Timothy J. Warren 24d6eaf0da
All checks were successful
timw4mail/HummingBirdAnimeClient/pipeline/pr-master This commit looks good
Add back search query canceling for anime search
2020-10-07 09:10:11 -04:00

772 lines
19 KiB

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ! Base
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const matches = (elm, selector) => {
let m = (elm.document || elm.ownerDocument).querySelectorAll(selector);
let i = matches.length;
while (--i >= 0 && m.item(i) !== elm) {} return i > -1;
const AnimeClient = {
* Placeholder function
noop: () => {},
* DOM selector
* @param {string} selector - The dom selector string
* @param {object} [context]
* @return {[HTMLElement]} - array of dom elements
$(selector, context = null) {
if (typeof selector !== 'string') {
return selector;
context = (context !== null && context.nodeType === 1)
? context
: document;
let elements = [];
if (selector.match(/^#([\w]+$)/)) {
} else {
elements = [].slice.apply(context.querySelectorAll(selector));
return elements;
* Does the selector exist on the current page?
* @param {string} selector
* @returns {boolean}
hasElement (selector) {
return AnimeClient.$(selector).length > 0;
* Scroll to the top of the Page
* @return {void}
scrollToTop () {
const el = AnimeClient.$('header')[0];
* Hide the selected element
* @param {string|Element} sel - the selector of the element to hide
* @return {void}
hide (sel) {
if (typeof sel === 'string') {
sel = AnimeClient.$(sel);
if (Array.isArray(sel)) {
sel.forEach(el => el.setAttribute('hidden', 'hidden'));
} else {
sel.setAttribute('hidden', 'hidden');
* UnHide the selected element
* @param {string|Element} sel - the selector of the element to hide
* @return {void}
show (sel) {
if (typeof sel === 'string') {
sel = AnimeClient.$(sel);
if (Array.isArray(sel)) {
sel.forEach(el => el.removeAttribute('hidden'));
} else {
* Display a message box
* @param {string} type - message type: info, error, success
* @param {string} message - the message itself
* @return {void}
showMessage (type, message) {
let template =
`<div class='message ${type}'>
<span class='icon'></span>
<span class='close'></span>
let sel = AnimeClient.$('.message');
if (sel[0] !== undefined) {
AnimeClient.$('header')[0].insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', template);
* Finds the closest parent element matching the passed selector
* @param {HTMLElement} current - the current HTMLElement
* @param {string} parentSelector - selector for the parent element
* @return {HTMLElement|null} - the parent element
closestParent (current, parentSelector) {
if (Element.prototype.closest !== undefined) {
return current.closest(parentSelector);
while (current !== document.documentElement) {
if (matches(current, parentSelector)) {
return current;
current = current.parentElement;
return null;
* Generate a full url from a relative path
* @param {string} path - url path
* @return {string} - full url
url (path) {
let uri = `//${document.location.host}`;
uri += (path.charAt(0) === '/') ? path : `/${path}`;
return uri;
* Throttle execution of a function
* @see https://remysharp.com/2010/07/21/throttling-function-calls
* @see https://jsfiddle.net/jonathansampson/m7G64/
* @param {Number} interval - the minimum throttle time in ms
* @param {Function} fn - the function to throttle
* @param {Object} [scope] - the 'this' object for the function
* @return {Function}
throttle (interval, fn, scope) {
let wait = false;
return function (...args) {
const context = scope || this;
if ( ! wait) {
fn.apply(context, args);
wait = true;
setTimeout(function() {
wait = false;
}, interval);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ! Events
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function addEvent(sel, event, listener) {
// Recurse!
if (! event.match(/^([\w\-]+)$/)) {
event.split(' ').forEach((evt) => {
addEvent(sel, evt, listener);
sel.addEventListener(event, listener, false);
function delegateEvent(sel, target, event, listener) {
// Attach the listener to the parent
addEvent(sel, event, (e) => {
// Get live version of the target selector
AnimeClient.$(target, sel).forEach((element) => {
if(e.target == element) {
listener.call(element, e);
* Add an event listener
* @param {string|HTMLElement} sel - the parent selector to bind to
* @param {string} event - event name(s) to bind
* @param {string|HTMLElement|function} target - the element to directly bind the event to
* @param {function} [listener] - event listener callback
* @return {void}
AnimeClient.on = (sel, event, target, listener) => {
if (listener === undefined) {
listener = target;
AnimeClient.$(sel).forEach((el) => {
addEvent(el, event, listener);
} else {
AnimeClient.$(sel).forEach((el) => {
delegateEvent(el, target, event, listener);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ! Ajax
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Url encoding for non-get requests
* @param data
* @returns {string}
* @private
function ajaxSerialize(data) {
let pairs = [];
Object.keys(data).forEach((name) => {
let value = data[name].toString();
name = encodeURIComponent(name);
value = encodeURIComponent(value);
return pairs.join('&');
* Make an ajax request
* Config:{
* data: // data to send with the request
* type: // http verb of the request, defaults to GET
* success: // success callback
* error: // error callback
* }
* @param {string} url - the url to request
* @param {Object} config - the configuration object
* @return {XMLHttpRequest}
AnimeClient.ajax = (url, config) => {
// Set some sane defaults
const defaultConfig = {
data: {},
type: 'GET',
dataType: '',
success: AnimeClient.noop,
mimeType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
error: AnimeClient.noop
config = {
let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
let method = String(config.type).toUpperCase();
if (method === 'GET') {
url += (url.match(/\?/))
? ajaxSerialize(config.data)
: `?${ajaxSerialize(config.data)}`;
request.open(method, url);
request.onreadystatechange = () => {
if (request.readyState === 4) {
let responseText = '';
if (request.responseType === 'json') {
responseText = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
} else {
responseText = request.responseText;
if (request.status > 299) {
config.error.call(null, request.status, responseText, request.response);
} else {
config.success.call(null, responseText, request.status);
if (config.dataType === 'json') {
config.data = JSON.stringify(config.data);
config.mimeType = 'application/json';
} else {
config.data = ajaxSerialize(config.data);
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', config.mimeType);
if (method === 'GET') {
} else {
return request
* Do a get request
* @param {string} url
* @param {object|function} data
* @param {function} [callback]
* @return {XMLHttpRequest}
AnimeClient.get = (url, data, callback = null) => {
if (callback === null) {
callback = data;
data = {};
return AnimeClient.ajax(url, {
success: callback
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Event subscriptions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AnimeClient.on('header', 'click', '.message', hide);
AnimeClient.on('form.js-delete', 'submit', confirmDelete);
AnimeClient.on('.js-clear-cache', 'click', clearAPICache);
AnimeClient.on('.vertical-tabs input', 'change', scrollToSection);
AnimeClient.on('.media-filter', 'input', filterMedia);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handler functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Hide the html element attached to the event
* @param event
* @return void
function hide (event) {
* Confirm deletion of an item
* @param event
* @return void
function confirmDelete (event) {
const proceed = confirm('Are you ABSOLUTELY SURE you want to delete this item?');
if (proceed === false) {
* Clear the API cache, and show a message if the cache is cleared
* @return void
function clearAPICache () {
AnimeClient.get('/cache_purge', () => {
AnimeClient.showMessage('success', 'Successfully purged api cache');
* Scroll to the accordion/vertical tab section just opened
* @param event
* @return void
function scrollToSection (event) {
const el = event.currentTarget.parentElement;
const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
const top = rect.top + window.pageYOffset;
behavior: 'smooth',
* Filter an anime or manga list
* @param event
* @return void
function filterMedia (event) {
const rawFilter = event.target.value;
const filter = new RegExp(rawFilter, 'i');
// console.log('Filtering items by: ', filter);
if (rawFilter !== '') {
// Filter the cover view
AnimeClient.$('article.media').forEach(article => {
const titleLink = AnimeClient.$('.name a', article)[0];
const title = String(titleLink.textContent).trim();
if ( ! filter.test(title)) {
} else {
// Filter the list view
AnimeClient.$('table.media-wrap tbody tr').forEach(tr => {
const titleCell = AnimeClient.$('td.align-left', tr)[0];
const titleLink = AnimeClient.$('a', titleCell)[0];
const linkTitle = String(titleLink.textContent).trim();
const textTitle = String(titleCell.textContent).trim();
if ( ! (filter.test(linkTitle) || filter.test(textTitle))) {
} else {
} else {
AnimeClient.show('table.media-wrap tbody tr');
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
navigator.serviceWorker.register('/sw.js').then(reg => {
console.log('Service worker registered', reg.scope);
}).catch(error => {
console.error('Failed to register service worker', error);
(() => {
// Var is intentional
var hidden = null;
var visibilityChange = null;
if (typeof document.hidden !== "undefined") {
hidden = "hidden";
visibilityChange = "visibilitychange";
} else if (typeof document.msHidden !== "undefined") {
hidden = "msHidden";
visibilityChange = "msvisibilitychange";
} else if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== "undefined") {
hidden = "webkitHidden";
visibilityChange = "webkitvisibilitychange";
function handleVisibilityChange() {
// Check the user's session to see if they are currently logged-in
// when the page becomes visible
if ( ! document[hidden]) {
AnimeClient.get('/heartbeat', (beat) => {
const status = JSON.parse(beat);
// If the session is expired, immediately reload so that
// you can't attempt to do an action that requires authentication
if (status.hasAuth !== true) {
document.removeEventListener(visibilityChange, handleVisibilityChange, false);
if (hidden === null) {
console.info('Page visibility API not supported, JS session check will not work');
} else {
document.addEventListener(visibilityChange, handleVisibilityChange, false);
// Click on hidden MAL checkbox so
// that MAL id is passed
AnimeClient.on('main', 'change', '.big-check', (e) => {
const id = e.target.id;
document.getElementById(`mal_${id}`).checked = true;
function renderAnimeSearchResults (data) {
const results = [];
data.forEach(x => {
const item = x.attributes;
const titles = item.titles.join('<br />');
<article class="media search">
<div class="name">
<input type="radio" class="mal-check" id="mal_${item.slug}" name="mal_id" value="${x.mal_id}" />
<input type="radio" class="big-check" id="${item.slug}" name="id" value="${x.id}" />
<label for="${item.slug}">
<picture width="220">
<source srcset="/public/images/anime/${x.id}.webp" type="image/webp" />
<source srcset="/public/images/anime/${x.id}.jpg" type="image/jpeg" />
<img src="/public/images/anime/${x.id}.jpg" alt="" width="220" />
<span class="name">
${item.canonicalTitle}<br />
<div class="table">
<div class="row">
<span class="edit">
<a class="bracketed" href="/anime/details/${item.slug}">Info Page</a>
return results.join('');
function renderMangaSearchResults (data) {
const results = [];
data.forEach(x => {
const item = x.attributes;
const titles = item.titles.join('<br />');
<article class="media search">
<div class="name">
<input type="radio" id="mal_${item.slug}" name="mal_id" value="${x.mal_id}" />
<input type="radio" class="big-check" id="${item.slug}" name="id" value="${x.id}" />
<label for="${item.slug}">
<picture width="220">
<source srcset="/public/images/manga/${x.id}.webp" type="image/webp" />
<source srcset="/public/images/manga/${x.id}.jpg" type="image/jpeg" />
<img src="/public/images/manga/${x.id}.jpg" alt="" width="220" />
<span class="name">
${item.canonicalTitle}<br />
<div class="table">
<div class="row">
<span class="edit">
<a class="bracketed" href="/manga/details/${item.slug}">Info Page</a>
return results.join('');
const search = (query) => {
// Show the loader
// Do the api search
return AnimeClient.get(AnimeClient.url('/anime-collection/search'), { query }, (searchResults, status) => {
searchResults = JSON.parse(searchResults);
// Hide the loader
// Show the results
AnimeClient.$('#series-list')[ 0 ].innerHTML = renderAnimeSearchResults(searchResults.data);
if (AnimeClient.hasElement('.anime #search')) {
let prevRequest = null;
AnimeClient.on('#search', 'input', AnimeClient.throttle(250, (e) => {
const query = encodeURIComponent(e.target.value);
if (query === '') {
if (prevRequest !== null) {
prevRequest = search(query);
// Action to increment episode count
AnimeClient.on('body.anime.list', 'click', '.plus-one', (e) => {
let parentSel = AnimeClient.closestParent(e.target, 'article');
let watchedCount = parseInt(AnimeClient.$('.completed_number', parentSel)[ 0 ].textContent, 10) || 0;
let totalCount = parseInt(AnimeClient.$('.total_number', parentSel)[ 0 ].textContent, 10);
let title = AnimeClient.$('.name a', parentSel)[ 0 ].textContent;
// Setup the update data
let data = {
id: parentSel.dataset.kitsuId,
mal_id: parentSel.dataset.malId,
data: {
progress: watchedCount + 1
// If the episode count is 0, and incremented,
// change status to currently watching
if (isNaN(watchedCount) || watchedCount === 0) {
data.data.status = 'CURRENT';
// If you increment at the last episode, mark as completed
if ((!isNaN(watchedCount)) && (watchedCount + 1) === totalCount) {
data.data.status = 'COMPLETED';
// okay, lets actually make some changes!
AnimeClient.ajax(AnimeClient.url('/anime/increment'), {
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
success: (res) => {
const resData = JSON.parse(res);
if (resData.errors) {
AnimeClient.showMessage('error', `Failed to update ${title}. `);
if (resData.data.libraryEntry.update.libraryEntry.status === 'COMPLETED') {
AnimeClient.showMessage('success', `Successfully updated ${title}`);
AnimeClient.$('.completed_number', parentSel)[ 0 ].textContent = ++watchedCount;
error: () => {
AnimeClient.showMessage('error', `Failed to update ${title}. `);
const search$1 = (query) => {
return AnimeClient.get(AnimeClient.url('/manga/search'), { query }, (searchResults, status) => {
searchResults = JSON.parse(searchResults);
AnimeClient.$('#series-list')[ 0 ].innerHTML = renderMangaSearchResults(searchResults.data);
if (AnimeClient.hasElement('.manga #search')) {
let prevRequest = null;
AnimeClient.on('#search', 'input', AnimeClient.throttle(250, (e) => {
let query = encodeURIComponent(e.target.value);
if (query === '') {
if (prevRequest !== null) {
prevRequest = search$1(query);
* Javascript for editing manga, if logged in
AnimeClient.on('.manga.list', 'click', '.edit-buttons button', (e) => {
let thisSel = e.target;
let parentSel = AnimeClient.closestParent(e.target, 'article');
let type = thisSel.classList.contains('plus-one-chapter') ? 'chapter' : 'volume';
let completed = parseInt(AnimeClient.$(`.${type}s_read`, parentSel)[ 0 ].textContent, 10) || 0;
let total = parseInt(AnimeClient.$(`.${type}_count`, parentSel)[ 0 ].textContent, 10);
let mangaName = AnimeClient.$('.name', parentSel)[ 0 ].textContent;
if (isNaN(completed)) {
completed = 0;
// Setup the update data
let data = {
id: parentSel.dataset.kitsuId,
mal_id: parentSel.dataset.malId,
data: {
progress: completed
// If the episode count is 0, and incremented,
// change status to currently reading
if (isNaN(completed) || completed === 0) {
data.data.status = 'CURRENT';
// If you increment at the last chapter, mark as completed
if ((!isNaN(completed)) && (completed + 1) === total) {
data.data.status = 'COMPLETED';
// Update the total count
data.data.progress = ++completed;
AnimeClient.ajax(AnimeClient.url('/manga/increment'), {
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
mimeType: 'application/json',
success: () => {
if (String(data.data.status).toUpperCase() === 'COMPLETED') {
AnimeClient.$(`.${type}s_read`, parentSel)[ 0 ].textContent = completed;
AnimeClient.showMessage('success', `Successfully updated ${mangaName}`);
error: () => {
AnimeClient.showMessage('error', `Failed to update ${mangaName}`);