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* OpenSQLManager
* Free Database manager for Open Source Databases
* @author Timothy J. Warren
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2012
* @link
* @license
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Main Window Class
* Creates and displays the main interface window
class Main extends GtkWindow {
private $main_vbox, $main_hbox;
* Create and display the main window on startup
function __construct()
//Resize to a sane size
$this->resize(640, 480);
//Layout the interface
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Display About menu with version information
function about()
$dlg = new GtkAboutDialog();
$dlg->set_copyright("Copyright (c) ".date('Y')." Timothy J. Warren");
$dlg->set_website_label('Fork on Github');
$dlg->set_license(file_get_contents(BASE_DIR . "/LICENSE"));
'Timothy J. Warren',
'Nathan Dupuie',
'Nathan Dupuie',
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Quits the GTK loop
function quit()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Layout the main interface
* Create menus, hboxes, vboxs and other widgets
private function _main_layout()
// Quit when this window is closed
$this->connect_simple('destroy', array('gtk', 'main_quit'));
// Main Vbox that everything is contained in
$main_vbox = new GTKVBox();
// Main Hbox for columns
$main_hbox = new GTKHBox();
// Add the menubar
$main_vbox->pack_start($this->_create_menu(), FALSE, FALSE);
// Add the main interface area hbox
// Add the left column to the hbox
$main_hbox->pack_start($this->_connection_sidebar(), FALSE);
// Add the Vbox, and show the window
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Create the menu for the program
* @return GtkMenuBar
private function _create_menu()
//Menu Bar
$menu_bar = new GtkMenuBar();
//Menu Bar Top Items
$top_file_menu = new GtkMenuItem('_File');
$top_help_menu = new GtkMenuItem('_Help');
//Add sub Menus to top items
$file_menu = new GtkMenu();
$help_menu = new GtkMenu();
//File Menu
//Set up the open item
//$open = new GtkImageMenuItem(GTK::STOCK_OPEN);
//Set up the quit item
$quit = new GtkImageMenuItem(GTK::STOCK_QUIT);
$quit->connect_simple('activate', array($this, 'quit'));
// Add the top level menu to the menubar
//Help Menu
//Set up the about item
$about = new GtkImageMenuItem(GTK::STOCK_ABOUT);
$about->connect_simple('activate', array($this, 'about'));
// Add the top level menu to the menubar
return $menu_bar;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Lays out the left sidebar in the main window
* @return GtkVbox
private function _connection_sidebar()
$dblabel = new GtkLabel('Database Connections');
$add_button = new GtkButton();
$add_button->set_label("New Connnection");
$add_button->set_image(GTKImage::new_from_stock(GTK::STOCK_ADD, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR));
$add_button->connect_simple('clicked', array($this, 'new_conn'));
$conn_vbox = new GtkVBox();
$conn_vbox->pack_start($dblabel, FALSE);
$conn_vbox->pack_start($add_button, FALSE);
return $conn_vbox;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns window for creating a new database connection
* @return Add_DB object
function new_conn()
return new Add_DB();
// End of main.php