use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::str::FromStr; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] pub enum WorryType { Normal, Extra, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] enum Operand { Old, Literal(usize), } #[derive(Debug)] struct Operation { operator: char, operand: Operand, } impl Operation { fn new(operator: char, operand: &str) -> Self { let operand = match operand { "old" => Operand::Old, _ => Operand::Literal(usize::from_str(operand).unwrap()), }; Operation { operator, operand } } #[inline(always)] fn run(&self, old: usize) -> usize { let operand = self.operand; if operand == Operand::Old && self.operator == '*' { return old * old; } let other = match operand { Operand::Old => old, Operand::Literal(other) => other, }; match self.operator { '+' => old + other, '*' => old * other, _ => panic!("Invalid operator"), } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Monkey { items: VecDeque, operation: Operation, test: usize, pass_monkey: usize, fail_monkey: usize, inspection_count: usize, inspection_worry: WorryType, } impl Monkey { pub fn from_behavior(raw: &str, inspection_worry: WorryType) -> Self { let lines: Vec<&str> = raw.lines().collect(); let item_parts: Vec<&str> = lines[1].split(": ").collect(); let items: VecDeque = item_parts[1] .split(", ") .map(|i| i.parse::().unwrap()) .collect(); let op_parts: Vec<&str> = lines[2].split(" = ").collect(); let [_, operator, operand]: [&str; 3] = op_parts[1] .split_ascii_whitespace() .collect::>() .try_into() .unwrap(); let [test, pass_monkey, fail_monkey]: [usize; 3] = lines[3..] .iter() .map(|line| line.split_ascii_whitespace().collect::>()) .map(|parts| parts[parts.len() - 1]) .map(|n| n.parse::().unwrap()) .collect::>() .try_into() .unwrap(); Monkey { items, operation: Operation::new(operator.chars().next().unwrap(), operand), test, pass_monkey, fail_monkey, inspection_count: 0, inspection_worry, } } #[inline(always)] fn run_test(&self, item: &usize) -> usize { if item % self.test == 0 { self.pass_monkey } else { self.fail_monkey } } #[inline(always)] pub fn inspect(&mut self, mut item: usize, divisor_product: usize) -> (usize, usize) { self.inspection_count += 1; let worry = if self.inspection_worry == WorryType::Normal { / 3 } else { // This is the whole key to keeping the number small enough to be practical. // I don't really understand it, but I was sick of this not being finished, // so I based the fix on // item %= divisor_product; }; let new_monkey = self.run_test(&worry); (new_monkey, worry) } #[inline(always)] pub fn catch(&mut self, item: usize) { self.items.push_back(item); } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct MonkeyGame { monkeys: Vec, divisor_product: usize, } impl MonkeyGame { pub fn from_file_str(file_str: &'static str, inspection_worry: WorryType) -> Self { let behaviors = file_str.split("\n\n"); let monkeys: Vec = behaviors .map(|m| Monkey::from_behavior(m, inspection_worry)) .collect(); // The magic divisor for getting the result with normal integer sizes let divisor_product = monkeys.iter().map(|m| m.test).product::(); Self { monkeys, divisor_product, } } fn throw(&mut self, item: usize, to: usize) { self.monkeys[to].catch(item); } #[inline(always)] pub fn do_rounds(&mut self, rounds: usize) -> &Self { for r in 0..rounds { if r % 100 == 0 { println!("Running round {}", r); } for m in 0..self.monkeys.len() { while let Some(worry) = self.monkeys[m].items.pop_front() { let (monkey_idx, worry) = self.monkeys[m].inspect(worry, self.divisor_product); self.throw(worry, monkey_idx); } } } self } pub fn get_inspection_counts(&self) -> Vec { let mut counts: Vec = self .monkeys .iter() .map(|m| m.inspection_count.clone()) .collect(); counts.sort(); counts.into_iter().rev().collect() } pub fn get_monkey_business(&self) -> usize { let inspections = self.get_inspection_counts(); inspections.get(0).unwrap() * inspections.get(1).unwrap() } } fn main() { let file_str = include_str!("input.txt"); let monkey_business1 = MonkeyGame::from_file_str(file_str, WorryType::Normal) .do_rounds(20) .get_monkey_business(); println!("Part 1 monkey business: {}", monkey_business1); let monkey_business2 = MonkeyGame::from_file_str(file_str, WorryType::Extra) .do_rounds(10_000) .get_monkey_business(); println!("Part 2 monkey business: {}", monkey_business2); } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; fn get_test_data() -> &'static str { include_str!("test-input.txt") } #[test] fn monkey_round() { let mut game = MonkeyGame::from_file_str(get_test_data(), WorryType::Normal); game.do_rounds(1); assert_eq!(game.monkeys[0].items, VecDeque::from([20, 23, 27, 26])); assert_eq!( game.monkeys[1].items, VecDeque::from([2080, 25, 167, 207, 401, 1046]) ); assert_eq!(game.monkeys[2].items, VecDeque::new()); assert_eq!(game.monkeys[3].items, VecDeque::new()); } #[test] fn monkey_20_rounds() { let mut game = MonkeyGame::from_file_str(get_test_data(), WorryType::Normal); game.do_rounds(20); assert_eq!(game.monkeys[0].inspection_count, 101); assert_eq!(game.monkeys[3].inspection_count, 105); assert_eq!(game.get_monkey_business(), 10605); } #[test] fn monkey_20_rounds_extra_worry() { let mut game = MonkeyGame::from_file_str(get_test_data(), WorryType::Extra); game.do_rounds(20); assert_eq!(game.monkeys[0].inspection_count, 99); assert_eq!(game.monkeys[3].inspection_count, 103); assert_eq!(game.get_monkey_business(), 10197); } #[test] fn monkey_1000_rounds_extra_worry() { let mut game = MonkeyGame::from_file_str(get_test_data(), WorryType::Extra); game.do_rounds(1000); assert_eq!(game.monkeys[0].inspection_count, 5204); assert_eq!(game.monkeys[3].inspection_count, 5192); } #[test] fn monkey_10_000_rounds_extra_worry() { let mut game = MonkeyGame::from_file_str(get_test_data(), WorryType::Extra); game.do_rounds(10_000); assert_eq!(game.monkeys[0].inspection_count, 52166); assert_eq!(game.monkeys[3].inspection_count, 52013); assert_eq!(game.get_monkey_business(), 2713310158); } }