253 lines
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253 lines
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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* Hummingbird Anime List Client
* An API client for Kitsu to manage anime and manga watch lists
* PHP version 7
* @package HummingbirdAnimeClient
* @author Timothy J. Warren <tim@timshomepage.net>
* @copyright 2015 - 2018 Timothy J. Warren
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License
* @version 4.0
* @link https://git.timshomepage.net/timw4mail/HummingBirdAnimeClient
namespace Aviat\AnimeClient\Command;
use const Aviat\AnimeClient\MILLI_FROM_NANO;
use const Aviat\AnimeClient\SRC_DIR;
use function Amp\Promise\wait;
use Aviat\AnimeClient\API\{
use Aviat\Ion\Json;
final class MALIDCheck extends BaseCommand {
private $kitsuModel;
* Check MAL mapping validity
* @param array $args
* @param array $options
* @throws \Aviat\Ion\Di\Exception\ContainerException
* @throws \Aviat\Ion\Di\Exception\NotFoundException
* @throws \Throwable
public function execute(array $args, array $options = []): void
$this->kitsuModel = $this->container->get('kitsu-model');
$kitsuAnimeIdList = $this->formatKitsuList('anime');
$animeCount = count($kitsuAnimeIdList);
$this->echoBox("{$animeCount} mappings for Anime");
$animeMappings = $this->checkMALIds($kitsuAnimeIdList, 'anime');
$this->mappingStatus($animeMappings, $animeCount, 'anime');
$kitsuMangaIdList = $this->formatKitsuList('manga');
$mangaCount = count($kitsuMangaIdList);
$this->echoBox("{$mangaCount} mappings for Manga");
$mangaMappings = $this->checkMALIds($kitsuMangaIdList, 'manga');
$this->mappingStatus($mangaMappings, $mangaCount, 'manga');
$publicDir = realpath(SRC_DIR . '/../public') . '/';
file_put_contents($publicDir . 'mal_mappings.json', Json::encode([
'anime' => $animeMappings,
'manga' => $mangaMappings,
$this->echoBox('Mapping file saved to "' . $publicDir . 'mal_mappings.json' . '"');
* Format a kitsu list for the sake of comparision
* @param string $type
* @return array
private function formatKitsuList(string $type = 'anime'): array
$options = [
'include' => 'media,media.mappings',
$data = $this->kitsuModel->{'getFullRaw' . ucfirst($type) . 'List'}($options);
if (empty($data))
return [];
$includes = JsonAPI::organizeIncludes($data['included']);
// Only bother with mappings from MAL that are of the specified media type
$includes['mappings'] = array_filter($includes['mappings'], function ($mapping) use ($type) {
return $mapping['externalSite'] === "myanimelist/{$type}";
$output = [];
foreach ($data['data'] as $listItem)
$id = $listItem['relationships']['media']['data']['id'];
$mediaItem = $includes[$type][$id];
// Set titles
$listItem['titles'] = $mediaItem['titles'];
$potentialMappings = $mediaItem['relationships']['mappings'];
$malId = NULL;
foreach ($potentialMappings as $mappingId)
if (array_key_exists($mappingId, $includes['mappings']))
$malId = $includes['mappings'][$mappingId]['externalId'];
// Skip to the next item if there isn't a MAL ID
if ($malId === NULL)
// Group by malIds to simplify lookup of media details
// for checking validity of the malId mappings
$output[$malId] = $listItem;
return $output;
* Check for valid Kitsu -> MAL mapping
* @param array $kitsuList
* @param string $type
* @return array
* @throws \Throwable
private function checkMALIds(array $kitsuList, string $type): array
$goodMappings = [];
$badMappings = [];
$suspectMappings = [];
$responses = $this->makeMALRequests(array_keys($kitsuList), $type);
// If the page returns a 404, put it in the bad mappings list
// otherwise, do a search against the titles, to see if the mapping
// seems valid
foreach($responses as $id => $response)
$body = wait($response->getBody());
$titles = $kitsuList[$id]['titles'];
if ($response->getStatus() === 404)
$badMappings[$id] = $titles;
$titleMatches = FALSE;
// Attempt to determine if the id matches
// By searching for a matching title
foreach($titles as $title)
if (empty($title))
if (mb_stripos($body, $title) !== FALSE)
// echo "MAL id {$id} seems to match \"{$title}\"\n";
$titleMatches = TRUE;
$goodMappings[$id] = $title;
// Continue on outer loop
continue 2;
if ( ! $titleMatches)
$suspectMappings[$id] = $titles;
$goodMappings[$id] = $titles;
return [
'good' => $goodMappings,
'bad' => $badMappings,
'suspect' => $suspectMappings,
private function makeMALRequests(array $ids, string $type): array
$baseUrl = "https://myanimelist.net/{$type}/";
$requestChunks = array_chunk($ids, 10, TRUE);
$responses = [];
// Chunk parallel requests so that we don't hit rate
// limiting, and get spurious 404 HTML responses
foreach($requestChunks as $idChunk)
$requester = new ParallelAPIRequest();
foreach($idChunk as $id)
$request = APIRequestBuilder::simpleRequest($baseUrl . $id);
echo "Checking {$baseUrl}{$id} \n";
$requester->addRequest($request, (string)$id);
foreach($requester->getResponses() as $id => $response)
$responses[$id] = $response;
echo "Finished checking chunk of 10 entries\n";
// Rate limiting is annoying :(
// time_nanosleep(1, 0 * MILLI_FROM_NANO);
return $responses;
private function mappingStatus(array $mapping, int $count, string $type): void
$good = count($mapping['good']);
$bad = count($mapping['bad']);
$suspect = count($mapping['suspect']);
$uType = ucfirst($type);
$this->echoBox("{$uType} mappings: {$good}/{$count} Good, {$suspect}/{$count} Suspect, {$bad}/{$count} Broken");
} |