255 lines
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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* Anime List Client
* An API client for Kitsu and MyAnimeList to manage anime and manga watch lists
* PHP version 7
* @package AnimeListClient
* @author Timothy J. Warren <tim@timshomepage.net>
* @copyright 2015 - 2017 Timothy J. Warren
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License
* @version 4.0
* @link https://github.com/timw4mail/HummingBirdAnimeClient
namespace Aviat\AnimeClient\API;
use Aviat\AnimeClient\API\Kitsu\Enum\{
use DateTimeImmutable;
* Data massaging helpers for the Kitsu API
class Kitsu {
const AUTH_URL = 'https://kitsu.io/api/oauth/token';
const AUTH_USER_ID_KEY = 'kitsu-auth-userid';
const AUTH_TOKEN_CACHE_KEY = 'kitsu-auth-token';
* Map of Kitsu status to label for select menus
* @return array
public static function getStatusToSelectMap()
return [
AnimeWatchingStatus::WATCHING => 'Currently Watching',
AnimeWatchingStatus::PLAN_TO_WATCH => 'Plan to Watch',
AnimeWatchingStatus::COMPLETED => 'Completed',
AnimeWatchingStatus::ON_HOLD => 'On Hold',
AnimeWatchingStatus::DROPPED => 'Dropped'
* Map of Kitsu Manga status to label for select menus
* @return array
public static function getStatusToMangaSelectMap()
return [
MangaReadingStatus::READING => 'Currently Reading',
MangaReadingStatus::PLAN_TO_READ => 'Plan to Read',
MangaReadingStatus::COMPLETED => 'Completed',
MangaReadingStatus::ON_HOLD => 'On Hold',
MangaReadingStatus::DROPPED => 'Dropped'
* Determine whether an anime is airing, finished airing, or has not yet aired
* @param string $startDate
* @param string $endDate
* @return string
public static function getAiringStatus(string $startDate = null, string $endDate = null): string
$startAirDate = new DateTimeImmutable($startDate ?? 'tomorrow');
$endAirDate = new DateTimeImmutable($endDate ?? 'next year');
$now = new DateTimeImmutable();
$isDoneAiring = $now > $endAirDate;
$isCurrentlyAiring = ($now > $startAirDate) && ! $isDoneAiring;
switch (true)
case $isCurrentlyAiring:
return AnimeAiringStatus::AIRING;
case $isDoneAiring:
return AnimeAiringStatus::FINISHED_AIRING;
return AnimeAiringStatus::NOT_YET_AIRED;
* Get the name and logo for the streaming service of the current link
* @param string $hostname
* @return array
protected static function getServiceMetaData(string $hostname = null): array
case 'www.crunchyroll.com':
return [
'name' => 'Crunchyroll',
'link' => true,
'logo' => '<svg class="streaming-logo" viewBox="0 0 50 50" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g fill="#F78B24" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M22.549 49.145c-.815-.077-2.958-.456-3.753-.663-6.873-1.79-12.693-6.59-15.773-13.009C1.335 31.954.631 28.807.633 24.788c.003-4.025.718-7.235 2.38-10.686 1.243-2.584 2.674-4.609 4.706-6.66 3.8-3.834 8.614-6.208 14.067-6.936 1.783-.239 5.556-.161 7.221.148 3.463.642 6.571 1.904 9.357 3.797 5.788 3.934 9.542 9.951 10.52 16.861.21 1.48.332 4.559.19 4.816-.077.14-.117-.007-.167-.615-.25-3.015-1.528-6.66-3.292-9.388C40.253 7.836 30.249 4.32 20.987 7.467c-7.15 2.43-12.522 8.596-13.997 16.06-.73 3.692-.51 7.31.658 10.882a21.426 21.426 0 0 0 13.247 13.518c1.475.515 3.369.944 4.618 1.047 1.496.122 1.119.239-.727.224-1.006-.008-2.013-.032-2.237-.053z"></path><path d="M27.685 46.1c-7.731-.575-14.137-6.455-15.474-14.204-.243-1.41-.29-4.047-.095-5.345 1.16-7.706 6.97-13.552 14.552-14.639 1.537-.22 4.275-.143 5.746.162 1.28.266 2.7.737 3.814 1.266l.865.411-.814.392c-2.936 1.414-4.748 4.723-4.323 7.892.426 3.173 2.578 5.664 5.667 6.56 1.112.322 2.812.322 3.925 0 1.438-.417 2.566-1.1 3.593-2.173.346-.362.652-.621.68-.576. 1.11.171 1.395.07 4.047-.204 5.371-.876 4.218-3.08 7.758-6.463 10.374-3.2 2.476-7.434 3.711-11.645 3.399z"></path></g></svg>'
case 'www.funimation.com':
return [
'name' => 'Funimation',
'link' => true,
'logo' => '<svg class="streaming-logo" viewBox="0 0 50 50" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M24.066.017a24.922 24.922 0 0 1 13.302 3.286 25.098 25.098 0 0 1 7.833 7.058 24.862 24.862 0 0 1 4.207 9.575c.82 4.001.641 8.201-.518 12.117a24.946 24.946 0 0 1-4.868 9.009 24.98 24.98 0 0 1-7.704 6.118 24.727 24.727 0 0 1-10.552 2.718A24.82 24.82 0 0 1 13.833 47.3c-5.815-2.872-10.408-8.107-12.49-14.25-2.162-6.257-1.698-13.375 1.303-19.28C5.483 8.07 10.594 3.55 16.602 1.435A24.94 24.94 0 0 1 24.066.017zm-8.415 33.31c.464 2.284 1.939 4.358 3.99 5.48 2.174 1.217 4.765 1.444 7.202 1.181 2.002-.217 3.986-.992 5.455-2.397 1.173-1.151 2.017-2.648 2.33-4.267-1.189-.027-2.378 0-3.566-.03-.568.082-1.137-.048-1.705.014-1.232.012-2.465.003-3.697-.01-.655.066-1.309-.035-1.963.013-1.166-.053-2.334.043-3.5-.025-1.515.08-3.03-.035-4.546.042z" fill="#411299" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg>'
case 'www.hulu.com':
return [
'name' => 'Hulu',
'link' => true,
'logo' => '<svg class="streaming-logo" viewBox="0 0 34 50" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M22.222 13.889h-11.11V0H0v50h11.111V27.778c0-1.39 1.111-2.778 2.778-2.778h5.555c1.39 0 2.778 1.111 2.778 2.778V50h11.111V25c0-6.111-5-11.111-11.11-11.111z" fill="#8BC34A" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg>'
// Default to Netflix, because the API links are broken,
// and there's no other real identifier for Netflix
return [
'name' => 'Netflix',
'link' => false,
'logo' => '<svg class="streaming-logo" viewBox="0 0 26 50" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M.057.258C2.518.253 4.982.263 7.446.253c2.858 7.76 5.621 15.556 8.456 23.324.523 1.441 1.003 2.897 1.59 4.312.078-9.209.01-18.42.034-27.631h7.763v46.36c-2.812.372-5.637.627-8.457.957-1.203-3.451-2.396-6.902-3.613-10.348-1.796-5.145-3.557-10.302-5.402-15.428.129 8.954.015 17.912.057 26.871-2.603.39-5.227.637-7.815 1.119C.052 33.279.06 16.768.057.258z" fill="#E21221" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg>'
* Reorganize streaming links
* @param array $included
* @return array
public static function parseStreamingLinks(array $included): array
if ( ! array_key_exists('streamingLinks', $included))
return [];
$links = [];
foreach ($included['streamingLinks'] as $streamingLink)
$host = parse_url($streamingLink['url'], \PHP_URL_HOST);
$links[] = [
'meta' => static::getServiceMetaData($host),
'link' => $streamingLink['url'],
'subs' => $streamingLink['subs'],
'dubs' => $streamingLink['dubs']
return $links;
* Reorganize streaming links for the current list item
* @param array $included
* @return array
public static function parseListItemStreamingLinks(array $included, string $animeId): array
// Anime lists have a different structure to search through
if (array_key_exists('anime', $included) && ! array_key_exists('streamingLinks', $included))
$links = [];
$anime = $included['anime'][$animeId];
if (count($anime['relationships']['streamingLinks']) > 0)
foreach ($anime['relationships']['streamingLinks'] as $streamingLink)
$host = parse_url($streamingLink['url'], \PHP_URL_HOST);
$links[] = [
'meta' => static::getServiceMetaData($host),
'link' => $streamingLink['url'],
'subs' => $streamingLink['subs'],
'dubs' => $streamingLink['dubs']
return $links;
return [];
* Filter out duplicate and very similar names from
* @param array $data The 'attributes' section of the api data response
* @return array List of alternate titles
public static function filterTitles(array $data): array
// The 'canonical' title is always returned
$valid = [$data['canonicalTitle']];
if (array_key_exists('titles', $data))
foreach($data['titles'] as $alternateTitle)
if (self::titleIsUnique($alternateTitle, $valid))
$valid[] = $alternateTitle;
return $valid;
* Determine if an alternate title is unique enough to list
* @param string $title
* @param array $existingTitles
* @return bool
private static function titleIsUnique(string $title = null, array $existingTitles): bool
if (empty($title))
return false;
foreach($existingTitles as $existing)
$isSubset = stripos($existing, $title) !== FALSE;
$diff = levenshtein($existing, $title);
$onlydifferentCase = (mb_strtolower($existing) === mb_strtolower($title));
if ($diff < 3 || $isSubset || $onlydifferentCase)
return false;
return true;