(function(){ "use strict"; module("core"); test("Basic requirements", function(){ expect(6); ok(document.querySelectorAll, "querySelectorAll"); ok(document.getElementById, "getElementById"); ok(document.getElementsByTagName, "getElementsByTagName"); ok(String.prototype.trim, "String.trim()"); strictEqual(typeof $_, "function", "Global var"); strictEqual(typeof $_(), "object"); }); test("Type Checking", function(){ equal($_.type(5), "number", "Number type"); equal($_.type("abc"), "string", "String type"); equal($_.type({}), "object", "Object type"); equal($_.type([0,1,2]), "array", "Array type"); equal($_.type(/x/), "regexp", "Regex type"); equal($_.type(function(){}), "function", "Function type"); equal($_.type(true), "boolean", "Boolean type"); }); test("Unique Selectors", function(){ expect(1); notStrictEqual($_("div").el, $_("aside").el, "Unique Query Objects - see Issue #5"); }); test("Extend function", function(){ var o = $_("ol"); expect(4); ok(o.ext, "Extend function exists"); $_.ext('test', {}); strictEqual(typeof o.test, "object", "Extend function adds to $_"); strictEqual(o.test.el, $_("ol").el, "Extend function adds selector to passed object"); strictEqual(o.test.el, o.el, "Selector is the same on parent and child object"); o = null; }); test("Selector tests", function(){ var i=0; $_("div").each(function(e){ equal(e, $_("div").el[i], ".each function has current selector"); i++; }); equal($_().el, window.document.documentElement, "Empty selector is set to documentElement"); }); test("Sub-modules", function(){ expect(4); ok($_().event, "Event module"); ok($_.store, "Local Storage module"); ok($_().dom, "Dom manipulation module"); ok($_.util, "Utilities module"); }); }());