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<h1 class="page-title">Source: drivers/Sqlite.js</h1>
<pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>/**
* Driver for SQLite databases
* @module drivers/Sqlite
module.exports = (() => {
delete require.cache[require.resolve('../Driver')];
const driver = require('../Driver');
// Sqlite doesn't have a truncate command
driver.hasTruncate = false;
* SQL to insert a group of rows
* Override default to have better compatibility
* @param {String} table - The table to insert to
* @param {Array} [data] - The array of object containing data to insert
* @return {String} - The generated sql statement
driver.insertBatch = (table, data) => {
// Get the data values to insert, so they can
// be parameterized
let sql = '';
const first = data.shift();
const vals = [];
data.forEach(obj => {
const row = [];
Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
sql += `INSERT INTO ${driver.quoteTable(table)}\n`;
// Get the field names from the keys of the first
// object to be inserted
const fields = Object.keys(first);
const cols = [];
fields.forEach(key => {
cols.push(`'${driver._quote(first[key])}' AS ${driver.quoteIdentifiers(key)}`);
sql += `SELECT ${cols.join(', ')}\n`;
vals.forEach(rowValues => {
const quoted = => String(value).replace('\'', '\'\''));
sql += `UNION ALL SELECT '${quoted.join('\', \'')}'\n`;
return {
sql: sql,
values: undefined
return driver;
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Documentation generated by <a href="">JSDoc 3.5.5</a> on Mon Feb 12 2018 14:58:25 GMT-0500 (EST)
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