Remove Hummingbird stuff
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* Hummingbird Anime Client
* An API client for Hummingbird to manage anime and manga watch lists
* PHP version 7
* @package HummingbirdAnimeClient
* @author Timothy J. Warren <>
* @copyright 2015 - 2016 Timothy J. Warren
* @license MIT License
* @version 3.1
* @link
namespace Aviat\AnimeClient\Auth;
use Aviat\AnimeClient\AnimeClient;
use Aviat\Ion\Di\ContainerInterface;
* Hummingbird API Authentication
class HummingbirdAuth {
use \Aviat\Ion\Di\ContainerAware;
* Anime API Model
* @var \Aviat\AnimeClient\Model\API
protected $model;
* Session object
* @var Aura\Session\Segment
protected $segment;
* Constructor
* @param ContainerInterface $container
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container)
$this->segment = $container->get('session')
$this->model = $container->get('api-model');
* Make the appropriate authentication call,
* and save the resulting auth token if successful
* @param string $password
* @return boolean
public function authenticate($password)
$username = $this->container->get('config')
$auth_token = $this->model->authenticate($username, $password);
if (FALSE !== $auth_token)
$this->segment->set('auth_token', $auth_token);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Check whether the current user is authenticated
* @return boolean
public function is_authenticated()
return ($this->get_auth_token() !== FALSE);
* Clear authentication values
* @return void
public function logout()
* Retrieve the authentication token from the session
* @return string|false
public function get_auth_token()
return $this->segment->get('auth_token', FALSE);
// End of HummingbirdAuth.php
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* Hummingbird Anime Client
* An API client for Hummingbird to manage anime and manga watch lists
* PHP version 7
* @package HummingbirdAnimeClient
* @author Timothy J. Warren <>
* @copyright 2015 - 2016 Timothy J. Warren
* @license MIT License
* @version 3.1
* @link
namespace Aviat\AnimeClient\Hummingbird\Enum;
use Aviat\Ion\Enum as BaseEnum;
* Status of when anime is being/was/will be aired
class AnimeAiringStatus extends BaseEnum {
const NOT_YET_AIRED = 'Not Yet Aired';
const AIRING = 'Currently Airing';
const FINISHED_AIRING = 'Finished Airing';
// End of AnimeAiringStatus.php
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* Hummingbird Anime Client
* An API client for Hummingbird to manage anime and manga watch lists
* PHP version 7
* @package HummingbirdAnimeClient
* @author Timothy J. Warren <>
* @copyright 2015 - 2016 Timothy J. Warren
* @license MIT License
* @version 3.1
* @link
namespace Aviat\AnimeClient\Hummingbird\Enum;
use Aviat\Ion\Enum as BaseEnum;
* Type of Anime
class AnimeShowType extends BaseEnum {
const TV = 'TV';
const MOVIE = 'Movie';
const OVA = 'OVA';
const ONA = 'ONA';
const SPECIAL = 'Special';
const MUSIC = 'Music';
// End of AnimeShowType.php
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* Hummingbird Anime Client
* An API client for Hummingbird to manage anime and manga watch lists
* PHP version 7
* @package HummingbirdAnimeClient
* @author Timothy J. Warren <>
* @copyright 2015 - 2016 Timothy J. Warren
* @license MIT License
* @version 3.1
* @link
namespace Aviat\AnimeClient\Hummingbird\Enum;
use Aviat\Ion\Enum as BaseEnum;
* Possible values for watching status for the current anime
class AnimeWatchingStatus extends BaseEnum {
const WATCHING = 'currently-watching';
const PLAN_TO_WATCH = 'plan-to-watch';
const COMPLETED = 'completed';
const ON_HOLD = 'on-hold';
const DROPPED = 'dropped';
// End of AnimeWatchingStatus.php
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* Hummingbird Anime Client
* An API client for Hummingbird to manage anime and manga watch lists
* PHP version 7
* @package HummingbirdAnimeClient
* @author Timothy J. Warren <>
* @copyright 2015 - 2016 Timothy J. Warren
* @license MIT License
* @version 3.1
* @link
namespace Aviat\AnimeClient\Hummingbird\Enum;
use Aviat\Ion\Enum as BaseEnum;
* Possible values for current reading status of manga
class MangaReadingStatus extends BaseEnum {
const READING = 'Currently Reading';
const PLAN_TO_READ = 'Plan to Read';
const DROPPED = 'Dropped';
const ON_HOLD = 'On Hold';
const COMPLETED = 'Completed';
// End of MangaReadingStatus.php
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* Hummingbird Anime Client
* An API client for Hummingbird to manage anime and manga watch lists
* PHP version 7
* @package HummingbirdAnimeClient
* @author Timothy J. Warren <>
* @copyright 2015 - 2016 Timothy J. Warren
* @license MIT License
* @version 3.1
* @link
namespace Aviat\AnimeClient\Hummingbird\Transformer;
use Aviat\Ion\Transformer\AbstractTransformer;
* Transformer for anime list
class AnimeListTransformer extends AbstractTransformer {
* Convert raw api response to a more
* logical and workable structure
* @param array $item API library item
* @return array
public function transform($item)
$anime =& $item['anime'];
$genres = $this->linearizeGenres($item['anime']['genres']);
$rating = NULL;
if ($item['rating']['type'] === 'advanced')
$rating = is_numeric($item['rating']['value'])
? (int) 2 * $item['rating']['value']
: '-';
$total_episodes = is_numeric($anime['episode_count'])
? $anime['episode_count']
: '-';
$alternate_title = NULL;
if (array_key_exists('alternate_title', $anime))
// If the alternate title is very similar, or
// a subset of the main title, don't list the
// alternate title
$not_subset = stripos($anime['title'], $anime['alternate_title']) === FALSE;
$diff = levenshtein($anime['title'], $anime['alternate_title'] ?? '');
if ($not_subset && $diff >= 5)
$alternate_title = $anime['alternate_title'];
return [
'id' => $item['id'],
'episodes' => [
'watched' => $item['episodes_watched'],
'total' => $total_episodes,
'length' => $anime['episode_length'],
'airing' => [
'status' => $anime['status'],
'started' => $anime['started_airing'],
'ended' => $anime['finished_airing']
'anime' => [
'age_rating' => $anime['age_rating'],
'title' => $anime['title'],
'alternate_title' => $alternate_title,
'slug' => $anime['slug'],
'url' => $anime['url'],
'type' => $anime['show_type'],
'image' => $anime['cover_image'],
'genres' => $genres,
'watching_status' => $item['status'],
'notes' => $item['notes'],
'rewatching' => (bool) $item['rewatching'],
'rewatched' => $item['rewatched_times'],
'user_rating' => $rating,
'private' => (bool) $item['private'],
* Convert transformed data to
* api response format
* @param array $item Transformed library item
* @return array API library item
public function untransform($item)
// Messy mapping of boolean values to their API string equivalents
$privacy = 'public';
if (array_key_exists('private', $item) && $item['private'])
$privacy = 'private';
$rewatching = 'false';
if (array_key_exists('rewatching', $item) && $item['rewatching'])
$rewatching = 'true';
return [
'id' => $item['id'],
'status' => $item['watching_status'],
'sane_rating_update' => $item['user_rating'] / 2,
'rewatching' => $rewatching,
'rewatched_times' => $item['rewatched'],
'notes' => $item['notes'],
'episodes_watched' => $item['episodes_watched'],
'privacy' => $privacy
* Simplify structure of genre list
* @param array $rawGenres
* @return array
protected function linearizeGenres(array $rawGenres): array
$genres = [];
foreach ($rawGenres as $genre)
$genres[] = $genre['name'];
return $genres;
// End of AnimeListTransformer.php
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* Hummingbird Anime Client
* An API client for Hummingbird to manage anime and manga watch lists
* PHP version 7
* @package HummingbirdAnimeClient
* @author Timothy J. Warren <>
* @copyright 2015 - 2016 Timothy J. Warren
* @license MIT License
* @version 3.1
* @link
namespace Aviat\AnimeClient\Hummingbird\Transformer;
use Aviat\Ion\Transformer\AbstractTransformer;
* Data transformation class for zippered Hummingbird manga
class MangaListTransformer extends AbstractTransformer {
use \Aviat\Ion\StringWrapper;
* Remap zipped anime data to a more logical form
* @param array $item manga entry item
* @return array
public function transform($item)
$manga =& $item['manga'];
$rating = (is_numeric($item['rating']))
? intval(2 * $item['rating'])
: '-';
$total_chapters = ($manga['chapter_count'] > 0)
? $manga['chapter_count']
: '-';
$total_volumes = ($manga['volume_count'] > 0)
? $manga['volume_count']
: '-';
$map = [
'id' => $item['id'],
'chapters' => [
'read' => $item['chapters_read'],
'total' => $total_chapters
'volumes' => [
'read' => $item['volumes_read'],
'total' => $total_volumes
'manga' => [
'title' => $manga['romaji_title'],
'alternate_title' => NULL,
'slug' => $manga['id'],
'url' => '' . $manga['id'],
'type' => $manga['manga_type'],
'image' => $manga['poster_image_thumb'],
'genres' => $manga['genres'],
'reading_status' => $item['status'],
'notes' => $item['notes'],
'rereading' => (bool)$item['rereading'],
'reread' => $item['reread_count'],
'user_rating' => $rating,
if (array_key_exists('english_title', $manga))
$diff = levenshtein($manga['romaji_title'], $manga['english_title']);
// If the titles are REALLY similar, don't bother showing both
if ($diff >= 5)
$map['manga']['alternate_title'] = $manga['english_title'];
return $map;
* Untransform data to update the api
* @param array $item
* @return array
public function untransform($item)
$rereading = (array_key_exists('rereading', $item)) && (bool)$item['rereading'];
$map = [
'id' => $item['id'],
'manga_id' => $item['manga_id'],
'status' => $item['status'],
'chapters_read' => (int)$item['chapters_read'],
'volumes_read' => (int)$item['volumes_read'],
'rereading' => $rereading,
'reread_count' => (int)$item['reread_count'],
'notes' => $item['notes'],
if ($item['new_rating'] !== $item['old_rating'] && $item['new_rating'] !== "")
$map['rating'] = ($item['new_rating'] > 0)
? $item['new_rating'] / 2
: $item['old_rating'] / 2;
return $map;
// End of MangaListTransformer.php
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* Hummingbird Anime Client
* An API client for Hummingbird to manage anime and manga watch lists
* PHP version 7
* @package HummingbirdAnimeClient
* @author Timothy J. Warren <>
* @copyright 2015 - 2016 Timothy J. Warren
* @license MIT License
* @version 3.1
* @link
namespace Aviat\AnimeClient\Hummingbird\Transformer;
* Merges the two separate manga lists together
class MangaListsZipper {
* List of manga information
* @var array
protected $manga_series_list = [];
* List of manga tracking information
* @var array
protected $manga_tracking_list = [];
* Create the transformer
* @param array $merge_lists The raw manga data
public function __construct(array $merge_lists)
$this->manga_series_list = $merge_lists['manga'];
$this->manga_tracking_list = $merge_lists['manga_library_entries'];
* Do the transformation, and return the output
* @return array
public function transform()
$output = [];
foreach ($this->manga_tracking_list as &$entry)
$id = $entry['manga_id'];
$entry['manga'] = $this->manga_series_list[$id];
$output[] = $entry;
return $output;
* Index manga series by the id
* @return void
protected function index_manga_entries()
$orig_list = $this->manga_series_list;
$indexed_list = [];
foreach ($orig_list as $manga)
$id = $manga['id'];
$indexed_list[$id] = $manga;
$this->manga_series_list = $indexed_list;
// End of ManagListsZipper.php
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
use Aura\Session\SessionFactory;
use Aviat\AnimeClient\Auth\HummingbirdAuth;
use Aviat\Ion\Friend;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Handler\MockHandler;
use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
class HummingbirdAuthTest extends AnimeClient_TestCase {
static $session;
static $sessionHandler;
public static function setUpBeforeClass()
self::$session = (new SessionFactory)->newInstance([]);
public function setUp()
$auth = new HummingbirdAuth($this->container);
$friend = new Friend($auth);
$this->auth = $friend;
$this->container->setInstance('session', self::$session);
public function dataAuthenticate()
$testToken = 'notReallyAValidTokenButThisIsATest';
return [
'successful auth call' => [
'username' => 'timw4mailtest',
'password' => 'password',
'response_data' => [
'code' => 201,
'body' => json_encode($testToken)
'session_value' => $testToken,
'expected' => TRUE,
'unsuccessful auth call' => [
'username' => 'foo',
'password' => 'foobarbaz',
'response_data' => [
'code' => 401,
'body' => '{"error":"Invalid credentials"}',
'session_value' => FALSE,
'expected' => FALSE,
* @dataProvider dataAuthenticate
public function testAuthenticate($username, $password, $response_data, $session_value, $expected)
->set('hummingbird_username', $username);
$model = new MockBaseApiModel($this->container);
$mock = new MockHandler([
new Response($response_data['code'], [], $response_data['body'])
$handler = HandlerStack::create($mock);
$client = new Client([
'handler' => $handler,
'http_errors' => FALSE // Don't throw an exception for 400/500 class status codes
$model->__set('client', $client);
$this->auth->__set('model', $model);
$actual = $this->auth->authenticate($password);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
public function testIsAuthenticated()
$data = $this->dataAuthenticate();
call_user_func_array([$this, 'testAuthenticate'], $data['successful auth call']);
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
use Aviat\AnimeClient\Model\AnimeCollection as AnimeCollectionModel;
use Aviat\Ion\Config;
use Aviat\Ion\Friend;
class AnimeCollectionModelTest extends AnimeClient_TestCase {
public function setUp()
$this->container->setInstance('config', new Config([
'database' => [
'collection' => [
'type' => 'sqlite',
'host' => '',
'user' => '',
'pass' => '',
'port' => '',
'name' => 'default',
'database' => '',
'file' => ':memory:',
$this->config = $this->container->get('config');
$this->collectionModel = new AnimeCollectionModel($this->container);
public function testSanity()
$friend = new Friend($this->collectionModel);
$this->assertInstanceOf('Aviat\Ion\Model\DB', $this->collectionModel);
$this->assertInstanceOf('Aviat\AnimeClient\Model\Anime', $friend->anime_model);
public function testInvalidDatabase()
$this->container->setInstance('config', new Config([
'database' => [
'collection' => [
'type' => 'sqlite',
'host' => '',
'user' => '',
'pass' => '',
'port' => '',
'name' => 'default',
'database' => '',
'file' => __FILE__,
$collectionModel = new Friend(new AnimeCollectionModel($this->container));
public function testNonExistentDatabase()
$this->container->setInstance('config', new Config([
'database' => [
'collection' => [
'type' => 'sqlite',
'host' => '',
'user' => '',
'pass' => '',
'port' => '',
'name' => 'default',
'database' => '',
'file' => '/foo/bar/baz/foobazbar.db',
$collectionModel = new Friend(new AnimeCollectionModel($this->container));
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
use Aviat\Ion\Friend;
class AnimeModelTest extends AnimeClient_TestCase {
public function setUp()
$this->animeModel = new Friend(new TestAnimeModel($this->container));
$this->mockDir = __DIR__ . '/../test_data/anime_list/search_mocks';
public function dataSearch()
return [
'nonsense search' => [
'search' => 'foo',
'search for common series' => [
'search' => 'Fate',
'search for weird series' => [
'search' => 'Twintails',
* @dataProvider dataSearch
public function testSearch($search)
// Mock requests
$json = file_get_contents(_dir($this->mockDir, "{$search}.json"));
$client = $this->getMockClient(200, [
'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
], $json);
$this->animeModel->__set('client', $client);
$actual = $this->animeModel->search($search);
$this->assertEquals(json_decode($json, TRUE), $actual);
public function testSearchBadResponse()
$client = $this->getMockClient(400, [
'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
], "[]");
$this->animeModel->__set('client', $client);
@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
use Aviat\AnimeClient\Container;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Handler\MockHandler;
use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
class BaseApiModelTest extends AnimeClient_TestCase {
public function setUp()
$this->model = new MockBaseApiModel($this->container);
protected function getIp()
$response = $this->model->get('/ip');
$json = json_decode($response->getBody(), TRUE);
$ip = $json['origin'];
return $ip;
public function dataClient()
$user_agent = "Tim's Anime Client/2.0";
$headers = [
'User-Agent' => $user_agent
return [
'invalid method' => [
'method' => 'foo',
'uri' => '',
'options' => [],
'expected' => NULL,
'is_json' => FALSE,
'get' => [
'method' => 'get',
'uri' => '/get',
'options' => [
'query' => [
'foo' => 'bar'
'headers' => $headers
'expected' => [
'args' => [
'foo' => 'bar'
'headers' => [
'Host' => '',
'User-Agent' => $user_agent
'url' => ''
'is_json' => TRUE
'post' => [
'method' => 'post',
'uri' => '/post',
'options' => [
'form_params' => [
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'foobar'
'headers' => $headers
'expected' => [
'args' => [],
'data' => '',
'files' => [],
'form' => [
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'foobar'
'headers' => [
'Host' => '',
'User-Agent' => $user_agent,
'Content-Length' => '18',
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
'json' => NULL,
'url' => ''
'is_json' => TRUE
'put' => [
'method' => 'put',
'uri' => '/put',
'options' => [
'form_params' => [
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'foobar'
'headers' => $headers
'expected' => [
'args' => [],
'data' => '',
'files' => [],
'form' => [
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'foobar'
'headers' => [
'Host' => '',
'User-Agent' => $user_agent,
'Content-Length' => '18',
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
'json' => NULL,
'url' => ''
'is_json' => TRUE
'patch' => [
'method' => 'patch',
'uri' => '/patch',
'options' => [
'form_params' => [
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'foobar'
'headers' => $headers
'expected' => [
'args' => [],
'data' => '',
'files' => [],
'form' => [
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'foobar'
'headers' => [
'Host' => '',
'User-Agent' => $user_agent,
'Content-Length' => '18',
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
'json' => NULL,
'url' => ''
'is_json' => TRUE
'delete' => [
'method' => 'delete',
'uri' => '/delete',
'options' => [
'form_params' => [
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'foobar'
'headers' => $headers
'expected' => [
'args' => [],
'data' => '',
'files' => [],
'form' => [
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'foobar'
'headers' => [
'Host' => '',
'User-Agent' => $user_agent,
'Content-Length' => '18',
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
'json' => NULL,
'url' => ''
'is_json' => TRUE
* @dataProvider dataClient
public function testClient($method, $uri, $options, $expected, $is_json)
$result = $this->model->$method($uri, $options);
if (is_null($result))
// Because you have to make another api call to get the origin ip
// address, it needs to be retreived outside of the dataProvider method
$expected['origin'] = $this->getIp();
$actual = ($is_json)
? json_decode($result->getBody(), TRUE)
: (string) $result->getBody();
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
public function dataAuthenticate()
$test_token = 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiI4YTA5ZDk4Ny1iZWQxLTQyMTktYWVmOS0wMTcxYWVjYTE3ZWUiLCJzY29wZSI6WyJhbGwiXSwic3ViIjoxMDgwMTIsImlzcyI6MTQ0NTAxNzczNSwiZXhwIjoxNDUyOTY2NTM1fQ.fpha1ZDN9dSFAuHeJesfOP9pCk5-ZnZk4uv3zumRMY0';
return [
'successful authentication' => [
'username' => 'timw4mailtest',
'password' => 'password',
'response_data' => [
'code' => 201,
'body' => json_encode($test_token)
'expected' => $test_token
'failed authentication' => [
'username' => 'foo',
'password' => 'foobarbaz',
'response_data' => [
'code' => 401,
'body' => '{"error":"Invalid credentials"}',
'expected' => FALSE
* @dataProvider dataAuthenticate
public function testAuthenticate($username, $password, $response_data, $expected)
$mock = new MockHandler([
new Response($response_data['code'], [], $response_data['body'])
$handler = HandlerStack::create($mock);
$client = new Client([
'handler' => $handler,
'http_errors' => FALSE // Don't throw an exception for 400/500 class status codes
// Set the mock client
$this->model->__set('client', $client);
// Check results based on mock data
$actual = $this->model->authenticate($username, $password);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual, "Incorrect method return value");
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
use Aviat\Ion\Friend;
use Aviat\Ion\Json;
class MangaModelTest extends AnimeClient_TestCase {
public function setUp()
$this->container->setInstance('util', new MockUtil($this->container));
$this->model = new Friend(new TestMangaModel($this->container));
$this->mockDir = __DIR__ . '/../test_data/manga_list';
public function testZipperLists()
$raw_data = Json::decodeFile($this->mockDir . '/manga.json');
$expected = Json::decodeFile($this->mockDir . '/manga-zippered.json');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $this->model->zipperLists($raw_data));
public function testMapByStatus()
$original = Json::decodeFile($this->mockDir . '/manga-transformed.json');
$expected = Json::decodeFile($this->mockDir . '/manga-mapped.json');
$actual = $this->model->map_by_status($original);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
public function testGetListFromApi()
$data = file_get_contents($this->mockDir . '/manga.json');
$client = $this->getMockClient(200, [
'Content-type' => 'application/json'
], $data);
$this->model->__set('client', $client);
$reflect = new ReflectionClass($this->model);
$constants = $reflect->getConstants();
$expected_all = Json::decodeFile($this->mockDir . '/manga-mapped.json');
$this->assertEquals($expected_all, $this->model->_get_list_from_api());
foreach($constants as $name => $value)
$key = $reflect->getConstant($name);
$this->assertEquals($expected_all[$key], $this->model->_get_list_from_api($key));
public function testGetList()
if (($var = getenv('CI')))
$data = file_get_contents($this->mockDir . '/manga.json');
$client = $this->getMockClient(200, [
'Content-type' => 'application/json'
], $data);
$this->model->__set('client', $client);
$expected = Json::decodeFile($this->mockDir . '/get-all-lists.json');
$this->assertEquals($expected['Reading'], $this->model->get_list('Reading'));
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
use Aviat\AnimeClient\Hummingbird\Transformer\AnimeListTransformer;
use Aviat\Ion\Friend;
use Aviat\Ion\Json;
class AnimeListTransformerTest extends AnimeClient_TestCase {
public function setUp()
$this->start_file = __DIR__ . '/../test_data/anime_list/anime-completed.json';
$this->res_file = __DIR__ . '/../test_data/anime_list/anime-completed-transformed.json';
$this->transformer = new AnimeListTransformer();
$this->transformerFriend = new Friend($this->transformer);
public function dataLinearizeGenres()
return [
'original' => [
['name' => 'Action'],
['name' => 'Comedy'],
['name' => 'Magic'],
['name' => 'Fantasy'],
['name' => 'Mahou Shoujo']
'expected' => ['Action', 'Comedy', 'Magic', 'Fantasy', 'Mahou Shoujo']
* @dataProvider dataLinearizeGenres
public function testLinearizeGenres($original, $expected)
$actual = $this->transformerFriend->linearizeGenres($original);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
public function testTransform()
$json = Json::decodeFile($this->start_file);
$expected = Json::decodeFile($this->res_file);
$actual = $this->transformer->transformCollection($json);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
use Aviat\AnimeClient\Hummingbird\Transformer\MangaListTransformer;
use Aviat\Ion\Json;
class MangaListTransformerTest extends AnimeClient_TestCase {
public function setUp()
$this->start_file = __DIR__ . '/../test_data/manga_list/manga-zippered.json';
$this->res_file = __DIR__ . '/../test_data/manga_list/manga-transformed.json';
$this->transformer = new MangaListTransformer();
public function testTransform()
$orig_json = Json::decodeFile($this->start_file);
$expected = Json::decodeFile($this->res_file);
$actual = $this->transformer->transformCollection($orig_json);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
public function dataUntransform()
return [
'same_rating' => [
'orig' => [
'id' => 401735,
'manga_id' => "love-hina",
'status' => "Plan to Read",
'chapters_read' => 16,
'volumes_read' => 2,
'rereading' => true,
'reread_count' => 1,
'notes' => "Some text notes",
'old_rating' => 7,
'new_rating' => 7,
'expected' => [
'id' => 401735,
'manga_id' => "love-hina",
'status' => "Plan to Read",
'chapters_read' => 16,
'volumes_read' => 2,
'rereading' => true,
'reread_count' => 1,
'notes' => "Some text notes",
'update_rating' => [
'orig' => [
'id' => 401735,
'manga_id' => "love-hina",
'status' => "Plan to Read",
'chapters_read' => 16,
'volumes_read' => 2,
'rereading' => true,
'reread_count' => 1,
'notes' => "Some text notes",
'old_rating' => 7,
'new_rating' => 8,
'expected' => [
'id' => 401735,
'manga_id' => "love-hina",
'status' => "Plan to Read",
'chapters_read' => 16,
'volumes_read' => 2,
'rereading' => true,
'reread_count' => 1,
'notes' => "Some text notes",
'rating' => 4,
'remove_rating' => [
'orig' => [
'id' => 401735,
'manga_id' => "love-hina",
'status' => "Plan to Read",
'chapters_read' => 16,
'volumes_read' => 2,
'rereading' => true,
'reread_count' => 1,
'notes' => "Some text notes",
'old_rating' => 7,
'new_rating' => 0,
'expected' => [
'id' => 401735,
'manga_id' => "love-hina",
'status' => "Plan to Read",
'chapters_read' => 16,
'volumes_read' => 2,
'rereading' => true,
'reread_count' => 1,
'notes' => "Some text notes",
'rating' => 3.5,
* @dataProvider dataUntransform
public function testUntransform($orig, $expected)
$actual = $this->transformer->untransform($orig);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
use Aviat\AnimeClient\Hummingbird\Transformer\MangaListsZipper;
use Aviat\Ion\Json;
class MangaListsZipperTest extends AnimeClient_TestCase {
protected $start_file = '';
protected $res_file = '';
public function setUp()
$this->start_file = __DIR__ . '/../test_data/manga_list/manga.json';
$this->res_file = __DIR__ . '/../test_data/manga_list/manga-zippered.json';
$json = Json::decodeFile($this->start_file);
$this->mangaListsZipper = new MangaListsZipper($json);
public function testTransform()
$zippered_json = Json::decodeFile($this->res_file);
$transformed = $this->mangaListsZipper->transform();
$this->assertEquals($zippered_json, $transformed);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user