<?php declare(strict_types=1); /** * Hummingbird Anime List Client * * An API client for Kitsu to manage anime and manga watch lists * * PHP version 7.4+ * * @package HummingbirdAnimeClient * @author Timothy J. Warren <tim@timshomepage.net> * @copyright 2015 - 2021 Timothy J. Warren * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @version 5.2 * @link https://git.timshomepage.net/timw4mail/HummingBirdAnimeClient */ namespace Aviat\AnimeClient\Tests; use Aura\Router\Route; use Aviat\AnimeClient\Controller; use Aviat\AnimeClient\Dispatcher; use Aviat\AnimeClient\UrlGenerator; use Aviat\Ion\Config; use Monolog\Handler\TestHandler; use Monolog\Logger; class DispatcherTest extends AnimeClientTestCase { protected $container; protected $router; protected $config; protected $urlGenerator; protected function doSetUp($config, $uri, $host): void { // Set up the environment $GLOBALS['_SERVER'] = array_merge($GLOBALS['_SERVER'], [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => $uri, 'PATH_INFO' => $uri, 'HTTP_HOST' => $host, 'SERVER_NAME' => $host ]); $this->setSuperGlobals([ '_SERVER' => $GLOBALS['_SERVER'] ]); $logger = new Logger('test_logger'); $logger->pushHandler(new TestHandler(Logger::DEBUG)); $this->container->setLogger($logger, 'default'); if ( ! empty($config)) { $config = new Config($config); $this->container->setInstance('config', $config); } $this->router = new Dispatcher($this->container); $this->config = $this->container->get('config'); $this->urlGenerator = new UrlGenerator($this->container); $this->container->setInstance('url-generator', $this->urlGenerator); } public function testRouterSanity(): void { $this->doSetUp([], '/', 'localhost'); $this->assertIsObject($this->router); } public function dataRoute(): array { $defaultConfig = [ 'routes' => [ 'login_form' => [ 'path' => '/login', 'action' => 'login', 'verb' => 'get' ], 'watching' => [ 'path' => '/anime/watching{/view}', 'action' => 'anime_list', 'params' => [ 'type' => 'currently-watching', ], 'tokens' => [ 'view' => '[a-z_]+' ] ], 'plan_to_read' => [ 'path' => '/manga/plan_to_read{/view}', 'action' => 'manga_list', 'params' => [ 'type' => 'Plan to Read', ], 'tokens' => [ 'view' => '[a-z_]+' ] ], ], 'config' => [ 'anime_path' => 'anime', 'manga_path' => 'manga', 'default_list' => 'anime' ] ]; $data = [ 'anime_default_routing_manga' => [ 'config' => $defaultConfig, 'controller' => 'manga', 'host' => 'localhost', 'uri' => '/manga/plan_to_read', ], 'manga_default_routing_anime' => [ 'config' => $defaultConfig, 'controller' => 'anime', 'host' => 'localhost', 'uri' => '/anime/watching', ], 'anime_default_routing_anime' => [ 'config' => $defaultConfig, 'controller' => 'anime', 'host' => 'localhost', 'uri' => '/anime/watching', ], 'manga_default_routing_manga' => [ 'config' => $defaultConfig, 'controller' => 'manga', 'host' => 'localhost', 'uri' => '/manga/plan_to_read' ] ]; $data['manga_default_routing_anime']['config']['default_list'] = 'manga'; $data['manga_default_routing_manga']['config']['default_list'] = 'manga'; return $data; } /** * @dataProvider dataRoute */ public function testRoute($config, $controller, $host, $uri): void { $this->doSetUp($config, $uri, $host); $request = $this->container->get('request'); // Check route setup $this->assertEquals($config['routes'], $this->config->get('routes'), 'Incorrect route path'); $this->assertIsArray($this->router->getOutputRoutes()); // Check environment variables $this->assertEquals($uri, $request->getServerParams()['REQUEST_URI']); $this->assertEquals($host, $request->getServerParams()['HTTP_HOST']); // Make sure the route is an anime type //$this->assertTrue($matcher->count() > 0, '0 routes'); $this->assertEquals($controller, $this->router->getController(), 'Incorrect Route type'); // Make sure the route matches, by checking that it is actually an object $route = $this->router->getRoute(); $this->assertInstanceOf(Route::class, $route, 'Route is invalid, not matched'); } public function testDefaultRoute(): void { $config = [ 'config' => [ 'anime_path' => 'anime', 'manga_path' => 'manga', 'default_anime_list_path' => 'watching', 'default_manga_list_path' => 'all', 'default_list' => 'manga' ], 'routes' => [ 'login_form' => [ 'path' => '/login', 'action' => ['login'], 'verb' => 'get' ], 'index' => [ 'path' => '/', 'action' => ['redirect'], 'params' => [ 'url' => '', // Determined by config 'code' => '301', 'type' => 'manga' ] ] ] ]; $this->expectException(\InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->doSetUp($config, '/', 'localhost'); $this->assertEquals('//localhost/manga/all', $this->urlGenerator->defaultUrl('manga'), 'Incorrect default url'); $this->assertEquals('//localhost/anime/watching', $this->urlGenerator->defaultUrl('anime'), 'Incorrect default url'); $this->urlGenerator->defaultUrl('foo'); } public function dataGetControllerList(): array { $expectedList = [ 'anime' => Controller\Anime::class, 'anime-collection' => Controller\AnimeCollection::class, 'character' => Controller\Character::class, 'misc' => Controller\Misc::class, 'manga' => Controller\Manga::class, 'people' => Controller\People::class, 'settings' => Controller\Settings::class, 'user' => Controller\User::class, 'images' => Controller\Images::class, 'history' => Controller\History::class, ]; return [ 'controller_list_sanity_check' => [ 'config' => [ 'anime_path' => 'anime', 'manga_path' => 'manga', 'default_anime_list_path' => 'watching', 'default_manga_list_path' => 'all', 'default_list' => 'manga', 'routes' => [], ], 'expected' => $expectedList, ], 'empty_controller_list' => [ 'config' => [ 'anime_path' => 'anime', 'manga_path' => 'manga', 'default_anime_path' => '/anime/watching', 'default_manga_path' => '/manga/all', 'default_list' => 'manga', 'routes' => [], ], 'expected' => $expectedList ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider dataGetControllerList */ public function testGetControllerList($config, $expected): void { $this->doSetUp($config, '/', 'localhost'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->router->getControllerList()); } }