1 (function (){
  2 	"use strict";
  4 	/**
  5 	 * Wrapper for localstorage data serialization
  6 	 *
  7 	 * @name store
  8 	 * @namespace
  9 	 * @memberOf $_
 10 	 */
 11 	var store = {
 12 		/**
 13 		 * Retrieves and deserializes a value from localstorage, 
 14 		 * based on the specified key
 15 		 * 
 16 		 * @param string key
 17 		 * @name get
 18 		 * @memberOf $_.store
 19 		 * @function
 20 		 * @return object
 21 		 */
 22 		get: function (key)
 23 		{
 24 			return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key));
 25 		},
 26 		/**
 27 		 * Puts a value into localstorage at the specified key,
 28 		 * and JSON-encodes the value if not a string
 29 		 *
 30 		 * @param string key
 31 		 * @param mixed value
 32 		 * @name set
 33 		 * @memberOf $_.store
 34 		 * @function
 35 		 * @return void
 36 		 */
 37 		set: function (key, value)
 38 		{
 39 			if (typeof value !== "string")
 40 			{
 41 				value = JSON.stringify(value);
 42 			}
 43 			localStorage.setItem(key, value);
 44 		},
 45 		/**
 46 		 * Removes the specified item from localstorage
 47 		 * 
 48 		 * @param string key
 49 		 * @name remove
 50 		 * @memberOf $_.store
 51 		 * @function
 52 		 * @return void 
 53 		 */
 54 		remove: function (key)
 55 		{
 56 			localStorage.removeItem(key);
 57 		},
 58 		/**
 59 		 * Returns an array of all the values in localstorage
 60 		 * in their raw form
 61 		 * 
 62 		 * @name getAll
 63 		 * @member of $_.store
 64 		 * @function
 65 		 * @return object
 66 		 */
 67 		getAll: function ()
 68 		{
 69 			var i,
 70 				len,
 71 				data;
 72 			len = localStorage.length;
 73 			data = {};
 75 			for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
 76 			{
 77 				var name = localStorage.key(i);
 78 				var value = localStorage.getItem(name);
 79 				data[name] = value;
 80 			}
 82 			return data;
 83 		}
 84 	};
 86 	$_.ext('store', store);
 87 }());