<?php use AnimeClient\Router; use AnimeClient\Config; use Aura\Web\WebFactory; use Aura\Router\RouterFactory; class RouterTest extends AnimeClient_TestCase { protected $aura_router; protected $request; protected $response; protected $router; public function testRouterSanity() { parent::setUp(); $router_factory = new RouterFactory(); $this->aura_router = $router_factory->newInstance(); // Create Request/Response Objects $web_factory = new WebFactory([ '_GET' => [], '_POST' => [], '_COOKIE' => [], '_SERVER' => $_SERVER, '_FILES' => [] ]); $this->request = $web_factory->newRequest(); $this->response = $web_factory->newResponse(); $this->router = new Router($this->config, $this->aura_router, $this->request, $this->response); $this->assertTrue(is_object($this->router)); } protected function _set_up($config, $uri, $host) { $this->config = new Config($config); // Set up the environment $_SERVER = array_merge($_SERVER, [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => $uri, 'HTTP_HOST' => $host, 'SERVER_NAME' => $host ]); $router_factory = new RouterFactory(); $this->aura_router = $router_factory->newInstance(); // Create Request/Response Objects $web_factory = new WebFactory([ '_GET' => [], '_POST' => [], '_COOKIE' => [], '_SERVER' => $_SERVER, '_FILES' => [] ]); $this->request = $web_factory->newRequest(); $this->response = $web_factory->newResponse(); $this->router = new Router($this->config, $this->aura_router, $this->request, $this->response); } public function RouteTestProvider() { return [ 'manga_path_routing' => array( 'config' => array( 'config' => [ 'anime_host' => '', 'manga_host' => '', 'anime_path' => 'anime', 'manga_path' => 'manga', 'route_by' => 'path', 'default_list' => 'anime' ], 'base_config' => [] ), 'type' => 'manga', 'host' => "localhost", 'uri' => "/manga/plan_to_read", 'check_var' => 'manga_path' ), 'manga_host_routing' => array( 'config' => array( 'config' => [ 'anime_host' => 'anime.host.me', 'manga_host' => 'manga.host.me', 'anime_path' => '', 'manga_path' => '', 'route_by' => 'host', 'default_list' => 'anime' ], 'base_config' => [] ), 'type' => 'manga', 'host' => 'manga.host.me', 'uri' => '/plan_to_read', 'check_var' => 'manga_host' ), 'anime_path_routing' => array( 'config' => array( 'config' => [ 'anime_host' => '', 'manga_host' => '', 'anime_path' => 'anime', 'manga_path' => 'manga', 'route_by' => 'path', 'default_list' => 'manga' ], 'base_config' => [ 'routes' => [] ] ), 'type' => 'anime', 'host' => "localhost", 'uri' => "/anime/watching", 'check_var' => 'anime_path' ), 'anime_host_routing' => array( 'config' => array( 'config' => [ 'anime_host' => 'anime.host.me', 'manga_host' => 'manga.host.me', 'anime_path' => '', 'manga_path' => '', 'route_by' => 'host', 'default_list' => 'manga' ], 'base_config' => [] ), 'type' => 'anime', 'host' => 'anime.host.me', 'uri' => '/watching', 'check_var' => 'anime_host' ), ]; } /** * @dataProvider RouteTestProvider */ public function testRoute($config, $type, $host, $uri, $check_var) { $config['base_config']['routes'] = [ 'common' => [ 'login_form' => [ 'path' => '/login', 'action' => ['login'], 'verb' => 'get' ], ], 'anime' => [ 'watching' => [ 'path' => '/watching{/view}', 'action' => ['anime_list'], 'params' => [ 'type' => 'currently-watching', 'title' => WHOSE . " Anime List · Watching" ], 'tokens' => [ 'view' => '[a-z_]+' ] ], ], 'manga' => [ 'plan_to_read' => [ 'path' => '/plan_to_read{/view}', 'action' => ['manga_list'], 'params' => [ 'type' => 'Plan to Read', 'title' => WHOSE . " Manga List · Plan to Read" ], 'tokens' => [ 'view' => '[a-z_]+' ] ], ] ]; $this->_set_up($config, $uri, $host); // Check route setup $this->assertEquals($config['base_config']['routes'], $this->config->routes); $this->assertTrue(is_array($this->router->get_output_routes())); // Check environment variables $this->assertEquals($uri, $this->request->server->get('REQUEST_URI')); $this->assertEquals($host, $this->request->server->get('HTTP_HOST')); // Make sure the route is an anime type $this->assertTrue($this->aura_router->count() > 0, "More than 0 routes"); $this->assertTrue($this->config->$check_var !== '', "Check variable is not empty"); $this->assertEquals($type, $this->router->get_route_type(), "Correct Route type"); // Make sure the route matches, by checking that it is actually an object $route = $this->router->get_route(); $this->assertInstanceOf('Aura\\Router\\Route', $route, "Route is valid, and matched"); } /*public function testDefaultRoute() { $config = [ 'config' => [ 'anime_host' => '', 'manga_host' => '', 'anime_path' => 'anime', 'manga_path' => 'manga', 'route_by' => 'host', 'default_list' => 'manga' ], 'base_config' => [ 'routes' => [ 'common' => [ 'login_form' => [ 'path' => '/login', 'action' => ['login'], 'verb' => 'get' ], ], 'anime' => [ 'index' => [ 'path' => '/', 'action' => ['redirect'], 'params' => [ 'url' => '', // Determined by config 'code' => '301' ] ], ], 'manga' => [ 'index' => [ 'path' => '/', 'action' => ['redirect'], 'params' => [ 'url' => '', // Determined by config 'code' => '301', 'type' => 'manga' ] ], ] ] ] ]; $this->_set_up($config, "/", "localhost"); $this->assertEquals($this->config->full_url('', 'manga'), $this->response->headers->get('location')); }*/ }