 * MiniMVC
 * Convention-based micro-framework for PHP
 * @package		miniMVC
 * @author 		Timothy J. Warren
 * @copyright	Copyright (c) 2011 - 2012
 * @link 		https://github.com/aviat4ion/miniMVC
 * @license 	http://philsturgeon.co.uk/code/dbad-license

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

namespace miniMVC;

 * Class for building pages
 * All methods are chainable, with the exception of the constructor,
 * build_header(), build_footer(), and _headers() methods.
 * @package miniMVC
 * @subpackage System
class Page {

	 * Meta tags
	 * @var string
	private $meta;

	 * JS tags for the header
	 * @var string
	private $head_js;

	 * JS tags for the footer
	 * @var string
	private $foot_js;

	 * CSS tags for the page
	 * @var string
	private $css;

	 * Page title
	 * @var string
	private $title;

	 * Additional header tags
	 * @var string
	private $head_tags;

	 * Class(es) to apply to the main body tag
	 * @var string
	private $body_class;

	 * Id to apply to the body tag
	 * @var string
	private $body_id;

	 * Base tag
	 * @var string
	private $base;

	 * Content for outputting
	 * @var string
	private $buffer;

	 * HTTP headers to send
	 * @var array
	private $headers;

	 * Set up the page class
	 * @return void
	public function __construct()
		$this->meta       = "";
		$this->head_js    = "";
		$this->foot_js    = "";
		$this->css        = "";
		$this->title      = "";
		$this->head_tags  = "";
		$this->body_class = "";
		$this->body_id    = "";
		$this->base       = "";
		$this->buffer = "";
		$this->headers = array();

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * PHP magic method called when ending the script
	 * Used for outputing HTML
	 * @return void
	public function __destruct()
		if ( ! empty($this->headers))
			// Set headers
			foreach($this->headers as $key => $val)
				if ( ! isset($val))
					@header("$key: $val");

		if ( ! empty($this->buffer))
			// @todo Figure out how to adjust content compression for 5.4.4

			echo $this->buffer;

			// Check if a buffer exists
			// so that it doesn't throw a notice
			if (ob_get_level() > 0)

			echo 'No content';

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Sets server headers and doctype
	 * Also sets page mime type, based on if sent as
	 * html or xhtml, and what the target browser
	 * supports
	 * @param bool $html5
	 * @return Page
	private function _headers($html5)
		$this->set_header("Cache-Control", "must-revalidate, public");
		$mime = "";

		//Variable for accept keyword
		$accept = ( ! empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] : "";

		//Predefine doctype
		$doctype_string = ($html5 == TRUE) ? '<!DOCTYPE html>' : '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN">';

		//Predefine charset
		$charset = "UTF-8";

		$mime = "text/html";

		if ($html5 == FALSE)
			$doctype_string = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">';

		$doctype_string .= "<html lang='en'>";

		// finally, output the mime type and prolog type
		$this->set_header("Content-Type", "{$mime};charset={$charset}");
		$this->set_header("X-UA-Compatible", "chrome=1, IE=edge");

		return $this;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Set Meta
	 * Sets meta tags, with codeigniter native meta tag helper
	 * @param array $meta
	 * @return Page
	public function set_meta($meta)
		$this->meta .= $this->_meta($meta);
		return $this;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Sets minified javascript group in header
	 * @param string $group
	 * @param bool $debug
	 * @return Page
	public function set_head_js_group($group, $debug = FALSE)
		if ($group === FALSE)
			return $this;

		$file = SCRIPT_PATH . $group;
		$file .= ($debug == TRUE) ? "/debug/1" : "";
		$this->head_js .= $this->script_tag($file, FALSE);
		return $this;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Sets a minified css group
	 * @param string $group
	 * @return Page
	public function set_css_group($group)
		$link = array(
			'href' => STYLE_PATH . $group,
			'rel' => 'stylesheet',
			'type' => 'text/css'
		$this->css .= $this->_link_tag($link);

		return $this;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Sets a minified javascript group for the page footer
	 * @param string $group
	 * @param bool $debug
	 * @return Page
	public function set_foot_js_group($group, $debug = FALSE)
		$file = SCRIPT_PATH . $group;
		$file .= ($debug == TRUE) ? "/debug/1" : "";
		$this->foot_js .= $this->script_tag($file, FALSE);
		return $this;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Sets html title string
	 * @param string $title
	 * @return Page
	public function set_title($title = "")
		$title = ($title == "") ? DEFAULT_TITLE : $title;

		$this->title = $title;

		return $this;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Sets custom body class
	 * @param string $class
	 * @return Page
	public function set_body_class($class = "")
		$this->body_class = $class;
		return $this;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Sets custom body id
	 * @param string $id
	 * @return Page
	public function set_body_id($id = "")
		$this->body_id = $id;
		return $this;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Sets custom base href
	 * @param string href
	 * @return Page
	public function set_base($href)
		$this->base = $href;
		return $this;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Sets custom css tags
	 * @param string $name
	 * @param bool $domain
	 * @param string $media
	 * @return Page
	public function set_css_tag($name, $domain = TRUE, $media = "all")
		$path     = CONTENT_DOMAIN;
		$css_file = "{$path}/css/{$name}.css";

		if ($domain == FALSE)
			$css_file = $name;

		$this->css_tags .= $this->_link_tag(array(
			'rel' => 'stylesheet',
			'type' => 'text/css',
			'media' => $media,
			'href' => $css_file,

		return $this;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Sets a custom tag in the header
	 * @param string $tag
	 * @return Page
	public function set_head_tag($tag)
		$this->head_tags .= $tag;
		return $this;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Sets custom page header
	 * @param bool $html5
	 * @return Page
	public function build_header($html5 = TRUE)
		$data = array();

		//Set Meta Tags
		$this->meta   = ($html5 == TRUE)
			? '<meta charset="utf-8" />'. $this->meta
			: $this->_meta(array(
				'http-equiv' => 'Content-Type',
				'content' => 'text/html; charset=utf-8',
			)) . $this->meta;

		$data['meta'] = $this->meta;

		//Set CSS
		if ($this->css !== "")
			$data['css'] = $this->css;
			//Set default CSS group
			$data['css'] = $this->css;

		//Set head javascript
		$data['head_js'] = ( ! empty($this->head_js)) ? $this->head_js : "";

		//Set Page Title
		$data['title'] = ($this->title !== '') ? $this->title : DEFAULT_TITLE;

		//Set Body Class
		$data['body_class'] = $this->body_class;

		//Set Body Id
		$data['body_id'] = $this->body_id;

		//Set Base HREF
		$data['base'] = $this->base;

		//Set individual head tags
		$data['head_tags'] = $this->head_tags;

		//Set Server Headers and Doctype

		//Output Header
		$this->load_view('header', $data);

		return $this;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Builds common footer with any additional js
	public function build_footer()
		$data = array();

		$data['foot_js'] = ($this->foot_js != "") ? $this->foot_js : '';

		$this->load_view('footer', $data);

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Script Tag
	 * Helper function for making script tags
	 * @param string $js
	 * @param bool $domain
	 * @return string
	private function script_tag($js, $domain = TRUE)
		$path    = CONTENT_DOMAIN;
		$js_file = "{$path}/js/{$js}.js";

		if ($domain == FALSE)
			$js_file = $js;

		$tag = '<script src="' . $js_file . '"></script>';

		return $tag;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Set Message
	 * Adds a message to the page
	 * @param string $type
	 * @param string $message
	 * @param bool $return
	 * @return void
	public function set_message($type, $message, $return=FALSE)
		$data['stat_class'] = $type;
		$data['message']    = $message;

		return $this->load_view('message', $data, $return);

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Redirect 303
	 * Shortcut function for 303 redirect
	 * @param string $url
	public function redirect_303($url)
		$this->set_header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other");
		$this->set_header("Location:" . $url);

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Render
	 * Shortcut function for building a page
	 * @param string $view
	 * @param array $data
	public function render($view, $data=array())
		$this->load_view($view, $data);

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Output String
	 * Similar to render(), this is a shortcut
	 * to output a string in the body of the
	 * page.
	 * @param string $string
	public function output_string($string)

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Private helper function to generate meta tags
	 * @param array $params
	 * @return string
	private function _meta($params)
		$string = "<meta ";

		foreach ($params as $k => &$v)
			$string .= $k.'="'.$v.'" ';

		$string .= " />";

		return $string;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Private helper function to generate link tags
	 * @param array $params
	 * @return string
	private function _link_tag($params)
		$string = "<link ";

		foreach ($params as $k => &$v)
			$string .= $k . '="'.$v.'" ';

		$string .= "/>";

		return $string;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Function for loading a view
	 * @param string $file
	 * @param array $data
	 * @param bool $return
	 * @return mixed
	public function load_view($file, array $data=array(), $return=FALSE)
		$path = "";

		// The module is set via the router
		$module = strtolower(MM_MOD);
		$path = MM_MOD_PATH . "{$module}/views/{$file}.php";

		// If it's not a module, or doesn't exist in the module view folder
		// look in the app view folder
		if ( ! is_file($path))
			$path = MM_APP_PATH . "views/{$file}.php";

		// Contain the content for buffering

		// Extract the data array

		// Include the file

		$buffer = ob_get_contents();

		if ($return == TRUE)
			return $buffer;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Sets a header for later output
	 * @param string $key
	 * @param string $val
	public function set_header($key, $val)
		$this->headers[$key] = $val;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Adds text to the output buffer
	 * @param string $string
	public function append_output($string)
		$this->buffer .= $string;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Sets the output buffer
	 * @param string $string
	public function set_output($string)
		$this->buffer = $string;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Sends headers and then removes them
	public function flush_headers()
		// Set headers
		foreach ($this->headers as $key => &$val)
			if ( ! isset($val))
				@header("{$key}: {$val}");

		// Empty headers
		$this->headers = array();

// End of page.php