$config = [
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Username for anime and manga lists
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	'hummingbird_username' => 'timw4mail',

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// General config
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

	// do you wish to show the anime collection tab?
	'show_anime_collection' => TRUE,

	// path to public directory
	'asset_path' => '//' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/public',

	// path to public directory on the server
	'asset_dir' => __DIR__ . '/../../public',

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Routing
	// Route by path, or route by domain. To route by path, set the _host suffixed
	// options to an empty string, and set 'route_by' to 'path'. To route by host, set
	// the _path suffixed options to an empty string, and set 'route_by' to 'host'.
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

	'route_by' => 'path', // host or path
	'anime_host' => '',
	'manga_host' => '',
	'anime_path' => 'anime',
	'manga_path' => 'manga',

	// Which list should be the default?
	'default_list' => 'anime', // anime or manga

	// Default pages for anime/manga
	'default_anime_path' => '/watching',
	'default_manga_path' => '/all',

	// Default to list view?
	'default_to_list_view' => FALSE,