/** Kis JS Keep It Simple JS Library Copyright Timothy J. Warren License Public Domain Version 0.1.0 */ (function (){ "use strict"; // Property name for expandos on DOM objects var kis_expando = "KIS_0_1_0"; //Browser requirements check if (!document.querySelectorAll) { return; } var $_, $; $_ = {}; $_ = window.$_ = window.$_ || $_; /** * $ * * Simple DOM selector function */ $ = function (a) { if (typeof a !== "string"){ return a;} var x = document.querySelectorAll(a); return (x.length === 1) ? x[0] : x; }; window.$ = $; /** * Support * * Module for browser feature detection */ (function (){ var support = { attachEvent: typeof window.attachEvent === "function", addEventListener: typeof window.addEventListener === "function", querySelector: typeof document.querySelectorAll === "function" }; $_.support = support; }()); /** * Ajax * * Object for making ajax requests */ (function (){ var ajax = { _do: function (url, data, callback, isPost) { if (typeof callback === "undefined") { callback = function (){}; } var request = (typeof window.XMLHttpRequest === "function") ? new XMLHttpRequest() : false; var type = (isPost) ? "POST" : "GET"; url += (type === "GET") ? "?" + this._serialize(data, true) : ''; request.open(type, url); request.onreadystatechange = function () { if (request.readyState === 4) { callback(request.responseText); } }; if (type === "POST") { request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); request.send(this._serialize(data)); } else { request.send(null); } }, _serialize: function (data, encode) { var pairs = []; for (var name in data) { if (!data.hasOwnProperty(name)) { continue; } if (typeof data[name] === "function") { continue; } var value = data[name].toString(); if (encode === true) { name = encodeURIComponent(name.replace(" ", "+")); value = encodeURIComponent(value.replace(" ", "+")); } pairs.push(name + "=" + value); } return pairs.join("&"); } }; $_.get = function (url, data, callback) { ajax._do(url, data, callback, false); }; $_.post = function (url, data, callback) { ajax._do(url, data, callback, true); }; }()); /** * Qs * * Object for encoding and decoding querystrings and hashbang strings */ (function (){ $_.hb = (history.pushState) ? false : true; var qs = { parse: function (hb) { hb = hb || $_.hb; var h, i, hString, pairs, pLen, data, y; data = {}; if (hb === true) { h = location.hash.split('#!/'); hString = (h.length > 1) ? h[1] : ''; } else if (hb === false || hb === undefined) { hString = window.location.search.substring(1); } else { return false; } pairs = hString.split('&'); pLen = pairs.length; for (i = 0; i < pLen; i++) { y = pairs[i].split('='); if (y.length < 2) { return data; } data[y[0]] = y[1]; } return data; }, set: function (key, value, hb) { hb = hb || $_.hb; var pairs = this.parse(hb); if (key !== undefined && value !== undefined) { pairs[key] = value; } var vars = []; for (var x in pairs) { if (pairs.hasOwnProperty(x)) { vars.push(x + '=' + pairs[x]); } } var qs = vars.join('&'); if (hb === true) { qs = '!/' + qs; location.hash = qs; } return qs; }, get: function (key, hb) { hb = hb || $_.hb; var pairs = this.parse(hb); return (pairs[key]) ? pairs[key] : ''; } }; $_.qs = qs; }()); /** * Store object * * Wrapper for localstorage data serialization */ (function (){ var store = { get: function (key) { return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key)); }, set: function (key, value) { if (typeof value !== "string") { value = JSON.stringify(value); } localStorage.setItem(key, value); }, getAll: function () { var i, len, data; len = localStorage.length; data = {}; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { var name = localStorage.key(i); var value = localStorage.getItem(name); data[name] = value; } return data; } }; $_.store = store; }()); /** * Event object * * Event api wrapper * Requires Support module */ (function (){ var attach, remove, add_remove, e, support; support = $_.support; // Define the proper attach and remove functions // based on browser support if(support.addEventListener) { attach = function (sel, event, callback) { if (typeof sel.addEventListener === "function") { sel.addEventListener(event, callback, false); } }; remove = function (sel, event, callback) { if (typeof sel.removeEventListener === "function") { sel.removeEventListener(event, callback, false); } }; } else if(support.attachEvent) { attach = function (sel, event, callback) { function listener () { // Internet Explorer fails to correctly set the 'this' object // for event listeners, so we need to set it ourselves. callback.apply(sel, arguments); } if (typeof sel.attachEvent === "function") { remove(sel, event, callback); // Make sure we don't have duplicate listeners sel.attachEvent("on" + event, listener); // Store our listener so we can remove it later // TODO: Fix memory leak in IE6/7 with event listeners var expando = sel[kis_expando] = sel[kis_expando] || {}; expando.listeners = expando.listeners || {}; expando.listeners[event] = expando.listeners[event] || []; expando.listeners[event].push({ callback: callback, listener: listener }); } }; remove = function (sel, event, callback) { if(typeof typeof sel.detachEvent === "function") { var expando = sel[kis_expando]; if (expando && expando.listeners && expando.listeners[event]) { var listeners = expando.listeners[event]; for (var i=0; i 1) { len = event.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { add_remove(sel, event[i], callback, add); } return; } //Check for multiple DOM objects if (sel.length > 1) { len = sel.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { (add === true) ? attach(sel[i], event, callback) : remove(sel[i], event, callback); } } else { (add === true) ? attach(sel, event, callback) : remove(sel, event, callback); } }; e = { add: function (sel, event, callback) { add_remove(sel, event, callback, true); }, remove: function (sel, event, callback) { add_remove(sel, event, callback, false); } }; $_.event = e; }()); /** * Dom manipulation object * */ (function (){ var d; //Private function for getting/setting attributes function _attr(sel, name, value) { var oldVal, doAttr; //Get the value of the attribute, if it exists if (typeof sel.hasAttribute !== "undefined") { if (sel.hasAttribute(name)) { oldVal = sel.getAttribute(name); } doAttr = true; } else if (typeof sel[name] !== "undefined") { oldVal = sel[name]; doAttr = false; } else if (name === "class" && typeof sel.className !== "undefined") //className attribute { name = "className"; oldVal = sel.className; doAttr = false; } //Well, I guess that attribute doesn't exist if (typeof oldVal === "undefined" && (typeof value === "undefined" || value === null)) { console.log(sel); console.log("Element does not have the selected attribute"); return; } //No value to set? Return the current value if (typeof value === "undefined") { return oldVal; } //Determine what to do with the attribute if (typeof value !== "undefined" && value !== null) { (doAttr === true) ? sel.setAttribute(name, value) : sel[name] = value; } else if (value === null) { (doAttr === true) ? sel.removeAttribute(name) : sel[name] = null; } return (typeof value !== "undefined") ? value : oldValue; } // Private function for class manipulation function _class(sel, c, add) { var ec, cs, len, i, classInd; //We can do this the easy way if (sel.classList) { if (add === true) { sel.classList.add(c); return; } else if (add === false) { sel.classList.remove(c); return; } } else //Or the hard way { //No class attribute? Set an empty string ec = _attr(sel, "class"); ec = (typeof ec === "string") ? ec : ''; //Convert class attribute string into array if (typeof ec === "string") { cs = (ec !== '') ? ec.split(" ") : []; len = cs.length; classInd = false; //Check for the class in the array for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (cs[i] === c) { classInd = i; break; } } } //Add or remove from class array if (add === true) { //Only add the class if isn't already there if (classInd === false) { cs.push(c); } } else if (add === false) { //Make sure the class you want to remove exists if (classInd !== false) { cs.splice(classInd, 1); } } var cName = (cs.length > 1) ? cs.join(" ") : cs[0]; if (typeof sel.className !== "undefined") { sel.className = cName; } else if (typeof sel.setAttribute !== "undefined") { sel.setAttribute('class', cName); } else { console.log(sel); } return cName; } } d = { each: function (sel, callback) { if (typeof sel === "string") { sel = $(sel); } var len = sel.length; if (len === 0) { return; } if (len === 1) { return callback(sel); } for (var x = 0; x < sel.length; x++) { callback(sel[x]); } }, addClass: function (sel, c) { sel = $(sel); this.each(sel, function (e){ _class(e, c, true); }); }, removeClass: function (sel, c) { sel = $(sel); this.each(sel, function (e){ _class(e, c, false); }); }, hide: function (sel) { sel = $(sel); if (sel.length > 1) { this.each(sel, function (e){ e.style.display = "none"; }); } else { if (sel.style) { sel.style.display = "none"; } } }, show: function (sel, type) { sel = $(sel); if (typeof type === "undefined") { type = "block"; } if (sel.length > 1) { this.each(sel, function (e){ e.style.display = type; }); } else { sel.style.display = type; } }, attr: function (sel, name, value) { sel = $(sel); //Make sure you don't try to get a bunch of elements if (sel.length > 1 && typeof value === "undefined") { console.log(sel); console.log("Must be a singular element"); return; } else if (sel.length > 1 && typeof value !== "undefined") //You can set a bunch, though { this.each(sel, function (e){ _attr(e, name, value); }); } else //Normal behavior { return _attr(sel, name, value); } }, text: function(sel, value) { var oldValue, set, type; sel = $(sel); set = (typeof value !== "undefined") ? true : false; type = (typeof sel.innerText !== "undefined") ? "innerText" : (typeof sel.textContent !== "undefined") ? "textContent" : "innerHTML"; oldValue = sel[type]; if(set) { sel[type] = value; return value; } else { return oldValue; } } }; $_.dom = d; }()); }());