# Hummingbird Anime Client

A self-hosted client that allows custom formatting of data from the hummingbird api

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[[Hosted Example](https://list.timshomepage.net)]

## Features

* Anime List views (Each with list and cover views):
	* Watching
	* Plan to Watch
	* On Hold
	* Dropped
	* Completed
	* Combined View

* Manga List views (Each with list and cover views):
	* Reading
	* Plan to Read
	* On Hold
	* Dropped
	* Completed
	* Combined View

* Anime collection view (segmented by media type):
	* Cover Images
	* Table List

### Requirements

* PHP 7.0+
* PDO SQLite or PDO PostgreSQL (For collection tab)
* GD
* Redis or Memcached for caching

### Installation

1. Install via composer: `composer create-project timw4mail/hummingbird-anime-client`


1. Install via git, then install dependencies via composer: `composer install`

2. Duplicate `app/config/*.toml.example` files as `app/config/*.toml`
3. Configure settings in `app/config/config.toml` to your liking
4. Create the following directories if they don't exist, and make sure they are world writable
	* public/js/cache
5. Make sure the `console` script is executable

### Using MAL API
1. Update `app/config/mal.toml` with your username and password
2. Enable MAL api in `app/config/config.toml`

### Server Setup

#### Caching

Update `app/config/cache.toml` based on the instructions [here](https://git.timshomepage.net/timw4mail/banker/blob/master/README.md).

#### nginx
Basic nginx setup

server {
	location / {
		try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$uri?$args;

	location ~ ^(.+\.php)($|/) {
		fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(.*)$;
		fastcgi_index index.php;

	location ^~ /vendor {
		deny all;

#### Apache
Make sure to have `mod_rewrite` and `AllowOverride All` enabled in order to take
advantage of the included `.htaccess` file. If you don't wish to use an `.htaccess` file,
include the contents of the `.htaccess` file in your Apache configuration.

#### Anime Collection Additional Installation
* Run `php /vendor/bin/phinx migrate -e development` to create the database tables
* For importing anime:
	1. Login
	2. Use the form to select your media
	3. Save & Repeat as needed