 * MiniMVC
 * Convention-based micro-framework for PHP
 * @package		miniMVC
 * @author 		Timothy J. Warren
 * @copyright	Copyright (c) 2011 - 2012
 * @link 		https://github.com/aviat4ion/miniMVC
 * @license 	http://philsturgeon.co.uk/code/dbad-license

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Main config file
 * @package miniMVC
 * @subpackage App

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

| Base Url
| This is the url path of the domain. Requires trailing
| slash.
define('BASE_URL', '//' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/');

| Base Path
| This is the url path where the framework is located. Requires trailing
| slash.
define('BASE_PATH', '');

| Url index file
| This determines whether "index.php" is in generated urls
define('URL_INDEX_FILE',  BASE_PATH . '');

| Content Domain
| This is the domain used for serving content, such as css, javascript.

| Static Lib Path
| This is the path where the 'assets' directory is on the static domain.
define('STATIC_LIB_PATH', CONTENT_DOMAIN.'assets/');

| Group Style Path
| This is the path that is used to determine the relative path to the
| stylesheet minifier. This should not need to be changed.
define('STYLE_PATH', STATIC_LIB_PATH . 'css.php?g=');

| Group Javascript Path
| This is the path that is used to determine the relative path to the
| javascript minifier. This should not need to be changed.
define('SCRIPT_PATH', STATIC_LIB_PATH . 'js.php?g=');

| Default title
| Default title for webpages
define('DEFAULT_TITLE', "meta");

| Default css group
| Default css group to show if none explicity chose
define('DEFAULT_CSS_GROUP', "css");

| Default js group
| Default js group to show if none explicitly chosen
define('DEFAULT_JS_GROUP', "js");

| Debug backtrace
| Whether or not to show a backtrace for php errors
| Must be defined as TRUE for the backtrace to display.

| Gzip compress
| Whether or not use gzip compression on page output
define('GZ_COMPRESS', TRUE);

// End of config.php