supplementary when and if necessary.
### Handling Infos And Errors - Listeners
The `EventEmitter` will notify any listener attached to `info`, `error`, or `close` accordingly with the current status.
db.on('info', function (data) {
// show data returned by special syntax
// such: .databases .tables .show and others
// by default, it does the same
db.on('error', function (err) {
// same as `info` but for errors
// by default, it does the same
db.on('close', function (code) {
// by default, it logs "bye bye"
// invoked once the database has been closed
// and every statement in the queue executed
// the code is the exit code returned via SQLite3
// usually 0 if everything was OK
console.log('safe to get out of here ^_^_');
Please **note** that error is invoked only if the callback is not handling it already via double argument.
The `close` event ensures that all operations have been successfully performed and your app is ready to exit or move next.
Please note that after invoking `db.close()` any other query will be ignored and the instance will be put in a _waiting to complete_ state which will invoke the `close` listener once operations have been completed.
### Raspberry Pi Performance
This is the output generated after a `make test` call in this repo folder within Arch Linux for RPi.
npm test
> dblite@0.1.2 test /home/dblite
> node test/.test.js
passes: 1, fails: 0, errors: 0
create table if not exists
passes: 1, fails: 0, errors: 0
100 sequential inserts
100 records in 3.067 seconds
passes: 1, fails: 0, errors: 0
1 transaction with 100 inserts
200 records in 0.178 seconds
passes: 1, fails: 0, errors: 0
auto escape
passes: 1, fails: 0, errors: 0
auto field
fetched 201 rows as objects in 0.029 seconds
passes: 1, fails: 0, errors: 0
auto parsing field
fetched 201 rows as normalized objects in 0.038 seconds
passes: 1, fails: 0, errors: 0
many selects at once
different selects in 0.608 seconds
passes: 1, fails: 0, errors: 0
db.query() arguments
[ [ '1' ] ]
[ [ '2' ] ]
[ { id: 1 } ]
[ { id: 2 } ]
passes: 5, fails: 0, errors: 0
¥ · £ · € · $ · ¢ · ₡ · ₢ · ₣ · ₤ · ₥ · ₦ · ₧ · ₨ · ₩ · ₪ · ₫ · ₭ · ₮ · ₯ · ₹
passes: 1, fails: 0, errors: 0
erease file
passes: 1, fails: 0, errors: 0
15 Passes
If an SD card can do this good, I guess any other environment should not have problems here ;-)
### F.A.Q.
Here a list of probably common Q&A about this module. Please do not hesitate to ask me more, if necessary, thanks.
* **How Does It Work?** `dblite` uses a [spawned]( version of the `sqlite3` executable. It could theoretically work with any other SQL like database but it's tested with `sqlite3-shell` only
* **Does It Spawn Per Each Query?** this is a quick one: **NO**! `dblite` spawns once per each database file where usually there is only one database file opened per time.
* **How About Memory And Performance?** Accordingly with `node` manual:
> These child Nodes are still whole new instances of V8.
> Assume at least 30ms startup and 10mb memory for each new Node.
> That is, you cannot create many thousands of them.
Since `dblite` spawns only once, there is a little overhead during the database initialization but that's pretty much it, the amount of RAM increases with the amount of data we save or retrieve from the database. The above **Raspberry Pi Benchmark** should ensure that with most common operation, and using transactions where possible, latency and RAM aren't a real issue.
* **Why Not The Native One?** I had some difficulty installing this [node-sqlite3 module]( due `node-gyp` incompatibilities with some **ARM** based device in both *Debian* and *ArchLinux*. Since I really needed an sqlite manager for the next version of [polpetta](က-polpetta) which aim is to have a complete, lightweight, and super fast web server in many embedded hardware such RPi, Cubieboard, and others, and since I needed something able to work with multiple core too, I've decided to try this road wrapping the native, easy to install and update, `sqlite3` shell client and do everything I need. So far, so good I would say ;-)
* **Isn't `params` and `fields` an ambiguous choice?** At the very beginning I wasn't sure myself if that would have worked as API choice but later on I've changed my mind. First of all, it's very easy to spot special chars in the `SQL` statement. If present, params is mandatory and used, as easy as that. Secondly, if an object has functions as value, it's obviously a `fields` object, 'cause `params` cannot contains functions since these are not compatible with `JSON` serialization, neither meaningful for the database. The only case where `fields` might be confused with `params` is when no `params` has been specified, and `fields` is an `Array`. In this case I believe you are the same one that wrote the SQL too and know upfront if there are fields to retrieve from `params` or not so this is actually a *non real-world* problem and as soon as you try this API you'll realize it feels intuitive and right.
* **Are Transactions Supported?** ... **YES**, transactions are supported simply performing multiple queries as you would do in *sqlite3* shell:
for(var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
db.query('INSERT INTO table VALUES(?, ?)', [null, Math.random()]);
The test file has a transaction with 100 records in it, [have a look](test/dblite.js).
* **Can I Connect To A `:memory:` Database?** well, you can do anything you would do with `sqlite3` shell so **YES**
var db = dblite(':memory:'); // that's it!
### License
The usual Mit Style, thinking about the [WTFPL]( though ... stay tuned for updates.
Copyright (C) 2013 by WebReflection
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

node_modules/dblite/package.json generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
"version": "0.6.1",
"license": "MIT",
"engine": "node >= 0.6.0",
"name": "dblite",
"description": "a zero hassle wrapper for sqlite - requires sqlite3 3.8.6 or greater",
"homepage": "",
"keywords": [
"arch linux",
"raspberry pi",
"no gyp",
"no compile",
"no hassle",
"author": {
"name": "Andrea Giammarchi",
"url": ""
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git://"
"main": "./build/dblite.node.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "node test/.test.js"
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"_id": "dblite@0.6.1",
"_shasum": "18e6d3811f4031ff0119e8a7b13ef1558215376a",
"_from": "dblite@",
"_npmVersion": "1.4.9",
"_npmUser": {
"name": "webreflection",
"email": ""
"maintainers": [
"name": "webreflection",
"email": ""
"dist": {
"shasum": "18e6d3811f4031ff0119e8a7b13ef1558215376a",
"tarball": ""
"directories": {},
"_resolved": ""

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

node_modules/node-firebird/LICENSE generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
Mozilla Public License Version 2.0
1. Definitions
1.1. "Contributor"
means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to
the creation of, or owns Covered Software.
1.2. "Contributor Version"
means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used
by a Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution.
1.3. "Contribution"
means Covered Software of a particular Contributor.
1.4. "Covered Software"
means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached
the notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code
Form, and Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case
including portions thereof.
1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses"
(a) that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described
in Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or
(b) that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of
version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the
terms of a Secondary License.
1.6. "Executable Form"
means any form of the work other than Source Code Form.
1.7. "Larger Work"
means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in
a separate file or files, that is not Covered Software.
1.8. "License"
means this document.
1.9. "Licensable"
means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible,
whether at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and
all of the rights conveyed by this License.
1.10. "Modifications"
means any of the following:
(a) any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to,
deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered
Software; or
(b) any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered
1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor
means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method,
process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such
Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the
License, by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having
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Contributor Version.
1.12. "Secondary License"
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Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General
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1.13. "Source Code Form"
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1.14. "You" (or "Your")
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whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than
fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial
ownership of such entity.
2. License Grants and Conditions
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2.2. Effective Date
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2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope
The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under
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(b) for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's
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Version); or
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This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks,
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2.4. Subsequent Licenses
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2.5. Representation
Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its
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2.6. Fair Use
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2.7. Conditions
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in Section 2.1.
3. Responsibilities
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attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code
3.2. Distribution of Executable Form
If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then:
(a) such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code
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3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work
You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice,
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3.4. Notices
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4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation
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the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b)
describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description must
be placed in a text file included with all distributions of the Covered
Software under this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute
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5. Termination
5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically
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Contributor are reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor
notifies You of the non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the
first time You have received notice of non-compliance with this License
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Your receipt of the notice.
5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent
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counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version
directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to
You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section
2.1 of this License shall terminate.
5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all
end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which
have been validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License
prior to termination shall survive termination.
* *
* 6. Disclaimer of Warranty *
* ------------------------- *
* *
* Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is" *
* basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or *
* statutory, including, without limitation, warranties that the *
* Covered Software is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a *
* particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire risk as to the *
* quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You. *
* Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You *
* (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, *
* repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an *
* essential part of this License. No use of any Covered Software is *
* authorized under this License except under this disclaimer. *
* *
* *
* 7. Limitation of Liability *
* -------------------------- *
* *
* Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort *
* (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any *
* Contributor, or anyone who distributes Covered Software as *
* permitted above, be liable to You for any direct, indirect, *
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* including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of *
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* and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party *
* shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages. This *
* limitation of liability shall not apply to liability for death or *
* personal injury resulting from such party's negligence to the *
* extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. Some *
* jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of *
* incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and *
* limitation may not apply to You. *
* *
8. Litigation
Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the
courts of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal
place of business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that
jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions.
Nothing in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring
cross-claims or counter-claims.
9. Miscellaneous
This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject
matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be
unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides
that the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter
shall not be used to construe this License against a Contributor.
10. Versions of the License
10.1. New Versions
Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section
10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or
publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a
distinguishing version number.
10.2. Effect of New Versions
You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version
of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software,
or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license
10.3. Modified Versions
If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to
create a new license for such software, you may create and use a
modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove
any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that
such modified license differs from this License).
10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary
If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With
Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the
notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached.
Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
file, You can obtain one at
If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular
file, then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE
file in a relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look
for such a notice.
You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership.
Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice
This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.

node_modules/node-firebird/ generated vendored Normal file
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# Pure JavaScript Firebird client for Node.js.
Pure JavaScript and Asynchronous Firebird client for Node.js. [Firebird forum](!forum/node-firebird) on Google Groups. Please share and follow Firebird database, it's a very good open-source product.
__Firebird database on social networks__
- [Firebird on Google+](
- [Firebird on Twitter](
- [Firebird on Facebook](
__New version v0.2.0 supports__
- added auto-reconnect
- added [sequentially selects](
- events for connection (attach, detach, row, result, transaction, commit, rollback, error, etc.)
- performance improvements
- supports inserting/updating buffers and streams
- reading blobs (sequentially)
- pooling
- `database.detach()` waits for last command
- better unit-test
- best of use with [total.js - web application framework for node.js](
- [Firebird documentation](
- [Firebird limits and data types](
## Installation
npm install node-firebird
## Usage
var Firebird = require('node-firebird');
### Methods
- `Firebird.escape(value) -> return {String}` - prevent for SQL Injections
- `Firebird.attach(options, function(err, db))` attach a database
- `Firebird.create(options, function(err, db))` create a database
- `Firebird.attachOrCreate(options, function(err, db))` attach or create database
- `Firebird.pool(maxSockets, options, function(err, db)) -> return {Object}` create a connection pooling
## Connection types
### Connection options
var options = {}; = '';
// options.port = 3050;
options.database = 'database.fdb';
options.user = 'SYSDBA';
options.password = 'masterkey';
### Classic
Firebird.attach(options, function(err, db) {
if (err)
throw err;
// db = DATABASE
db.query('SELECT * FROM TABLE', function(err, result) {
// IMPORTANT: close the connection
### Pooling
// 5 = the number is count of opened sockets
var pool = Firebird.pool(5, options);
// Get a free pool
pool.get(function(err, db) {
if (err)
throw err;
// db = DATABASE
db.query('SELECT * FROM TABLE', function(err, result) {
// IMPORTANT: release the pool connection
// close all opened connections
// Destroy pool
## Database object (db)
### Methods
- `db.query(query, [params], function(err, result))` - classic query, returns Array of Object
- `db.execute(query, [params], function(err, result))` - classic query, returns Array of Array
- `db.sequentially(query, [params], function(row, index), function(err))` - sequentially query
- `db.detach(function(err))` detach a database
- `db.transaction(isolation, function(err, transaction))` create transaction
### Transaction methods
- `transaction.query(query, [params], function(err, result))` - classic query, returns Array of Object
- `transaction.execute(query, [params], function(err, result))` - classic query, returns Array of Array
- `transaction.commit(function(err))` commit current transaction
- `transaction.rollback(function(err))` rollback current transaction
## Examples
### Parameters
Firebird.attach(options, function(err, db) {
if (err)
throw err;
// db = DATABASE
db.query('INSERT INTO USERS (ID, ALIAS, CREATED) VALUES(?, ?, ?) RETURNING ID', [1, 'Pe\'ter', new Date()] function(err, result) {
db.query('SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE Alias=?', ['Peter'], function(err, result) {
### BLOB (stream)
Firebird.attach(options, function(err, db) {
if (err)
throw err;
// db = DATABASE
db.query('INSERT INTO USERS (ID, ALIAS, FILE) VALUES(?, ?, ?)', [1, 'Peter', fs.createReadStream('/users/image.jpg')] function(err, result) {
// IMPORTANT: close the connection
### BLOB (buffer)
Firebird.attach(options, function(err, db) {
if (err)
throw err;
// db = DATABASE
db.query('INSERT INTO USERS (ID, ALIAS, FILE) VALUES(?, ?, ?)', [1, 'Peter', fs.readFileSync('/users/image.jpg')] function(err, result) {
// IMPORTANT: close the connection
Firebird.attach(options, function(err, db) {
if (err)
throw err;
// db = DATABASE
db.query('SELECT ID, ALIAS, USERPICTURE FROM USER', function(err, rows) {
if (err)
throw err;
// first row
rows[0].userpicture(function(err, name, e) {
if (err)
throw err;
// e === EventEmitter
e.on('data', function(chunk) {
// reading data
e.on('end', function() {
// end reading
// IMPORTANT: close the connection
Firebird.attach(options, function(err, db) {
if (err)
throw err;
// db = DATABASE
db.sequentially('SELECT * FROM BIGTABLE', function(row, index) {
}, function(err) {
// END
// IMPORTANT: close the connection
__Transaction types:__
Firebird.attach(options, function(err, db) {
if (err)
throw err;
// db = DATABASE
db.transaction(Firebird.ISOLATION_READ_COMMITED, function(err, transaction) {
transaction.query('INSERT INTO users VALUE(?,?)', [1, 'Janko'], function(err, result) {
if (err) {
transaction.commit(function(err) {
if (err)
Firebird.attach(options, function(err, db) {
if (err)
throw err;
db.on('row', function(row, index, isObject) {
// index === Number
// isObject === is row object or array?
db.on('result', function(result) {
// result === Array
db.on('attach', function() {
db.on('detach', function(isPoolConnection) {
// isPoolConnection == Boolean
db.on('reconnect', function() {
db.on('error', function(err) {
db.on('transaction', function(isolation) {
// isolation === Number
db.on('commit', function() {
db.on('rollback', function() {
### Escaping query values
var sql1 = 'SELECT * FROM TBL_USER WHERE ID>' + Firebird.escape(1);
var sql2 = 'SELECT * FROM TBL_USER WHERE NAME=' + Firebird.escape('Pe\'er');
var sql3 = 'SELECT * FROM TBL_USER WHERE CREATED<=' + Firebird.escape(new Date());
var sql4 = 'SELECT * FROM TBL_USER WHERE NEWSLETTER=' + Firebird.escape(true);
// or db.escape()
### Charset for database connection is always UTF-8
node-firebird doesn't let you chose the charset connection, it will always use UTF8.
Node is unicode, no matter if your database is using another charset to store string or blob, Firebird will transliterate automatically.
This is why you should use **Firebird 2.5** server at least.
## Contributors
- Henri Gourvest, <>
- Popa Marius Adrian, <>
- Peter Širka, <>
[license-url]: LICENSE

node_modules/node-firebird/lib/firebird.msg generated vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

node_modules/node-firebird/lib/index.js generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

node_modules/node-firebird/lib/long.js generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,855 @@
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Copyright 2009 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved
* Defines a Long class for representing a 64-bit two's-complement
* integer value, which faithfully simulates the behavior of a Java "Long". This
* implementation is derived from LongLib in GWT.
* Constructs a 64-bit two's-complement integer, given its low and high 32-bit
* values as *signed* integers. See the from* functions below for more
* convenient ways of constructing Longs.
* The internal representation of a Long is the two given signed, 32-bit values.
* We use 32-bit pieces because these are the size of integers on which
* Javascript performs bit-operations. For operations like addition and
* multiplication, we split each number into 16-bit pieces, which can easily be
* multiplied within Javascript's floating-point representation without overflow
* or change in sign.
* In the algorithms below, we frequently reduce the negative case to the
* positive case by negating the input(s) and then post-processing the result.
* Note that we must ALWAYS check specially whether those values are MIN_VALUE
* (-2^63) because -MIN_VALUE == MIN_VALUE (since 2^63 cannot be represented as
* a positive number, it overflows back into a negative). Not handling this
* case would often result in infinite recursion.
* @class Represents the BSON Long type.
* @param {Number} low the low (signed) 32 bits of the Long.
* @param {Number} high the high (signed) 32 bits of the Long.
function Long(low, high) {
if (!(this instanceof Long))
return new Long(low, high);
* @type {number}
* @api private
this.low_ = low | 0; // force into 32 signed bits.
* @type {number}
* @api private
this.high_ = high | 0; // force into 32 signed bits.
* Return the int value.
* @return {Number} the value, assuming it is a 32-bit integer.
* @api public
Long.prototype.toInt = function() {
return this.low_;
* Return the Number value.
* @return {Number} the closest floating-point representation to this value.
* @api public
Long.prototype.toNumber = function() {
return this.high_ * Long.TWO_PWR_32_DBL_ +
* Return the JSON value.
* @return {String} the JSON representation.
* @api public
Long.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return this.toString();
* Return the String value.
* @param {Number} [opt_radix] the radix in which the text should be written.
* @return {String} the textual representation of this value.
* @api public
Long.prototype.toString = function(opt_radix) {
var radix = opt_radix || 10;
if (radix < 2 || 36 < radix)
throw Error('radix out of range: ' + radix);
if (this.isZero())
return '0';
if (this.isNegative()) {
if (this.equals(Long.MIN_VALUE)) {
// We need to change the Long value before it can be negated, so we remove
// the bottom-most digit in this base and then recurse to do the rest.
var radixLong = Long.fromNumber(radix);
var div = this.div(radixLong);
var rem = div.multiply(radixLong).subtract(this);
return div.toString(radix) + rem.toInt().toString(radix);
} else {
return '-' + this.negate().toString(radix);
// Do several (6) digits each time through the loop, so as to
// minimize the calls to the very expensive emulated div.
var radixToPower = Long.fromNumber(Math.pow(radix, 6));
var rem = this;
var result = '';
while (true) {
var remDiv = rem.div(radixToPower);
var intval = rem.subtract(remDiv.multiply(radixToPower)).toInt();
var digits = intval.toString(radix);
rem = remDiv;
if (rem.isZero()) {
return digits + result;
} else {
while (digits.length < 6) {
digits = '0' + digits;
result = '' + digits + result;
* Return the high 32-bits value.
* @return {Number} the high 32-bits as a signed value.
* @api public
Long.prototype.getHighBits = function() {
return this.high_;
* Return the low 32-bits value.
* @return {Number} the low 32-bits as a signed value.
* @api public
Long.prototype.getLowBits = function() {
return this.low_;
* Return the low unsigned 32-bits value.
* @return {Number} the low 32-bits as an unsigned value.
* @api public
Long.prototype.getLowBitsUnsigned = function() {
return (this.low_ >= 0) ?
this.low_ : Long.TWO_PWR_32_DBL_ + this.low_;
* Returns the number of bits needed to represent the absolute value of this Long.
* @return {Number} Returns the number of bits needed to represent the absolute value of this Long.
* @api public
Long.prototype.getNumBitsAbs = function() {
if (this.isNegative()) {
if (this.equals(Long.MIN_VALUE)) {
return 64;
} else {
return this.negate().getNumBitsAbs();
} else {
var val = this.high_ != 0 ? this.high_ : this.low_;
for (var bit = 31; bit > 0; bit--) {
if ((val & (1 << bit)) != 0) {
return this.high_ != 0 ? bit + 33 : bit + 1;
* Return whether this value is zero.
* @return {Boolean} whether this value is zero.
* @api public
Long.prototype.isZero = function() {
return this.high_ == 0 && this.low_ == 0;
* Return whether this value is negative.
* @return {Boolean} whether this value is negative.
* @api public
Long.prototype.isNegative = function() {
return this.high_ < 0;
* Return whether this value is odd.
* @return {Boolean} whether this value is odd.
* @api public
Long.prototype.isOdd = function() {
return (this.low_ & 1) == 1;
* Return whether this Long equals the other
* @param {Long} other Long to compare against.
* @return {Boolean} whether this Long equals the other
* @api public
Long.prototype.equals = function(other) {
return (this.high_ == other.high_) && (this.low_ == other.low_);
* Return whether this Long does not equal the other.
* @param {Long} other Long to compare against.
* @return {Boolean} whether this Long does not equal the other.
* @api public
Long.prototype.notEquals = function(other) {
return (this.high_ != other.high_) || (this.low_ != other.low_);
* Return whether this Long is less than the other.
* @param {Long} other Long to compare against.
* @return {Boolean} whether this Long is less than the other.
* @api public
Long.prototype.lessThan = function(other) {
return < 0;
* Return whether this Long is less than or equal to the other.
* @param {Long} other Long to compare against.
* @return {Boolean} whether this Long is less than or equal to the other.
* @api public
Long.prototype.lessThanOrEqual = function(other) {
return <= 0;
* Return whether this Long is greater than the other.
* @param {Long} other Long to compare against.
* @return {Boolean} whether this Long is greater than the other.
* @api public
Long.prototype.greaterThan = function(other) {
return > 0;
* Return whether this Long is greater than or equal to the other.
* @param {Long} other Long to compare against.
* @return {Boolean} whether this Long is greater than or equal to the other.
* @api public
Long.prototype.greaterThanOrEqual = function(other) {
return >= 0;
* Compares this Long with the given one.
* @param {Long} other Long to compare against.
* @return {Boolean} 0 if they are the same, 1 if the this is greater, and -1 if the given one is greater.
* @api public
*/ = function(other) {
if (this.equals(other)) {
return 0;
var thisNeg = this.isNegative();
var otherNeg = other.isNegative();
if (thisNeg && !otherNeg) {
return -1;
if (!thisNeg && otherNeg) {
return 1;
// at this point, the signs are the same, so subtraction will not overflow
if (this.subtract(other).isNegative()) {
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
* The negation of this value.
* @return {Long} the negation of this value.
* @api public
Long.prototype.negate = function() {
if (this.equals(Long.MIN_VALUE)) {
return Long.MIN_VALUE;
} else {
return this.not().add(Long.ONE);
* Returns the sum of this and the given Long.
* @param {Long} other Long to add to this one.
* @return {Long} the sum of this and the given Long.
* @api public
Long.prototype.add = function(other) {
// Divide each number into 4 chunks of 16 bits, and then sum the chunks.
var a48 = this.high_ >>> 16;
var a32 = this.high_ & 0xFFFF;
var a16 = this.low_ >>> 16;
var a00 = this.low_ & 0xFFFF;
var b48 = other.high_ >>> 16;
var b32 = other.high_ & 0xFFFF;
var b16 = other.low_ >>> 16;
var b00 = other.low_ & 0xFFFF;
var c48 = 0, c32 = 0, c16 = 0, c00 = 0;
c00 += a00 + b00;
c16 += c00 >>> 16;
c00 &= 0xFFFF;
c16 += a16 + b16;
c32 += c16 >>> 16;
c16 &= 0xFFFF;
c32 += a32 + b32;
c48 += c32 >>> 16;
c32 &= 0xFFFF;
c48 += a48 + b48;
c48 &= 0xFFFF;
return Long.fromBits((c16 << 16) | c00, (c48 << 16) | c32);
* Returns the difference of this and the given Long.
* @param {Long} other Long to subtract from this.
* @return {Long} the difference of this and the given Long.
* @api public
Long.prototype.subtract = function(other) {
return this.add(other.negate());
* Returns the product of this and the given Long.
* @param {Long} other Long to multiply with this.
* @return {Long} the product of this and the other.
* @api public
Long.prototype.multiply = function(other) {
if (this.isZero()) {
return Long.ZERO;
} else if (other.isZero()) {
return Long.ZERO;
if (this.equals(Long.MIN_VALUE)) {
return other.isOdd() ? Long.MIN_VALUE : Long.ZERO;
} else if (other.equals(Long.MIN_VALUE)) {
return this.isOdd() ? Long.MIN_VALUE : Long.ZERO;
if (this.isNegative()) {
if (other.isNegative()) {
return this.negate().multiply(other.negate());
} else {
return this.negate().multiply(other).negate();
} else if (other.isNegative()) {
return this.multiply(other.negate()).negate();
// If both Longs are small, use float multiplication
if (this.lessThan(Long.TWO_PWR_24_) &&
other.lessThan(Long.TWO_PWR_24_)) {
return Long.fromNumber(this.toNumber() * other.toNumber());
// Divide each Long into 4 chunks of 16 bits, and then add up 4x4 products.
// We can skip products that would overflow.
var a48 = this.high_ >>> 16;
var a32 = this.high_ & 0xFFFF;
var a16 = this.low_ >>> 16;
var a00 = this.low_ & 0xFFFF;
var b48 = other.high_ >>> 16;
var b32 = other.high_ & 0xFFFF;
var b16 = other.low_ >>> 16;
var b00 = other.low_ & 0xFFFF;
var c48 = 0, c32 = 0, c16 = 0, c00 = 0;
c00 += a00 * b00;
c16 += c00 >>> 16;
c00 &= 0xFFFF;
c16 += a16 * b00;
c32 += c16 >>> 16;
c16 &= 0xFFFF;
c16 += a00 * b16;
c32 += c16 >>> 16;
c16 &= 0xFFFF;
c32 += a32 * b00;
c48 += c32 >>> 16;
c32 &= 0xFFFF;
c32 += a16 * b16;
c48 += c32 >>> 16;
c32 &= 0xFFFF;
c32 += a00 * b32;
c48 += c32 >>> 16;
c32 &= 0xFFFF;
c48 += a48 * b00 + a32 * b16 + a16 * b32 + a00 * b48;
c48 &= 0xFFFF;
return Long.fromBits((c16 << 16) | c00, (c48 << 16) | c32);
* Returns this Long divided by the given one.
* @param {Long} other Long by which to divide.
* @return {Long} this Long divided by the given one.
* @api public
Long.prototype.div = function(other) {
if (other.isZero()) {
throw Error('division by zero');
} else if (this.isZero()) {
return Long.ZERO;
if (this.equals(Long.MIN_VALUE)) {
if (other.equals(Long.ONE) ||
other.equals(Long.NEG_ONE)) {
return Long.MIN_VALUE; // recall that -MIN_VALUE == MIN_VALUE
} else if (other.equals(Long.MIN_VALUE)) {
return Long.ONE;
} else {
// At this point, we have |other| >= 2, so |this/other| < |MIN_VALUE|.
var halfThis = this.shiftRight(1);
var approx = halfThis.div(other).shiftLeft(1);
if (approx.equals(Long.ZERO)) {
return other.isNegative() ? Long.ONE : Long.NEG_ONE;
} else {
var rem = this.subtract(other.multiply(approx));
var result = approx.add(rem.div(other));
return result;
} else if (other.equals(Long.MIN_VALUE)) {
return Long.ZERO;
if (this.isNegative()) {
if (other.isNegative()) {
return this.negate().div(other.negate());
} else {
return this.negate().div(other).negate();
} else if (other.isNegative()) {
return this.div(other.negate()).negate();
// Repeat the following until the remainder is less than other: find a
// floating-point that approximates remainder / other *from below*, add this
// into the result, and subtract it from the remainder. It is critical that
// the approximate value is less than or equal to the real value so that the
// remainder never becomes negative.
var res = Long.ZERO;
var rem = this;
while (rem.greaterThanOrEqual(other)) {
// Approximate the result of division. This may be a little greater or
// smaller than the actual value.
var approx = Math.max(1, Math.floor(rem.toNumber() / other.toNumber()));
// We will tweak the approximate result by changing it in the 48-th digit or
// the smallest non-fractional digit, whichever is larger.
var log2 = Math.ceil(Math.log(approx) / Math.LN2);
var delta = (log2 <= 48) ? 1 : Math.pow(2, log2 - 48);
// Decrease the approximation until it is smaller than the remainder. Note
// that if it is too large, the product overflows and is negative.
var approxRes = Long.fromNumber(approx);
var approxRem = approxRes.multiply(other);
while (approxRem.isNegative() || approxRem.greaterThan(rem)) {
approx -= delta;
approxRes = Long.fromNumber(approx);
approxRem = approxRes.multiply(other);
// We know the answer can't be zero... and actually, zero would cause
// infinite recursion since we would make no progress.
if (approxRes.isZero()) {
approxRes = Long.ONE;
res = res.add(approxRes);
rem = rem.subtract(approxRem);
return res;
* Returns this Long modulo the given one.
* @param {Long} other Long by which to mod.
* @return {Long} this Long modulo the given one.
* @api public
Long.prototype.modulo = function(other) {
return this.subtract(this.div(other).multiply(other));
* The bitwise-NOT of this value.
* @return {Long} the bitwise-NOT of this value.
* @api public
Long.prototype.not = function() {
return Long.fromBits(~this.low_, ~this.high_);
* Returns the bitwise-AND of this Long and the given one.
* @param {Long} other the Long with which to AND.
* @return {Long} the bitwise-AND of this and the other.
* @api public
Long.prototype.and = function(other) {
return Long.fromBits(this.low_ & other.low_, this.high_ & other.high_);
* Returns the bitwise-OR of this Long and the given one.
* @param {Long} other the Long with which to OR.
* @return {Long} the bitwise-OR of this and the other.
* @api public
Long.prototype.or = function(other) {
return Long.fromBits(this.low_ | other.low_, this.high_ | other.high_);
* Returns the bitwise-XOR of this Long and the given one.
* @param {Long} other the Long with which to XOR.
* @return {Long} the bitwise-XOR of this and the other.
* @api public
Long.prototype.xor = function(other) {
return Long.fromBits(this.low_ ^ other.low_, this.high_ ^ other.high_);
* Returns this Long with bits shifted to the left by the given amount.
* @param {Number} numBits the number of bits by which to shift.
* @return {Long} this shifted to the left by the given amount.
* @api public
Long.prototype.shiftLeft = function(numBits) {
numBits &= 63;
if (numBits == 0) {
return this;
} else {
var low = this.low_;
if (numBits < 32) {
var high = this.high_;
return Long.fromBits(
low << numBits,
(high << numBits) | (low >>> (32 - numBits)));
} else {
return Long.fromBits(0, low << (numBits - 32));
* Returns this Long with bits shifted to the right by the given amount.
* @param {Number} numBits the number of bits by which to shift.
* @return {Long} this shifted to the right by the given amount.
* @api public
Long.prototype.shiftRight = function(numBits) {
numBits &= 63;
if (numBits == 0) {
return this;
} else {
var high = this.high_;
if (numBits < 32) {
var low = this.low_;
return Long.fromBits(
(low >>> numBits) | (high << (32 - numBits)),
high >> numBits);
} else {
return Long.fromBits(
high >> (numBits - 32),
high >= 0 ? 0 : -1);
* Returns this Long with bits shifted to the right by the given amount, with the new top bits matching the current sign bit.
* @param {Number} numBits the number of bits by which to shift.
* @return {Long} this shifted to the right by the given amount, with zeros placed into the new leading bits.
* @api public
Long.prototype.shiftRightUnsigned = function(numBits) {
numBits &= 63;
if (numBits == 0) {
return this;
} else {
var high = this.high_;
if (numBits < 32) {
var low = this.low_;
return Long.fromBits(
(low >>> numBits) | (high << (32 - numBits)),
high >>> numBits);
} else if (numBits == 32) {
return Long.fromBits(high, 0);
} else {
return Long.fromBits(high >>> (numBits - 32), 0);
* Returns a Long representing the given (32-bit) integer value.
* @param {Number} value the 32-bit integer in question.
* @return {Long} the corresponding Long value.
* @api public
Long.fromInt = function(value) {
if (-128 <= value && value < 128) {
var cachedObj = Long.INT_CACHE_[value];
if (cachedObj) {
return cachedObj;
var obj = new Long(value | 0, value < 0 ? -1 : 0);
if (-128 <= value && value < 128) {
Long.INT_CACHE_[value] = obj;
return obj;
* Returns a Long representing the given value, provided that it is a finite number. Otherwise, zero is returned.
* @param {Number} value the number in question.
* @return {Long} the corresponding Long value.
* @api public
Long.fromNumber = function(value) {
if (isNaN(value) || !isFinite(value)) {
return Long.ZERO;
} else if (value <= -Long.TWO_PWR_63_DBL_) {
return Long.MIN_VALUE;
} else if (value + 1 >= Long.TWO_PWR_63_DBL_) {
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
} else if (value < 0) {
return Long.fromNumber(-value).negate();
} else {
return new Long(
(value % Long.TWO_PWR_32_DBL_) | 0,
(value / Long.TWO_PWR_32_DBL_) | 0);
* Returns a Long representing the 64-bit integer that comes by concatenating the given high and low bits. Each is assumed to use 32 bits.
* @param {Number} lowBits the low 32-bits.
* @param {Number} highBits the high 32-bits.
* @return {Long} the corresponding Long value.
* @api public
Long.fromBits = function(lowBits, highBits) {
return new Long(lowBits, highBits);
* Returns a Long representation of the given string, written using the given radix.
* @param {String} str the textual representation of the Long.
* @param {Number} opt_radix the radix in which the text is written.
* @return {Long} the corresponding Long value.
* @api public
Long.fromString = function(str, opt_radix) {
if (str.length == 0) {
throw Error('number format error: empty string');
var radix = opt_radix || 10;
if (radix < 2 || 36 < radix) {
throw Error('radix out of range: ' + radix);
if (str.charAt(0) == '-') {
return Long.fromString(str.substring(1), radix).negate();
} else if (str.indexOf('-') >= 0) {
throw Error('number format error: interior "-" character: ' + str);
// Do several (8) digits each time through the loop, so as to
// minimize the calls to the very expensive emulated div.
var radixToPower = Long.fromNumber(Math.pow(radix, 8));
var result = Long.ZERO;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i += 8) {
var size = Math.min(8, str.length - i);
var value = parseInt(str.substring(i, i + size), radix);
if (size < 8) {
var power = Long.fromNumber(Math.pow(radix, size));
result = result.multiply(power).add(Long.fromNumber(value));
} else {
result = result.multiply(radixToPower);
result = result.add(Long.fromNumber(value));
return result;
// NOTE: Common constant values ZERO, ONE, NEG_ONE, etc. are defined below the
// from* methods on which they depend.
* A cache of the Long representations of small integer values.
* @type {Object}
* @api private
Long.INT_CACHE_ = {};
// NOTE: the compiler should inline these constant values below and then remove
// these variables, so there should be no runtime penalty for these.
* Number used repeated below in calculations. This must appear before the
* first call to any from* function below.
* @type {number}
* @api private
Long.TWO_PWR_16_DBL_ = 1 << 16;
* @type {number}
* @api private
Long.TWO_PWR_24_DBL_ = 1 << 24;
* @type {number}
* @api private
Long.TWO_PWR_32_DBL_ = Long.TWO_PWR_16_DBL_ * Long.TWO_PWR_16_DBL_;
* @type {number}
* @api private
Long.TWO_PWR_31_DBL_ = Long.TWO_PWR_32_DBL_ / 2;
* @type {number}
* @api private
Long.TWO_PWR_48_DBL_ = Long.TWO_PWR_32_DBL_ * Long.TWO_PWR_16_DBL_;
* @type {number}
* @api private
Long.TWO_PWR_64_DBL_ = Long.TWO_PWR_32_DBL_ * Long.TWO_PWR_32_DBL_;
* @type {number}
* @api private
Long.TWO_PWR_63_DBL_ = Long.TWO_PWR_64_DBL_ / 2;
/** @type {Long} */
Long.ZERO = Long.fromInt(0);
/** @type {Long} */
Long.ONE = Long.fromInt(1);
/** @type {Long} */
Long.NEG_ONE = Long.fromInt(-1);
/** @type {Long} */
Long.fromBits(0xFFFFFFFF | 0, 0x7FFFFFFF | 0);
/** @type {Long} */
Long.MIN_VALUE = Long.fromBits(0, 0x80000000 | 0);
* @type {Long}
* @api private
Long.TWO_PWR_24_ = Long.fromInt(1 << 24);
* Expose.
if(typeof window === 'undefined') {
exports.Long = Long;

node_modules/node-firebird/lib/messages.js generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
var fs = require('fs');
//ISC_MASK = 0x14000000, // Defines the code as a valid ISC code
FAC_MASK = 0x00FF0000, // Specifies the facility where the code is located
CODE_MASK = 0x0000FFFF, // Specifies the code in the message file
CLASS_MASK = 0xF0000000; // Defines the code as warning, error, info, or other
var msgNumber = exports.msgNumber = function(facility, code) {
return (facility * 10000 + code);
var getCode = exports.getCode = function(code) {
return (code & CODE_MASK)
var getFacility = exports.getFacility = function(code) {
return (code & FAC_MASK) >> 16;
exports.getClass = function(code) {
return (code & CLASS_MASK) >> 30
exports.lookupMessages = function(status, callback){
var handle;
var bucket_size;
var top_tree;
var levels;
var buffer;
function lookup(item, callback) {
var code = msgNumber(getFacility(item.gdscode), getCode(item.gdscode));
function readIndex(stackSize, position) {
function readNode(from) {
var ret = {};
ret.code = buffer.readUInt32LE(from); = buffer.readUInt32LE(from + 4);
return ret;
}, buffer, 0, bucket_size, position, function(err, bufferSize) {
if (bufferSize <= 0) {
if (stackSize === levels) {
var from = 0;
var node = readNode(from);
while (true) {
if (node.code >= code)
readIndex(stackSize + 1,;
from += 8;
if (from >= bufferSize)
node = readNode(from);
function search() {
function readRec(from) {
function align(v) {
return (v + 3) & ~3;
var ret = {};
ret.code = buffer.readUInt32LE(from);
ret.length = buffer.readUInt16LE(from + 4);
if (ret.code == code){
from += 8;
ret.text = buffer.toString(null, from, from + ret.length);
} else = from + align(8 + ret.length, 4);
return ret;
var rec = readRec(0);
while ( {
if ( >= buffer.length)
rec = readRec(;
var str = rec.text;
if (item.params) {
for (var i = 0; i < item.params.length; i++)
str = str.replace('@' + String(i+1), item.params[i]);
readIndex(1, top_tree);
} + "/firebird.msg", 'r', function(err, h) {
if (!h) {
buffer = new Buffer(14);, buffer, 0, 14, 0, function(){
handle = h;
bucket_size = buffer.readUInt16LE(2);
top_tree = buffer.readUInt32LE(4);
levels = buffer.readUInt16LE(12);
buffer = new Buffer(bucket_size);
var i = 0;
var text;
function loop() {
lookup(status[i], function(line) {
if (text)
text = text + ', ' + line
text = line;
if (i === status.length - 1) {
} else {

node_modules/node-firebird/lib/serialize.js generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
var Long = require('./long.js').Long;
function align(n) {
return (n + 3) & ~3;
* BLR Writer
var BlrWriter = exports.BlrWriter = function(size){
this.buffer = new Buffer(size || 32);
this.pos = 0;
BlrWriter.prototype.addByte = function (b) {
this.buffer.writeUInt8(b, this.pos);
BlrWriter.prototype.addShort = function (b) {
this.buffer.writeInt8(b, this.pos);
BlrWriter.prototype.addSmall = function (b) {
this.buffer.writeInt16LE(b, this.pos);
this.pos += 2;
BlrWriter.prototype.addWord = function (b) {
this.buffer.writeUInt16LE(b, this.pos);
this.pos += 2;
BlrWriter.prototype.addNumeric = function (c, v) {
if (v < 256){
this.buffer.writeUInt8(c, this.pos);
this.buffer.writeUInt8(1, this.pos);
this.buffer.writeUInt8(v, this.pos);
this.buffer.writeUInt8(c, this.pos);
this.buffer.writeUInt8(4, this.pos);
this.buffer.writeInt32BE(v, this.pos);
this.pos += 4;
BlrWriter.prototype.addBytes = function (b) {
for (var i = 0, length = b.length; i < length; i++) {
this.buffer.writeUInt8(b[i], this.pos);
BlrWriter.prototype.addString = function (c, s, encoding) {
var len = Buffer.byteLength(s, encoding);
if (len > MAX_STRING_SIZE)
throw new Error('blr string is too big');
this.ensure(len + 1);
this.buffer.writeUInt8(len, this.pos);
this.buffer.write(s, this.pos, s.length, encoding);
this.pos += len;
BlrWriter.prototype.addBuffer = function (b) {
b.copy(this.buffer, this.pos);
this.pos += b.length;
* BLR Reader
var BlrReader = exports.BlrReader = function(buffer) {
this.buffer = buffer;
this.pos = 0;
BlrReader.prototype.readByteCode = function(){
return this.buffer.readUInt8(this.pos++);
BlrReader.prototype.readInt = function(){
var len = this.buffer.readUInt16LE(this.pos);
this.pos += 2;
var value;
switch (len) {
case 1:
value = this.buffer.readInt8(this.pos);
case 2:
value = this.buffer.readInt16LE(this.pos);
case 4:
value = this.buffer.readInt32LE(this.pos)
this.pos += len;
return value;
BlrReader.prototype.readString = function(encoding){
var len = this.buffer.readUInt16LE(this.pos);
var str;
this.pos += 2;
if (len <= 0)
return '';
str = this.buffer.toString(encoding, this.pos, this.pos + len);
this.pos += len;
return str;
BlrReader.prototype.readSegment = function() {
var ret, tmp;
var len = this.buffer.readUInt16LE(this.pos);
this.pos += 2;
while (len > 0) {
if (ret) {
tmp = ret;
ret = new Buffer(tmp.length + len);
this.buffer.copy(ret, tmp.length, this.pos, this.pos + len);
} else {
ret = new Buffer(len);
this.buffer.copy(ret, 0, this.pos, this.pos + len);
this.pos += len;
if (this.pos === this.buffer.length)
len = this.buffer.readUInt16LE(this.pos);
this.pos += 2;
return ret;
* XDR Writer
var XdrWriter = exports.XdrWriter = function(size){
this.buffer = new Buffer(size || 32);
this.pos = 0;
XdrWriter.prototype.ensure = BlrWriter.prototype.ensure = function (len) {
var newlen = this.buffer.length;
while (newlen < this.pos + len)
newlen *= 2
if (this.buffer.length >= newlen)
var b = new Buffer(newlen);
this.buffer = b;
XdrWriter.prototype.addInt = function (value) {
this.buffer.writeInt32BE(value, this.pos);
this.pos += 4;
XdrWriter.prototype.addInt64 = function (value) {
var l = new Long(value);
this.buffer.writeInt32BE(l.high_, this.pos);
this.pos += 4;
this.buffer.writeInt32BE(l.low_, this.pos);
this.pos += 4;
XdrWriter.prototype.addUInt = function (value) {
this.buffer.writeUInt32BE(value, this.pos);
this.pos += 4;
XdrWriter.prototype.addString = function(s, encoding) {
var len = Buffer.byteLength(s, encoding);
var alen = align(len);
this.ensure(alen + 4);
this.buffer.writeInt32BE(len, this.pos);
this.pos += 4;
this.buffer.write(s, this.pos, len, encoding);
this.pos += alen;
XdrWriter.prototype.addText = function(s, encoding) {
var len = Buffer.byteLength(s, encoding);
var alen = align(len);
this.buffer.write(s, this.pos, len, encoding);
this.pos += alen;
XdrWriter.prototype.addBlr = function(blr) {
var alen = align(blr.pos);
this.ensure(alen + 4);
this.buffer.writeInt32BE(blr.pos, this.pos);
this.pos += 4;
blr.buffer.copy(this.buffer, this.pos);
this.pos += alen;
XdrWriter.prototype.getData = function() {
return this.buffer.slice(0, this.pos);
XdrWriter.prototype.addDouble = function(value) {
this.buffer.writeDoubleBE(value, this.pos);
this.pos += 8;
XdrWriter.prototype.addQuad = function(quad) {
var b = this.buffer;
b.writeInt32BE(quad.high, this.pos);
this.pos += 4;
b.writeInt32BE(quad.low, this.pos);
this.pos += 4;
* XDR Reader
var XdrReader = exports.XdrReader = function(buffer){
this.buffer = buffer;
this.pos = 0;
XdrReader.prototype.readInt = function () {
var r = this.buffer.readInt32BE(this.pos);
this.pos += 4;
return r;
XdrReader.prototype.readUInt = function () {
var r = this.buffer.readUInt32BE(this.pos);
this.pos += 4;
return r;
XdrReader.prototype.readInt64 = function () {
var high = this.buffer.readInt32BE(this.pos);
this.pos += 4;
var low = this.buffer.readInt32BE(this.pos);
this.pos += 4;
return new Long(low, high);
XdrReader.prototype.readShort = function () {
var r = this.buffer.readInt16BE(this.pos);
this.pos += 2;
return r;
XdrReader.prototype.readQuad = function () {
var b = this.buffer;
var high = b.readInt32BE(this.pos);
this.pos += 4;
var low = b.readInt32BE(this.pos);
this.pos += 4;
return {low: low, high: high}
XdrReader.prototype.readFloat = function () {
var r = this.buffer.readFloatBE(this.pos);
this.pos += 4;
return r;
XdrReader.prototype.readDouble = function () {
var r = this.buffer.readDoubleBE(this.pos);
this.pos += 8;
return r;
XdrReader.prototype.readArray = function () {
var len = this.readInt();
if (!len)
var r = this.buffer.slice(this.pos, this.pos + len);
this.pos += align(len);
return r;
XdrReader.prototype.readBuffer = function (len) {
if (!arguments.length)
len = this.readInt();
if (!len)
var r = this.buffer.slice(this.pos, this.pos + len);
this.pos += align(len);
return r;
XdrReader.prototype.readString = function (encoding) {
var len = this.readInt();
return this.readText(len, encoding);
XdrReader.prototype.readText = function (len, encoding) {
if (len <= 0)
return '';
var r = this.buffer.toString(encoding, this.pos, this.pos + len);
this.pos += align(len);
return r;

node_modules/node-firebird/package.json generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
"name": "node-firebird",
"version": "0.2.3",
"description": "Pure JavaScript and Asynchronous Firebird client for Node.js.",
"keywords": [
"homepage": "",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"author": {
"name": "Henri Gourvest",
"email": ""
"contributors": [
"name": "Popa Marius Adrian",
"email": ""
"name": "Peter Širka",
"email": ""
"main": "./lib",
"licenses": [
"type": "MPL-2.0",
"url": ""
"gitHead": "39dadf20e203a8300eb766a24deecbfe3757954a",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"_id": "node-firebird@0.2.3",
"scripts": {},
"_shasum": "5af05dc7575543188b5005a59bd3e10537cff160",
"_from": "node-firebird@",
"_npmVersion": "1.4.28",
"_npmUser": {
"name": "mariuz",
"email": ""
"maintainers": [
"name": "hgourvest",
"email": ""
"name": "mariuz",
"email": ""
"name": "petersirka",
"email": ""
"dist": {
"shasum": "5af05dc7575543188b5005a59bd3e10537cff160",
"tarball": ""
"directories": {},
"_resolved": ""

node_modules/node-firebird/test/image.png generated vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 5.3 KiB

node_modules/node-firebird/test/run.js generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
var fb = require('../lib');
var fs = require('fs');
var os = require('os');
var assert = require('assert');
var Path = require('path');
var now = new Date();
var config = {
// Problem with privileges in OSX
// database: Path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'test-' + new Date().getTime() + '.fdb'),
database: Path.join(process.cwd(), 'test-' + new Date().getTime() + '.fdb'),
host: '', // default
port: 3050, // default
user: 'SYSDBA', // default
password: 'masterkey', // default
role: null, // default
pageSize: 4096, // default when creating database
timeout: 3000 // default query timeout
Array.prototype.async = function(cb) {
var self = this;
var item = self.shift();
if (item === undefined) {
if (cb)
item(function() {
setImmediate(function() {
fb.attachOrCreate(config, function (err, db) {
if (err)
throw err.message;
database = db;
var task = [];
task.push(test_select_insert); // for inserted rows
task.push(test_select_update); // for updated rows
task.push(function(next) {
function test_create(next) {
var name = 'TEST ---> test_create';
// Create table
database.query('CREATE TABLE test (ID INT, NAME VARCHAR(50), FILE BLOB, CREATED TIMESTAMP)', function(err) {
assert.ok(!err, name + ': create table ' + err);
// Check if table exists
database.query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test', function(err, r) {
assert.ok(!err, name + ': check existing of table ' + err);
assert.ok(r[0].count === 0, name + ': check rows in new table');
// Next test
function test_reconnect(next) {
var name = 'TEST ---> test_reconnect';
database.on('reconnect', function() {
function test_insert(next) {
var name = 'TEST ---> test_insert';
var query = [];
// Insert record with blob (STREAM)
query.push(function(next) {
database.query('INSERT INTO test (ID, NAME, FILE, CREATED) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING ID', [1, 'Firebird 1', fs.createReadStream('image.png'), '14.12.2014 12:12:12'], function(err, r) {
assert.ok(!err, name + ': insert blob (stream) ' + err);
assert.ok(r['id'] === 1, name + ': blob (stream) returning value');
// Insert record with blob (BUFFER)
query.push(function(next) {
database.query('INSERT INTO test (ID, NAME, FILE, CREATED) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING ID', [2, 'Firebird 2', fs.readFileSync('image.png'), '14.12.2014T12:12:12'], function(err, r) {
assert.ok(!err, name + ': insert blob (buffer) ' + err);
assert.ok(r['id'] === 2, name + ': blob (buffer) returning value');
// Insert record without blob
query.push(function(next) {
database.query('INSERT INTO test (ID, NAME, CREATED) VALUES(?, ?, ?) RETURNING ID', [3, 'Firebird 3', now], function(err, r) {
assert.ok(!err, name + ': insert without blob (buffer) (1) ' + err);
assert.ok(r['id'] === 3, name + ': without blob (buffer) returning value');
// Insert record without blob (without returning value)
query.push(function(next) {
database.query('INSERT INTO test (ID, NAME, CREATED) VALUES(?, ?, ?)', [4, 'Firebird 4', '2014-12-12 13:59'], function(err, r) {
assert.ok(!err, name + ': insert without blob (buffer) (2) ' + err);
assert.ok(err === undefined, name + ': insert without blob + without returning value');
query.async(function() {
function test_update(next) {
var name = 'TEST ---> test_update';
var query = [];
// Insert record with blob (STREAM)
query.push(function(next) {
database.query('UPDATE test SET NAME=?, FILE=? WHERE Id=1', ['Firebird 1 (UPD)', fs.createReadStream('image.png')], function(err, r) {
assert.ok(!err, name + ': update blob (stream) ' + err);
// Insert record with blob (BUFFER)
query.push(function(next) {
database.query('UPDATE test SET NAME=?, FILE=? WHERE Id=2', ['Firebird 2 (UPD)', fs.readFileSync('image.png')], function(err, r) {
assert.ok(!err, name + ': update blob (buffer) ' + err);
query.async(function() {
function test_select_insert(next) {
var name = 'TEST ---> test_select_insert';
var query = [];
// Classic select
query.push(function(next) {
database.query('SELECT * FROM test', function(err, r) {
var row = r[0];
var row2 = r[2];
var row4 = r[3];
assert.ok(!err, name + ': problem (1) ' + err);
assert.ok(row !== undefined, name + ': problem (2)');
assert.ok( === 1 && === 'Firebird 1', name + ': problem with deserializer');
assert.ok(typeof(row.file) === 'function', name + ': blob');
assert.ok(row.created.getMonth() === 11 && row.created.getDate() === 14 && row.created.getFullYear() === 2014 && row.created.getHours() === 12 && row.created.getMinutes() === 12, name + ': date problem (1)');
assert.ok(row2.created.getTime() === now.getTime(), name + ': date problem (2)');
assert.ok(row4.created.getMonth() === 11 && row4.created.getDate() === 12 && row4.created.getFullYear() === 2014 && row4.created.getHours() === 13 && row4.created.getMinutes() === 59, name + ': date problem (3)');
row.file(function(err, name, e) {
assert.ok(!err, name + ': reading blob ' + err);
var count = 0;
e.on('data', function(buffer) {
count += buffer.length;
e.on('end', function() {
assert.ok(count === 5472, name + ': problem with retrieving blob data');
// Select to array
query.push(function(next) {
// Deserialize to array
database.execute('SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(Id) FROM test', function(err, r) {
assert.ok(r[0][0] === 4 && r[0][1] === 10, name + ': array deserializer problem');
// Sequentially select (object)
query.push(function(next) {
var counter = 0;
database.sequentially('SELECT Id FROM test', function(row, index) {
counter +=;
}, function() {
assert.ok(counter === 10, name + ': sequentially (object)');
// Sequentially select (array)
query.push(function(next) {
var counter = 0;
database.sequentially('SELECT Id FROM test', function(row, index) {
counter += row[0];
}, function() {
assert.ok(counter === 10, name + ': sequentially (array)');
}, true);
query.async(function() {
function test_select_update(next) {
var name = 'TEST ---> test_select_update';
var query = [];
// Classic select 1
query.push(function(next) {
database.query('SELECT * FROM test WHERE Id=1', function(err, r) {
var row = r[0];
assert.ok(!err, name + ': problem (1) ' + err);
assert.ok(row !== undefined, name + ': problem (2)');
assert.ok( === 1 && === 'Firebird 1 (UPD)', name + ': problem with deserializer');
assert.ok(typeof(row.file) === 'function', name + ': blob');
row.file(function(err, name, e) {
assert.ok(!err, name + ': reading blob');
var count = 0;
e.on('data', function(buffer) {
count += buffer.length;
e.on('end', function() {
assert.ok(count === 5472, name + ': problem with retrieving blob data');
// Classic select 2
query.push(function(next) {
database.query('SELECT * FROM test WHERE Id=2', function(err, r) {
var row = r[0];
assert.ok(!err, name + ': problem (1) ' + err);
assert.ok(row !== undefined, name + ': problem (2)');
assert.ok( === 2 && === 'Firebird 2 (UPD)', name + ': problem with deserializer');
assert.ok(typeof(row.file) === 'function', name + ': blob');
row.file(function(err, name, e) {
assert.ok(!err, name + ': reading blob');
var count = 0;
e.on('data', function(buffer) {
count += buffer.length;
e.on('end', function() {
assert.ok(count === 5472, name + ': problem with retrieving blob data');
query.async(function() {
function test_transaction(next) {
var name = 'TEST ---> test_transaction';
var query = [];
// Invalid transaction
query.push(function(next) {
database.transaction(function(err, transaction) {
transaction.query('INSERT INTO test (ID, NAME) VALUES(?, ?)', [5, 'Transaction 1'], function(err) {
assert.ok(!err, name + ': problem (1) ' + err);
transaction.query('INSERT INTO test (ID, NAME) VALUES(?, ?)', [6, 'Transaction 2'], function(err) {
assert.ok(!err, name + ': problem (2)');
transaction.query('INSERT INTO testa (ID, NAME) VALUES(?, ?)', [7, 'Transaction 3'], function(err) {
assert.ok(err, name + ': problem (3)');
transaction.rollback(function(err) {
assert.ok(!err, name + ': rollback problem');
// Select to array
query.push(function(next) {
database.query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test', function(err, r) {
assert.ok(r[0].count === 4, name + ': transaction does not work (rollback)');
// Valid transaction
query.push(function(next) {
database.transaction(function(err, transaction) {
transaction.query('INSERT INTO test (ID, NAME) VALUES(?, ?)', [5, 'Transaction 1'], function(err) {
assert.ok(!err, name + ': problem (4) ' + err);
transaction.query('INSERT INTO test (ID, NAME) VALUES(?, ?)', [6, 'Transaction 2'], function(err) {
assert.ok(!err, name + ': problem (5)');
transaction.query('INSERT INTO test (ID, NAME) VALUES(?, ?)', [7, 'Transaction 3'], function(err) {
assert.ok(!err, name + ': problem (6) ' + err);
transaction.commit(function(err) {
assert.ok(!err, name + ': commit problem ' + err);
// Select to array
query.push(function(next) {
database.query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test', function(err, r) {
assert.ok(r[0].count === 7, name + ': transaction does not work (commit)');
query.async(function() {
function test_pooling(next) {
var name = 'TEST ---> test_pooling';
var query = [];
var pool = fb.pool(2, config);
query.push(function(next) {
pool.get(function(err, db) {
setTimeout(function() {
// detach a current connection (socket is opened)
}, 1000);
query.push(function(next) {
pool.get(function(err, db) {
setTimeout(function() {
// detach a current connection (socket is still opened)
}, 1500);
query.push(function(next) {
pool.get(function(err, db) {
assert.ok(pool.pending.length > 0, name + ': pool pending');
query.push(function(next) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);