Update dependencies, fix code style check script

This commit is contained in:
Timothy Warren 2018-01-17 12:00:08 -05:00
parent c648cb9a8e
commit d52515a24a
2 changed files with 11 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -392,12 +392,12 @@ class DoubleQuoteUsageSniff extends VariableUsageSniff
&& false === $smpl_qt_at
) {
$error = 'Single-quoted strings should be used unless it contains variables, special chars like \n or single quotes.';
$phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr);
$phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, 1982);
} else if (false !== $smpl_qt_at && false !== $dbl_qt_at
&& false === $has_variable && false === $has_specific_sequence
) {
$warning = 'It is encouraged to use a single-quoted string, since it doesn\'t contain any variable nor special char though it mixes single and double quotes.';
$phpcsFile->addWarning($warning, $stackPtr);
$phpcsFile->addWarning($warning, $stackPtr, 1982734);
}//end processDoubleQuotedString()
@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ class DoubleQuoteUsageSniff extends VariableUsageSniff
$smpl_qt_at = strpos($qtString, "'");
if (false === $has_variable && false !== $smpl_qt_at && false === $dbl_qt_at) {
$warning = 'You may also use double-quoted strings if the string contains single quotes, so you do not have to use escape characters.';
$phpcsFile->addWarning($warning, $stackPtr);
$phpcsFile->addWarning($warning, $stackPtr, 98723);
}//end processSingleQuotedString()

View File

@ -28,22 +28,22 @@
"require-dev": {
"pdepend/pdepend": "^2.2",
"sebastian/phpcpd": "^3.0",
"theseer/phpdox": "dev-master",
"phploc/phploc": "^3.0",
"theseer/phpdox": "^0.11.0",
"phploc/phploc": "^4.0",
"phpmd/phpmd": "^2.4",
"phpunit/phpunit": "^6.0",
"robmorgan/phinx": "^0.8.0",
"consolidation/robo": "~1.0@RC",
"robmorgan/phinx": "^0.9.2",
"consolidation/robo": "^1.1.0",
"monolog/monolog": "1.*",
"squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.0.0@RC",
"phpstan/phpstan": "^0.6.4"
"squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.0.0",
"phpstan/phpstan": "^0.9.1"
"scripts": {
"coverage": "phpdbg -qrr -- vendor/bin/phpunit -c build",
"build": "vendor/bin/robo build",
"build": "robo build",
"docs": "cd build && ../vendor/bin/phpdox && cd ..",
"phpstan": "phpstan analyse src tests",
"test": "vendor/bin/phpunit"
"test": "phpunit"
"suggest": {
"monolog/monolog": "Provides implementation of psr/log"