513 lines
12 KiB

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* Hummingbird Anime List Client
* An API client for Kitsu and MyAnimeList to manage anime and manga watch lists
* PHP version 7
* @package HummingbirdAnimeClient
* @author Timothy J. Warren <tim@timshomepage.net>
* @copyright 2015 - 2017 Timothy J. Warren
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License
* @version 4.0
* @link https://git.timshomepage.net/timw4mail/HummingBirdAnimeClient
namespace Aviat\AnimeClient\Command;
use function Amp\{all, wait};
use Amp\Artax\Client;
use Aviat\AnimeClient\API\{
use Aviat\AnimeClient\API\MAL\Transformer\{
AnimeListTransformer as ALT,
MangaListTransformer as MLT
use Aviat\Ion\Json;
* Clears the API Cache
class SyncKitsuWithMal extends BaseCommand {
* Model for making requests to Kitsu API
* @var \Aviat\AnimeClient\API\Kitsu\Model
protected $kitsuModel;
* Model for making requests to MAL API
* @var \Aviat\AnimeClient\API\MAL\Model
protected $malModel;
* Run the image conversion script
* @param array $args
* @param array $options
* @return void
* @throws \ConsoleKit\ConsoleException
public function execute(array $args, array $options = [])
$this->kitsuModel = $this->container->get('kitsu-model');
$this->malModel = $this->container->get('mal-model');
public function sync(string $type)
$uType = ucfirst($type);
$malCount = count($this->malModel->{"get{$uType}List"}());
$kitsuCount = $this->kitsuModel->{"get{$uType}ListCount"}();
$this->echoBox("Number of MAL {$type} list items: {$malCount}");
$this->echoBox("Number of Kitsu {$type} list items: {$kitsuCount}");
$data = $this->diffLists($type);
if ( ! empty($data['addToMAL']))
$count = count($data['addToMAL']);
$this->echoBox("Adding {$count} missing {$type} list items to MAL");
$this->createMALListItems($data['addToMAL'], $type);
if ( ! empty($data['addToKitsu']))
$count = count($data['addToKitsu']);
$this->echoBox("Adding {$count} missing {$type} list items to Kitsu");
$this->createKitsuListItems($data['addToKitsu'], $type);
if ( ! empty($data['updateMAL']))
$count = count($data['updateMAL']);
$this->echoBox("Updating {$count} outdated MAL {$type} list items");
$this->updateMALListItems($data['updateMAL'], $type);
if ( ! empty($data['updateKitsu']))
$count = count($data['updateKitsu']);
$this->echoBox("Updating {$count} outdated Kitsu {$type} list items");
$this->updateKitsuListItems($data['updateKitsu'], $type);
public function filterMappings(array $includes, string $type = 'anime'): array
$output = [];
foreach($includes as $id => $mapping)
if ($mapping['externalSite'] === "myanimelist/{$type}")
$output[$id] = $mapping;
return $output;
public function formatMALList(string $type): array
if ($type === 'anime')
return $this->formatMALAnimeList();
if ($type === 'manga')
return $this->formatMALMangaList();
public function formatMALAnimeList()
$orig = $this->malModel->getAnimeList();
$output = [];
foreach($orig as $item)
$output[$item['series_animedb_id']] = [
'id' => $item['series_animedb_id'],
'data' => [
'status' => AnimeWatchingStatus::MAL_TO_KITSU[$item['my_status']],
'progress' => $item['my_watched_episodes'],
'reconsuming' => (bool) $item['my_rewatching'],
'rating' => $item['my_score'] / 2,
'updatedAt' => (new \DateTime())
return $output;
public function formatMALMangaList()
$orig = $this->malModel->getMangaList();
$output = [];
foreach($orig as $item)
$output[$item['series_mangadb_id']] = [
'id' => $item['series_mangadb_id'],
'data' => [
'my_status' => $item['my_status'],
'status' => MangaReadingStatus::MAL_TO_KITSU[$item['my_status']],
'progress' => $item['my_read_chapters'],
'volumes' => $item['my_read_volumes'],
'reconsuming' => (bool) $item['my_rereadingg'],
'rating' => $item['my_score'] / 2,
'updatedAt' => (new \DateTime())
return $output;
public function formatKitsuList(string $type = 'anime'): array
$data = $this->kitsuModel->{'getFull' . ucfirst($type) . 'List'}();
$includes = JsonAPI::organizeIncludes($data['included']);
$includes['mappings'] = $this->filterMappings($includes['mappings'], $type);
$output = [];
foreach($data['data'] as $listItem)
$id = $listItem['relationships'][$type]['data']['id'];
$potentialMappings = $includes[$type][$id]['relationships']['mappings'];
$malId = NULL;
foreach ($potentialMappings as $mappingId)
if (array_key_exists($mappingId, $includes['mappings']))
$malId = $includes['mappings'][$mappingId]['externalId'];
// Skip to the next item if there isn't a MAL ID
if (is_null($malId))
$output[$listItem['id']] = [
'id' => $listItem['id'],
'malId' => $malId,
'data' => $listItem['attributes'],
return $output;
public function diffLists(string $type = 'anime'): array
// Get libraryEntries with media.mappings from Kitsu
// Organize mappings, and ignore entries without mappings
$kitsuList = $this->formatKitsuList($type);
// Get MAL list data
$malList = $this->formatMALList($type);
$itemsToAddToMAL = [];
$itemsToAddToKitsu = [];
$malUpdateItems = [];
$kitsuUpdateItems = [];
$malIds = array_column($malList, 'id');
$kitsuMalIds = array_column($kitsuList, 'malId');
$missingMalIds = array_diff($malIds, $kitsuMalIds);
foreach($missingMalIds as $mid)
// print_r($malList[$mid]);
$itemsToAddToKitsu[] = array_merge($malList[$mid]['data'], [
'id' => $this->kitsuModel->getKitsuIdFromMALId($mid, $type),
'type' => $type
foreach($kitsuList as $kitsuItem)
if (in_array($kitsuItem['malId'], $malIds))
$item = $this->compareListItems($kitsuItem, $malList[$kitsuItem['malId']]);
if (is_null($item))
if (in_array('kitsu', $item['updateType']))
$kitsuUpdateItems[] = $item['data'];
if (in_array('mal', $item['updateType']))
$malUpdateItems[] = $item['data'];
// Looks like this item only exists on Kitsu
$itemsToAddToMAL[] = [
'mal_id' => $kitsuItem['malId'],
'data' => $kitsuItem['data']
return [
'addToMAL' => $itemsToAddToMAL,
'updateMAL' => $malUpdateItems,
'addToKitsu' => $itemsToAddToKitsu,
'updateKitsu' => $kitsuUpdateItems
public function compareListItems(array $kitsuItem, array $malItem)
$compareKeys = ['status', 'progress', 'rating', 'reconsuming'];
$diff = [];
$dateDiff = (new \DateTime($kitsuItem['data']['updatedAt'])) <=> (new \DateTime($malItem['data']['updatedAt']));
foreach($compareKeys as $key)
$diff[$key] = $kitsuItem['data'][$key] <=> $malItem['data'][$key];
// No difference? Bail out early
$diffValues = array_values($diff);
$diffValues = array_unique($diffValues);
if (count($diffValues) === 1 && $diffValues[0] === 0)
$update = [
'id' => $kitsuItem['id'],
'mal_id' => $kitsuItem['malId'],
'data' => []
$return = [
'updateType' => []
$sameStatus = $diff['status'] === 0;
$sameProgress = $diff['progress'] === 0;
$sameRating = $diff['rating'] === 0;
// If status is the same, and progress count is different, use greater progress
if ($sameStatus && ( ! $sameProgress))
if ($diff['progress'] === 1)
$update['data']['progress'] = $kitsuItem['data']['progress'];
$return['updateType'][] = 'mal';
else if($diff['progress'] === -1)
$update['data']['progress'] = $malItem['data']['progress'];
$return['updateType'][] = 'kitsu';
// If status and progress are different, it's a bit more complicated...
// But, at least for now, assume newer record is correct
if ( ! ($sameStatus || $sameProgress))
if ($dateDiff === 1)
$update['data']['status'] = $kitsuItem['data']['status'];
if ((int)$kitsuItem['data']['progress'] !== 0)
$update['data']['progress'] = $kitsuItem['data']['progress'];
$return['updateType'][] = 'mal';
else if($dateDiff === -1)
$update['data']['status'] = $malItem['data']['status'];
if ((int)$malItem['data']['progress'] !== 0)
$update['data']['progress'] = $kitsuItem['data']['progress'];
$return['updateType'][] = 'kitsu';
// If rating is different, use the rating from the item most recently updated
if ( ! $sameRating)
if ($dateDiff === 1)
$update['data']['rating'] = $kitsuItem['data']['rating'];
$return['updateType'][] = 'mal';
else if ($dateDiff === -1)
$update['data']['rating'] = $malItem['data']['rating'];
$return['updateType'][] = 'kitsu';
// If status is different, use the status of the more recently updated item
if ( ! $sameStatus)
if ($dateDiff === 1)
$update['data']['status'] = $kitsuItem['data']['status'];
$return['updateType'][] = 'mal';
else if ($dateDiff === -1)
$update['data']['status'] = $malItem['data']['status'];
$return['updateType'][] = 'kitsu';
$return['meta'] = [
'kitsu' => $kitsuItem['data'],
'mal' => $malItem['data'],
'dateDiff' => $dateDiff,
'diff' => $diff,
$return['data'] = $update;
$return['updateType'] = array_unique($return['updateType']);
return $return;
public function updateKitsuListItems($itemsToUpdate, $type = 'anime')
$requester = new ParallelAPIRequest();
foreach($itemsToUpdate as $item)
$responses = $requester->makeRequests();
foreach($responses as $key => $response)
$id = $itemsToUpdate[$key]['id'];
if ($response->getStatus() === 200)
$this->echoBox("Successfully updated Kitsu {$type} list item with id: {$id}");
echo $response->getBody();
$this->echoBox("Failed to update Kitsu {$type} list item with id: {$id}");
public function updateMALListItems($itemsToUpdate, $type = 'anime')
$transformer = new ALT();
$requester = new ParallelAPIRequest();
foreach($itemsToUpdate as $item)
$requester->addRequest($this->malModel->updateListItem($item, $type));
$responses = $requester->makeRequests();
foreach($responses as $key => $response)
$id = $itemsToUpdate[$key]['mal_id'];
if ($response->getBody() === 'Updated')
$this->echoBox("Successfully updated MAL {$type} list item with id: {$id}");
$this->echoBox("Failed to update MAL {$type} list item with id: {$id}");
public function createKitsuListItems($itemsToAdd, $type = 'anime')
$requester = new ParallelAPIRequest();
foreach($itemsToAdd as $item)
$responses = $requester->makeRequests();
foreach($responses as $key => $response)
$id = $itemsToAdd[$key]['id'];
if ($response->getStatus() === 201)
$this->echoBox("Successfully created Kitsu {$type} list item with id: {$id}");
echo $response->getBody();
$this->echoBox("Failed to create Kitsu {$type} list item with id: {$id}");
public function createMALListItems($itemsToAdd, $type = 'anime')
$transformer = new ALT();
$requester = new ParallelAPIRequest();
foreach($itemsToAdd as $item)
$data = $transformer->untransform($item);
$requester->addRequest($this->malModel->createFullListItem($data, $type));
$responses = $requester->makeRequests();
foreach($responses as $key => $response)
$id = $itemsToAdd[$key]['mal_id'];
if ($response->getBody() === 'Created')
$this->echoBox("Successfully created MAL {$type} list item with id: {$id}");
$this->echoBox("Failed to create MAL {$type} list item with id: {$id}");