* @copyright 2015 - 2020 Timothy J. Warren * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @version 5.1 * @link https://git.timshomepage.net/timw4mail/HummingBirdAnimeClient */ namespace Aviat\AnimeClient\Command; use ConsoleKit\Widgets; use Aviat\AnimeClient\API\{ Anilist\MissingIdException, FailedResponseException, JsonAPI, ParallelAPIRequest }; use Aviat\AnimeClient\API\Anilist; use Aviat\AnimeClient\API\Kitsu; use Aviat\AnimeClient\API\Mapping\{AnimeWatchingStatus, MangaReadingStatus}; use Aviat\AnimeClient\Enum\{APISource, ListType, SyncAction}; use Aviat\AnimeClient\Types\FormItem; use Aviat\Ion\Di\Exception\ContainerException; use Aviat\Ion\Di\Exception\NotFoundException; use Aviat\Ion\Json; use DateTime; use Throwable; use function in_array; /** * Syncs list data between Anilist and Kitsu */ final class SyncLists extends BaseCommand { /** * Model for making requests to Anilist API * @var Anilist\Model */ private Anilist\Model $anilistModel; /** * Model for making requests to Kitsu API * @var Kitsu\Model */ private Kitsu\Model $kitsuModel; /** * Does the Kitsu API have valid authentication? * @var bool */ private bool $isKitsuAuthenticated = FALSE; /** * Sync Kitsu <=> Anilist * * @param array $args * @param array $options * @throws ContainerException * @throws NotFoundException * @throws Throwable */ public function execute(array $args, array $options = []): void { $this->init(); foreach ([ListType::ANIME, ListType::MANGA] as $type) { // Main Sync flow $this->fetchCount($type); $rawData = $this->fetch($type); $normalized = $this->transform($type, $rawData); $compared = $this->compare($type, $normalized); $this->update($type, $compared); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Main sync flow methods // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Set up dependencies * * @throws ContainerException * @throws NotFoundException */ protected function init(): void { $this->setContainer($this->setupContainer()); $this->setCache($this->container->get('cache')); $config = $this->container->get('config'); $anilistEnabled = $config->get(['anilist', 'enabled']); // We can't sync kitsu against itself! if ( ! $anilistEnabled) { $this->echoErrorBox('Anlist API is not enabled. Can not sync.'); die(); } // Authentication is required to update Kitsu $this->isKitsuAuthenticated = $this->container->get('auth')->isAuthenticated(); if ( ! $this->isKitsuAuthenticated) { $this->echoWarningBox('Kitsu is not authenticated. Kitsu list can not be updated.'); } $this->anilistModel = $this->container->get('anilist-model'); $this->kitsuModel = $this->container->get('kitsu-model'); } /** * Get and display the count of items for each API * * @param string $type */ protected function fetchCount(string $type): void { $this->echo('Fetching List Counts'); $progress = new Widgets\ProgressBar($this->getConsole(), 2, 50, FALSE); $displayLines = []; $kitsuCount = $this->fetchKitsuCount($type); $displayLines[] = "Number of Kitsu {$type} list items: {$kitsuCount}"; $progress->incr(); $anilistCount = $this->fetchAnilistCount($type); $displayLines[] = "Number of Anilist {$type} list items: {$anilistCount}"; $progress->incr(); $this->clearLine(); $this->echoBox($displayLines); } /** * Get the list data * * @param string $type * @return array */ protected function fetch(string $type): array { $this->echo('Fetching List Data'); $progress = new Widgets\ProgressBar($this->getConsole(), 2, 50, FALSE); $anilist = $this->fetchAnilist($type); $progress->incr(); $kitsu = $this->fetchKitsu($type); $progress->incr(); $this->clearLine(); return [ 'anilist' => $anilist, 'kitsu' => $kitsu, ]; } /** * Normalize the list data for comparison * * @param string $type * @param array $data * @return array */ protected function transform(string $type, array $data): array { $this->echo('Normalizing List Data'); $progress = new Widgets\ProgressBar($this->getConsole(), 2, 50, FALSE); $kitsu = $this->transformKitsu($type, $data['kitsu']); $progress->incr(); $anilist = $this->transformAnilist($type, $data['anilist']); $progress->incr(); $this->clearLine(); return [ 'anilist' => $anilist, 'kitsu' => $kitsu, ]; } /** * Compare the lists data * * @param string $type * @param array $data * @return array|array[] */ protected function compare(string $type, array $data): array { $this->echo('Comparing List Items'); return $this->compareLists($type, $data['anilist'], $data['kitsu']); } /** * Updated outdated list items * * @param string $type * @param array $data * @throws Throwable */ protected function update(string $type, array $data) { if ( ! empty($data['addToAnilist'])) { $count = count($data['addToAnilist']); $this->echoBox("Adding {$count} missing {$type} list items to Anilist"); $this->updateAnilistListItems($data['addToAnilist'], SyncAction::CREATE, $type); } if ( ! empty($data['updateAnilist'])) { $count = count($data['updateAnilist']); $this->echoBox("Updating {$count} outdated Anilist {$type} list items"); $this->updateAnilistListItems($data['updateAnilist'], SyncAction::UPDATE, $type); } if ($this->isKitsuAuthenticated) { if ( ! empty($data['addToKitsu'])) { $count = count($data['addToKitsu']); $this->echoBox("Adding {$count} missing {$type} list items to Kitsu"); $this->updateKitsuListItems($data['addToKitsu'], SyncAction::CREATE, $type); } if ( ! empty($data['updateKitsu'])) { $count = count($data['updateKitsu']); $this->echoBox("Updating {$count} outdated Kitsu {$type} list items"); $this->updateKitsuListItems($data['updateKitsu'], SyncAction::UPDATE, $type); } } else { $this->echoErrorBox('Kitsu is not authenticated, so lists can not be updated'); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Fetch helpers // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private function fetchAnilistCount(string $type) { $list = $this->fetchAnilist($type); if ( ! isset($list['data']['MediaListCollection']['lists'])) { return 0; } $count = 0; foreach ($list['data']['MediaListCollection']['lists'] as $subList) { $count += array_reduce($subList, fn ($carry, $item) => $carry + count(array_values($item)), 0); } return $count; } private function fetchAnilist(string $type): array { static $list = [ ListType::ANIME => NULL, ListType::MANGA => NULL, ]; // This uses a static so I don't have to fetch this list twice for a count if ($list[$type] === NULL) { $list[$type] = $this->anilistModel->getSyncList(strtoupper($type)); } return $list[$type]; } private function fetchKitsuCount(string $type): int { $uType = ucfirst($type); $kitsuCount = 0; try { $kitsuCount = $this->kitsuModel->{"get{$uType}ListCount"}(); } catch (FailedResponseException $e) { dump($e); } return $kitsuCount; } private function fetchKitsu(string $type): array { return $this->kitsuModel->getSyncList($type); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Transform Helpers // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private function transformKitsu(string $type, array $data): array { if (empty($data)) { return []; } if ( ! array_key_exists('included', $data)) { dump($data); return []; } $includes = JsonAPI::organizeIncludes($data['included']); $includes['mappings'] = $this->filterMappings($includes['mappings'], $type); $output = []; foreach($data['data'] as $listItem) { $id = $listItem['relationships'][$type]['data']['id']; $potentialMappings = $includes[$type][$id]['relationships']['mappings']; $malId = NULL; foreach ($potentialMappings as $mappingId) { if (is_array($mappingId)) { continue; } if (array_key_exists($mappingId, $includes['mappings'])) { $malId = $includes['mappings'][$mappingId]['externalId']; } } // Skip to the next item if there isn't a Anilist ID if ($malId === NULL) { continue; } $output[$listItem['id']] = [ 'id' => $listItem['id'], 'malId' => $malId, 'data' => $listItem['attributes'], ]; } return $output; } private function transformAnilist(string $type, array $data): array { $uType = ucfirst($type); $className = "\\Aviat\\AnimeClient\\API\\Anilist\\Transformer\\{$uType}ListTransformer"; $transformer = new $className; $firstTransformed = []; foreach ($data['data']['MediaListCollection']['lists'] as $list) { $firstTransformed[] = $transformer->untransformCollection($list['entries']); } $transformed = array_merge_recursive(...$firstTransformed); // Key the array by mal_id $output = []; foreach ($transformed as $item) { $output[$item['mal_id']] = $item->toArray(); } return $output; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Compare Helpers // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private function compareLists(string $type, array $anilistList, array $kitsuList): array { $itemsToAddToAnilist = []; $itemsToAddToKitsu = []; $anilistUpdateItems = []; $kitsuUpdateItems = []; $malIds = array_keys($anilistList); $kitsuMalIds = array_map('intval', array_column($kitsuList, 'malId')); $missingMalIds = array_filter(array_diff($kitsuMalIds, $malIds), fn ($id) => ! in_array($id, $kitsuMalIds)); // Add items on Anilist, but not Kitsu to Kitsu foreach($missingMalIds as $mid) { if ( ! array_key_exists($mid, $anilistList)) { continue; } $data = $anilistList[$mid]['data']; $data['id'] = $this->kitsuModel->getKitsuIdFromMALId((string)$mid, $type); $data['type'] = $type; $itemsToAddToKitsu[] = $data; } foreach($kitsuList as $kitsuItem) { $malId = $kitsuItem['malId']; if (array_key_exists($malId, $anilistList)) { $anilistItem = $anilistList[$malId]; $item = $this->compareListItems($kitsuItem, $anilistItem); if ($item === NULL) { continue; } if (in_array('kitsu', $item['updateType'], TRUE)) { $kitsuUpdateItems[] = $item['data']; } if (in_array('anilist', $item['updateType'], TRUE)) { $anilistUpdateItems[] = $item['data']; } continue; } $statusMap = ($type === ListType::ANIME) ? AnimeWatchingStatus::class : MangaReadingStatus::class; // Looks like this item only exists on Kitsu $kItem = $kitsuItem['data']; $newItemStatus = ($kItem['reconsuming'] === true) ? 'REPEATING' : $statusMap::KITSU_TO_ANILIST[$kItem['status']]; $itemsToAddToAnilist[] = [ 'mal_id' => $malId, 'data' => [ 'notes' => $kItem['notes'], 'private' => $kItem['private'], 'progress' => $kItem['progress'], 'repeat' => $kItem['reconsumeCount'], 'score' => $kItem['ratingTwenty'] * 5, // 100 point score on Anilist 'status' => $newItemStatus, ], ]; } return [ 'addToAnilist' => $itemsToAddToAnilist, 'updateAnilist' => $anilistUpdateItems, 'addToKitsu' => $itemsToAddToKitsu, 'updateKitsu' => $kitsuUpdateItems ]; } /** * Compare two list items, and return the out of date one, if one exists * * @param array $kitsuItem * @param array $anilistItem * @return array|null */ private function compareListItems(array $kitsuItem, array $anilistItem): ?array { $compareKeys = [ 'notes', 'progress', 'rating', 'reconsumeCount', 'reconsuming', 'status', ]; $diff = []; $dateDiff = new DateTime($kitsuItem['data']['updatedAt']) <=> new DateTime((string)$anilistItem['data']['updatedAt']); // Correct differences in notation $kitsuItem['data']['rating'] = $kitsuItem['data']['ratingTwenty'] / 2; foreach($compareKeys as $key) { $diff[$key] = $kitsuItem['data'][$key] <=> $anilistItem['data'][$key]; } // No difference? Bail out early $diffValues = array_values($diff); $diffValues = array_unique($diffValues); if (count($diffValues) === 1 && $diffValues[0] === 0) { return NULL; } $update = [ 'id' => $kitsuItem['id'], 'mal_id' => $kitsuItem['malId'], 'data' => [] ]; $return = [ 'updateType' => [] ]; $sameNotes = $diff['notes'] === 0; $sameStatus = $diff['status'] === 0; $sameProgress = $diff['progress'] === 0; $sameRating = $diff['rating'] === 0; $sameRewatchCount = $diff['reconsumeCount'] === 0; // If an item is completed, make sure the 'reconsuming' flag is false if ($kitsuItem['data']['status'] === 'completed' && $kitsuItem['data']['reconsuming'] === TRUE) { $update['data']['reconsuming'] = FALSE; $return['updateType'][] = 'kitsu'; } // If status is the same, and progress count is different, use greater progress if ($sameStatus && ( ! $sameProgress)) { if ($diff['progress'] === 1) { $update['data']['progress'] = $kitsuItem['data']['progress']; $return['updateType'][] = 'anilist'; } else if($diff['progress'] === -1) { $update['data']['progress'] = $anilistItem['data']['progress']; $return['updateType'][] = 'kitsu'; } } // If status is different, use the status of the more recently updated item if ( ! $sameStatus) { if ($dateDiff === 1) { $update['data']['status'] = $kitsuItem['data']['status']; $return['updateType'][] = 'anilist'; } else if ($dateDiff === -1) { $update['data']['status'] = $anilistItem['data']['status']; $return['updateType'][] = 'kitsu'; } } // If status and progress are different, it's a bit more complicated... // But, at least for now, assume newer record is correct if ( ! ($sameStatus || $sameProgress)) { if ($dateDiff === 1) { $update['data']['status'] = $kitsuItem['data']['status']; if ((int)$kitsuItem['data']['progress'] !== 0) { $update['data']['progress'] = $kitsuItem['data']['progress']; } $return['updateType'][] = 'anilist'; } else if($dateDiff === -1) { $update['data']['status'] = $anilistItem['data']['status']; if ((int)$anilistItem['data']['progress'] !== 0) { $update['data']['progress'] = $kitsuItem['data']['progress']; } $return['updateType'][] = 'kitsu'; } } // Use the first set rating, otherwise use the newer rating if ( ! $sameRating) { if ( $dateDiff === 1 && $kitsuItem['data']['rating'] !== 0 && $kitsuItem['data']['ratingTwenty'] !== 0 ) { $update['data']['ratingTwenty'] = $kitsuItem['data']['ratingTwenty']; $return['updateType'][] = 'anilist'; } else if($dateDiff === -1 && $anilistItem['data']['rating'] !== 0) { $update['data']['ratingTwenty'] = $anilistItem['data']['rating'] * 2; $return['updateType'][] = 'kitsu'; } } // If notes are set, use kitsu, otherwise, set kitsu from anilist if ( ! $sameNotes) { if ($kitsuItem['data']['notes'] !== '') { $update['data']['notes'] = $kitsuItem['data']['notes']; $return['updateType'][] = 'anilist'; } else { $update['data']['notes'] = $anilistItem['data']['notes']; $return['updateType'][] = 'kitsu'; } } // Assume the larger reconsumeCount is correct if ( ! $sameRewatchCount) { if ($diff['reconsumeCount'] === 1) { $update['data']['reconsumeCount'] = $kitsuItem['data']['reconsumeCount']; $return['updateType'][] = 'anilist'; } else if ($diff['reconsumeCount'] === -1) { $update['data']['reconsumeCount'] = $anilistItem['data']['reconsumeCount']; $return['updateType'][] = 'kitsu'; } } // No changes? Let's bail! if (empty($return['updateType'])) { return $return; } $return['meta'] = [ 'kitsu' => $kitsuItem['data'], 'anilist' => $anilistItem['data'], 'dateDiff' => $dateDiff, 'diff' => $diff, ]; $return['data'] = $update; $return['updateType'] = array_unique($return['updateType']); // Fill in missing data values for update on Anlist // so I don't have to create a really complex graphql query // to handle each combination of fields if ($return['updateType'][0] === 'anilist') { $prevData = [ 'notes' => $kitsuItem['data']['notes'], 'private' => $kitsuItem['data']['private'], 'progress' => $kitsuItem['data']['progress'], 'rating' => $kitsuItem['data']['ratingTwenty'] * 5, 'reconsumeCount' => $kitsuItem['data']['reconsumeCount'], 'reconsuming' => $kitsuItem['data']['reconsuming'], 'status' => $kitsuItem['data']['status'], ]; $return['data']['data'] = array_merge($prevData, $return['data']['data']); } return $return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Update Helpers // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Create/Update list items on Kitsu * * @param array $itemsToUpdate * @param string $action * @param string $type * @throws Throwable */ private function updateKitsuListItems(array $itemsToUpdate, string $action = SyncAction::UPDATE, string $type = ListType::ANIME): void { $requester = new ParallelAPIRequest(); foreach($itemsToUpdate as $item) { if ($action === SyncAction::UPDATE) { $requester->addRequest( $this->kitsuModel->updateListItem(FormItem::from($item)) ); } else if ($action === SyncAction::CREATE) { $maybeRequest = $this->kitsuModel->createListItem($item); if ($maybeRequest === NULL) { $this->echoWarning("Skipped creating Kitsu {$type} due to missing id ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"); continue; } $requester->addRequest($this->kitsuModel->createListItem($item)); } } $responses = $requester->makeRequests(); foreach($responses as $key => $response) { $responseData = Json::decode($response); $id = $itemsToUpdate[$key]['id']; if ( ! array_key_exists('errors', $responseData)) { $verb = ($action === SyncAction::UPDATE) ? 'updated' : 'created'; $this->echoSuccess("Successfully {$verb} Kitsu {$type} list item with id: {$id}"); continue; } // Show a different message when you have an episode count mismatch if (isset($responseData['errors'][0]['title'])) { $errorTitle = $responseData['errors'][0]['title']; if ($errorTitle === 'cannot exceed length of media') { $this->echoWarning("Skipped Kitsu {$type} {$id} due to episode count mismatch with other API"); continue; } } dump($responseData); $verb = ($action === SyncAction::UPDATE) ? SyncAction::UPDATE : SyncAction::CREATE; $this->echoError("Failed to {$verb} Kitsu {$type} list item with id: {$id}"); } } /** * Create/Update list items on Anilist * * @param array $itemsToUpdate * @param string $action * @param string $type * @throws Throwable */ private function updateAnilistListItems(array $itemsToUpdate, string $action = SyncAction::UPDATE, string $type = ListType::ANIME): void { $requester = new ParallelAPIRequest(); foreach($itemsToUpdate as $item) { if ($action === SyncAction::UPDATE) { $requester->addRequest( $this->anilistModel->updateListItem(FormItem::from($item), $type) ); } else if ($action === SyncAction::CREATE) { try { $requester->addRequest($this->anilistModel->createFullListItem($item, $type)); } catch (MissingIdException $e) { // Case where there's a MAL mapping from Kitsu, but no equivalent Anlist item $id = $item['mal_id']; $this->echoWarning("Skipping Anilist ${type} with MAL id: {$id} due to missing mapping"); } } } $responses = $requester->makeRequests(); foreach($responses as $key => $response) { $id = $itemsToUpdate[$key]['mal_id']; $responseData = Json::decode($response); if ( ! array_key_exists('errors', $responseData)) { $verb = ($action === SyncAction::UPDATE) ? 'updated' : 'created'; $this->echoSuccess("Successfully {$verb} Anilist {$type} list item with id: {$id}"); } else { dump($responseData); $verb = ($action === SyncAction::UPDATE) ? SyncAction::UPDATE : SyncAction::CREATE; $this->echoError("Failed to {$verb} Anilist {$type} list item with id: {$id}"); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Other Helpers // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Filter Kitsu mappings for the specified type * * @param array $includes * @param string $type * @return array */ private function filterMappings(array $includes, string $type = ListType::ANIME): array { $output = []; foreach($includes as $id => $mapping) { if ($mapping['externalSite'] === "myanimelist/{$type}") { $output[$id] = $mapping; } } return $output; } }