
return [
	'' => '',
	'4x4' => '4x4cm',
	'6x4.5' => '6x4.5cm',
	'6x6' => '6x6cm',
	'35mm' => '35mm',
	'110' => '110',
	'120' => '120',
	'127' => '127',
	'620' => '620',
	'Aperture blades' => '# of Aperture Blades',
	'APS-C' => 'APS-C',
	'B & W' => 'B & W',
	'Batteries' => 'Batteries',
	'Battery type' => 'Battery Type',
	'Brand' => 'Brand',
	'C-41' => 'C-41',
	'Cellulose Triacetate' => 'Cellulose Triacetate',
	'Chemistry' => 'Film Chemistry',
	'Coatings' => 'Coatings',
	'Crop factor' => 'Crop Factor',
	'Description' => 'Description',
	'Design elements' => '# of Design Elements',
	'Design groups' => '# of Design Groups',
	'Developed rolls' => '# of Developed Rolls',
	'E-6' => 'E-6',
	'Film alias' => 'Film Alias',
	'Film base' => 'Film Base',
	'Film format' => 'Film Format',
	'Film name' => 'Film Name',
	'Film speed asa' => 'Film Speed (ASA)',
	'Film speed din' => 'Film Speed (DIN)',
	'Formerly owned' => 'Formerly Owned',
	'Front filter size' => 'Front filter size (mm)',
	'Guide number' => 'Guide Number',
	'Image size' => 'Image Size',
	'Is auto flash' => 'Is auto flash',
	'Is digital' => 'Is Digital',
	'Is p ttl' => 'Is P-TTL',
	'Is teleconverter' => 'Is teleconverter',
	'Is ttl' => 'Is TTL',
	'Is working' => 'Is Working',
	'Max f stop' => 'Max aperture (smallest f number)',
	'Max focal length' => 'Max focal length (mm)',
	'Medium Format' => 'Medium Format',
	'Micro 4/3' => 'μ 4/3',
	'Min f stop' => 'Min aperture (largest f number)',
	'Min focal length' => 'Min focal length (mm)',
	'Model' => 'Model',
	'Mount' => 'Mount',
	'Notes' => 'Notes',
	'Other' => 'Other',
	'P ttl type' => 'P-TTL Type',
	'Polyester' => 'Polyester',
	'Polyethylene Naphtalate' => 'Polyethylene Naphtalate',
	'Product line' => 'Product Line',
	'Purchase price' => 'Purchase Price',
	'Rear filter size' => 'Rear filter size (mm)',
	'Received' => 'Received',
	'Rolls in camera' => '# of Rolls in a Camera',
	'Serial' => 'Serial',
	'Small Format' => 'Small Format',
	'Ttl type' => 'TTL Type',
	'Type' => 'Type',
	'Unused rolls' => '# of Unused Rolls',