import _ from 'lodash-es'; import { JSONMessage } from '//helpers/web-socket'; export class WSCache { constructor (ws) { = ws;'message', this.onWebSocketMessage);'close', this.onWebSocketClose);'error', console.error); // Websocket channels // These hold previous messages if they are needed later this.slots = { 'default': [], }; // Send messages this.sent = { 'default': [], }; // Subscribers this.listeners = { 'default': [], 'server-log': [console.dir], }; _.bindAll(this, [ 'onWebSocketClose', 'onWebSocketMessage', 'publish', 'send', 'sendJSON', 'subscribe', ]); } onWebSocketClose () {'WebSocket closed'); } /** * Callback for receiving a websocket message * * @param {mixed} message */ onWebSocketMessage (message) { try { const messageObject = JSON.parse(; WSCache.instance.publish(messageObject[0], messageObject[1]); } catch (e) { WSCache.instance.publish('default',; } } /* * Send a recieved websocket message to the appropriate listener(s) * * @param {string} slot * @param {mixed} data * @return {void} */ publish (slot, data) { if (!this.listeners[slot] || data === undefined) { return; } this.slots[slot].push(data); this.listeners[slot].forEach(listener => { listener(data); }); } /** * Send a message to the websocket server * * @param {mixed} message */ send (message) { this.sent['default'].push(message); return; } /** * Send a JSON-encoded message to the websocket server * * @param {string} slot * @param {mixed} data */ sendJSON (slot, data = {}) { const sentSlots = Object.keys(this.sent); if (!sentSlots.includes(slot)) { this.sent[slot] = []; } this.sent[slot].push(data); return, data)); } /** * Subscribe to a websocket message type * * Returns an object with a `unsubscribe` method * * @param {string} slot * @param {function} cb */ subscribe (slot, cb) { const slots = Object.keys(this.slots); // Create the slots and listener arrays if (!slots.includes(slot)) { this.slots[slot] = []; this.listeners[slot] = []; } const listenerIndex = this.listeners[slot].push(cb) -1; return { remove: () => { delete this.listeners[slot][listenerIndex]; }, }; } } WSCache.instance = null; export function createWsCache () { if (WSCache.instance === null) { const ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:65432/'); const instance = new WSCache(ws); WSCache.instance = instance; return instance; } return WSCache.instance; }