<?php declare(strict_types=1); return [ '' => '', '4x4' => '4x4cm', '5V 32-bit PCI' => '5V 32-bit PCI', '5V 64-bit PCI' => '5V 64-bit PCI', '6x6' => '6x6cm', '6x4.5' => '6x4.5cm', '8-bit ISA' => '8-bit ISA', '16-bit ISA' => '16-bit ISA', '35mm' => '35mm', '1.5V AGP' => '1.5V AGP', '110' => '110', '120' => '120', '127' => '127', '3.3V 32-bit PCI' => '3.3V 32-bit PCI', '3.3V 64-bit PCI' => '3.3V 64-bit PCI', '3.3V AGP' => '3.3V AGP', '3.3V PCI 33' => '3.3V PCI 33', '620' => '620', 'Acquired' => 'Acquired', 'AGP 1x' => 'AGP 1x', 'AGP 2x' => 'AGP 2x', 'AGP 4x' => 'AGP 4x', 'AGP 8x' => 'AGP 8x', 'AGP' => 'AGP', 'Alternate model name' => 'Alternate Model Name', 'Aperture blades' => '# of Aperture Blades', 'APS-C' => 'APS-C', 'Architecture link' => 'Architecture Link', 'Architecture' => 'Architecture', 'arm' => 'arm', 'arm64' => 'arm64', 'B & W' => 'B & W', 'Base speed' => 'Base Speed', 'Batteries' => 'Batteries', 'Battery type' => 'Battery Type', 'Board brand' => 'GPU Board Brand', 'Boost speed' => 'Boost Speed', 'Brand' => 'Brand', 'Bus interface' => 'Bus Interface', 'C-41' => 'C-41', 'Card key' => 'Card Interface Keying', 'Categories' => 'Categories', 'Cellulose Triacetate' => 'Cellulose Triacetate', 'Chipset' => 'Chipset', 'Chemistry' => 'Film Chemistry', 'Clock speed' => 'Clock Speed (MHz)', 'Coatings' => 'Coatings', 'Code name' => 'Codename', 'Common' => 'Common', 'Compute units' => 'Compute Units/Cores', 'Cores' => 'Cores', 'Count' => 'Count', 'Crop factor' => 'Crop Factor', 'Description' => 'Description', 'Design elements' => '# of Design Elements', 'Design groups' => '# of Design Groups', 'Developed rolls' => '# of Developed Rolls', 'DirectX Support' => 'DirectX Support', 'DUAL_INLINE_PACKAGE' => 'DIP', 'E-6' => 'E-6', 'Film alias' => 'Film Alias', 'Film base' => 'Film Base', 'Film format' => 'Film Format', 'Film name' => 'Film Name', 'Film speed asa' => 'Film Speed (ASA)', 'Film speed din' => 'Film Speed (DIN)', 'Formerly owned' => 'Formerly Owned', 'Front filter size' => 'Front filter size (mm)', 'Generation link' => 'Generation Link', 'Generation name' => 'Generation Name', 'GPU Base Clock (MHz)' => 'GPU Base Clock (MHz)', 'GPU Boost Clock (MHz)' => 'GPU Boost Clock (MHz)', 'Gpu brand' => 'GPU Brand', 'Gpu core' => 'GPU Core', 'Guide number' => 'Guide Number', 'Historical' => 'Historical', 'IBM POWER' => 'IBM POWER', 'Igp' => 'IGP', 'Image size' => 'Image Size', 'Intel 8088' => 'Intel 8088', 'Intel 80186' => 'Intel 80186', 'Is auto flash' => 'Is auto flash', 'Is digital' => 'Is Digital', 'Is p ttl' => 'Is P-TTL', 'Is teleconverter' => 'Is teleconverter', 'Is ttl' => 'Is TTL', 'Is working' => 'Is Working', 'ISA' => 'ISA', 'L1 Cache' => 'Level 1 Cache', 'L1 Data (x-way)' => 'L1 Data (x-way)', 'L1 Data Cache(s)' => 'L1 Data Cache(s)', 'L1 Data Size KB' => 'L1 Data Size (KB)', 'L1 Instruction (x-way)' => 'L1 Instruction (x-way)', 'L1 Instruction Cache(s)' => 'L1 Instruction Cache(s)', 'L1 Instruction Size KB' => 'L1 Instruction Size (KB)', 'L1 Unified (x-way)' => 'L1 Unified (x-way)', 'L1 Unified Cache Size: KB' => 'L1 Unified Cache Size (KB)', 'L1 Unified Cache(s)' => 'L1 Unified Cache(s)', 'L2 Cache (x-way)' => 'L2 Cache (x-way)', 'L2 Cache Size KB (per unit)' => 'L2 Cache Size (KB per unit)', 'L2 Cache' => 'Level 2 Cache', 'L2 Cache(s)' => 'L2 Cache(s)', 'L3 Cache (x-way)' => 'L3 Cache (x-way)', 'L3 Cache Size KB (per unit)' => 'L3 Cache Size (KB per unit)', 'L3 Cache(s)' => 'L3 Cache(s)', 'LAND_GRID_ARRAY' => 'LGA', 'LEAD_LESS_CHIP_CARRIER' => 'Leadless Chip Carrier', 'Link' => 'Link', 'Lot number' => 'Lot Number', 'Max f stop' => 'Max aperture (smallest f number)', 'Max focal length' => 'Max focal length (mm)', 'Medium Format' => 'Medium Format', 'Memory Bus Size (bits)' => 'Memory Bus Size (bits)', 'Memory Size (MB)' => 'Memory Size (MB)', 'Memory Speed (MHz)' => 'Memory Speed (MHz)', 'Memory type' => 'Memory Type', 'Micro 4/3' => 'μ 4/3', 'Micro architecture' => 'μArchitecture', 'Min f stop' => 'Min aperture (largest f number)', 'Min focal length' => 'Min focal length (mm)', 'MIPS' => 'MIPS', 'Model name' => 'Model Name', 'Model' => 'Model', 'Molex Power Connectors' => 'Molex Power Connectors', 'MOS 6502' => 'MOS 6502', 'Motorola 68k' => 'Motorola 68k', 'Mount' => 'Mount', 'Name' => 'Name', 'Notes' => 'Notes', 'OpenCL Support' => 'OpenCL Support', 'OpenGL Support' => 'OpenGL Support', 'Other name' => 'Other Name', 'Other' => 'Other', 'Others' => 'Others', 'P ttl type' => 'P-TTL Type', 'Parts' => 'Parts', 'Part number' => 'Part Number', 'PCI 32-bit' => 'PCI 32-bit', 'PCI 33' => 'PCI 33', 'PCI 64-bit' => 'PCI 64-bit', 'PCI Express Other' => 'PCI Express Other', 'PCI Express x16' => 'PCI Express x16', 'PCI Express' => 'PCI Express', 'PCI' => 'PCI', 'PCI-X' => 'PCI-X', 'PCIe 6-pin Power Connectors' => 'PCIe 6-pin Power Connectors', 'PCIe 8-pin Power Connectors' => 'PCIe 8-pin Power Connectors', 'PCIe 1.0 x16' => 'PCIe 1.0 x16', 'PCIe 1.1 x16' => 'PCIe 1.1 x16', 'PCIe 2.0 x16' => 'PCIe 2.0 x16', 'PCIe 3.0 x8' => 'PCIe 3.0 x8', 'PCIe 3.0 x16' => 'PCIe 3.0 x16', 'PCIe 4.0 x4' => 'PCIe 4.0 x4', 'PCIe 4.0 x8' => 'PCIe 4.0 x8', 'PCIe 4.0 x16' => 'PCIe 4.0 x16', 'PCIe 5.0 x16' => 'PCIe 5.0 x16', 'PCIe x1' => 'PCIe x1', 'PCIe x4' => 'PCIe x4', 'PCIe x8' => 'PCIe x8', 'PCIe x16' => 'PCIe x16', 'Pin count' => 'Pin Count', 'PIN_GRID_ARRAY' => 'PGA', 'PLASTIC_LEADED_CHIP_CARRIER' => 'Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier', 'Polyester' => 'Polyester', 'Polyethylene Naphtalate' => 'Polyethylene Naphtalate', 'PowerPC' => 'PowerPC', 'Process node' => 'Process Node', 'Product line' => 'Product Line', 'Purchase price' => 'Purchase Price', 'Rear filter size' => 'Rear filter size (mm)', 'Received' => 'Received', 'RISC V' => 'RISC V', 'Rolls in camera' => '# of Rolls in a Camera', 'ROPs' => 'ROPs', 'Serial' => 'Serial', 'Series' => 'Series', 'Shader model' => 'Shader Model', 'Shading units' => 'Shading Units', 'Slot span' => 'Slot Span', 'SLOT' => 'Slot', 'Small Format' => 'Small Format', 'Socket' => 'Socket', 'Sockets' => 'Sockets', 'TDP (Watts)' => 'TDP (Watts)', 'Tdp' => 'TDP', 'Threads' => 'Threads', 'TMUs' => 'TMUs', 'Ttl type' => 'TTL Type', 'Type' => 'Type', 'Universal 32-bit PCI' => 'Universal 32-bit PCI', 'Universal 64-bit PCI' => 'Universal 64-bit PCI', 'Universal AGP' => 'Universal AGP', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown', 'Unused rolls' => '# of Unused Rolls', 'Usable' => 'Usable', 'Variant' => 'Variant', 'VESA Local Bus' => 'VESA Local Bus', 'VLB' => 'VLB', 'Voltage' => 'Voltage', 'Vulkan support' => 'Vulkan Support', 'x86' => 'x86', 'x86_64' => 'AMD64', 'Z80' => 'Z80', ];