<?php /** * Query * * Free Query Builder / Database Abstraction Layer * * @package Query * @author Timothy J. Warren * @copyright Copyright (c) 2012 * @link https://github.com/aviat4ion/Query * @license http://philsturgeon.co.uk/code/dbad-license */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Convienience class for creating sql queries - also the class that * instantiates the specific db driver * * @package Query * @subpackage Query */ class Query_Builder { // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ! SQL Clause Strings // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Compiled 'select' clause * * @var string */ private $select_string; /** * Compiled 'from' clause * * @var string */ private $from_string; /** * Compiled arguments for insert / update * * @var string */ private $set_string; /** * Order by clause * * @var string */ private $order_string; /** * Group by clause * * @var string */ private $group_string; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ! SQL Clause Arrays // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Keys for insert/update statement * * @var array */ private $set_array_keys; /** * Key/val pairs for order by clause * * @var array */ private $order_array; /** * Key/val pairs for group by clause * * @var array */ private $group_array; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ! Other Class vars // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Values to apply to prepared statements * * @var array */ private $values; /** * Value for limit string * * @var int */ private $limit; /** * Value for offset in limit string * * @var int */ private $offset; /** * Alias to $this->db->sql * * @var DB_PDO */ private $sql; /** * Query component order mapping * for complex select queries * * Format: * * array( * 'type' => 'where', * 'conjunction' => ' AND ', * 'string' => 'k=?' * ) * * @var array */ private $query_map; /** * Map for having clause * * @var array */ private $having_map; /** * Convenience property for connection management * * @var string */ public $conn_name = ""; /** * Constructor * * @param object $params - the connection parametere */ public function __construct($params) { // Convert array to object if (is_array($params)) { $p = new StdClass(); foreach($params as $key => $val) { $p->$key = $val; } $params = $p; } // Let the connection work with 'conn_db' or 'database' $params->conn_db = ( ! isset($params->database)) ? @$params->conn_db : @$params->database; $params->type = strtolower($params->type); $dbtype = ($params->type !== 'postgresql') ? $params->type : 'pgsql'; // Create the dsn for the database to connect to switch($dbtype) { default: $dsn = "dbname={$params->conn_db}"; if ( ! empty($params->host)) { $dsn .= ";host={$params->host}"; } if ( ! empty($params->port)) { $dsn .= ";port={$params->port}"; } break; case "sqlite": $dsn = $params->file; break; case "firebird": $dsn = "{$params->host}:{$params->file}"; break; } // Create the database connection if ( ! empty($params->user)) { $this->db = new $dbtype($dsn, $params->user, $params->pass); } else { $this->db = new $dbtype($dsn); } if (isset($params->name)) { $this->conn_name = $params->name; } // Make things just slightly shorter $this->sql =& $this->db->sql; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ! Select Queries // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Specifies rows to select in a query * * @param string $fields * @return $this */ public function select($fields) { // Split fields by comma $fields_array = explode(",", $fields); $fields_array = array_map('trim', $fields_array); // Split on 'As' foreach ($fields_array as $key => $field) { if (stripos($field, 'as') !== FALSE) { $fields_array[$key] = preg_split('`as`i', $field); $fields_array[$key] = array_map('trim', $fields_array[$key]); } } // Quote the identifiers $safe_array = array_map(array($this->db, 'quote_ident'), $fields_array); unset($fields_array); // Join the strings back together for($i = 0, $c = count($safe_array); $i < $c; $i++) { if (is_array($safe_array[$i])) { $safe_array[$i] = implode(' AS ', $safe_array[$i]); } } $this->select_string .= implode(', ', $safe_array); unset($safe_array); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Method to simplify select_ methods * * @param string $field * @param string $as * @return string */ private function _select($field, $as = FALSE) { // Escape the identifiers $field = $this->quote_ident($field); $as = ($as !== FALSE) ? $this->quote_ident($as) : $field; return "({$field}) AS {$as} "; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Selects the maximum value of a field from a query * * @param string $field * @param string $as * @return $this */ public function select_max($field, $as=FALSE) { // Create the select string $this->select_string .= $this->sql->max().$this->_select($field, $as); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Selects the minimum value of a field from a query * * @param string $field * @param string $as * @return $this */ public function select_min($field, $as=FALSE) { // Create the select string $this->select_string .= $this->sql->min().$this->_select($field, $as); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Selects the average value of a field from a query * * @param string $field * @param string $as * @return $this */ public function select_avg($field, $as=FALSE) { // Create the select string $this->select_string .= $this->sql->avg().$this->_select($field, $as); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Selects the sum of a field from a query * * @param string $field * @param string $as * @return $this */ public function select_sum($field, $as=FALSE) { // Create the select string $this->select_string .= $this->sql->sum().$this->_select($field, $as); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Adds the 'distinct' keyword to a query * * @return $this */ public function distinct() { // Prepend the keyword to the select string $this->select_string = $this->sql->distinct() . $this->select_string; return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Specify the database table to select from * * @param string $dbname * @return $this */ public function from($dbname) { // Split identifiers on spaces $ident_array = explode(' ', trim($dbname)); $ident_array = array_map('trim', $ident_array); // Quote the identifiers $ident_array = array_map(array($this->db, 'quote_ident'), $ident_array); // Paste it back together $this->from_string = implode(' ', $ident_array); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ! 'Like' methods // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Simplify 'like' methods * * @param string $field * @param mixed $val * @param string $pos * @param string $like * @param string $conj */ private function _like($field, $val, $pos, $like='LIKE', $conj='AND') { $field = $this->quote_ident($field); // Add the like string into the order map $l = $field. " {$like} ?"; if ($pos == 'before') { $val = "%{$val}"; } elseif ($pos == 'after') { $val = "{$val}%"; } else { $val = "%{$val}%"; } $this->query_map[] = array( 'type' => 'like', 'conjunction' => (empty($this->query_map)) ? 'WHERE ' : " {$conj} ", 'string' => $l ); // Add to the values array $this->values[] = $val; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a Like clause in the sql statement * * @param string $field * @param mixed $val * @param string $pos * @return $this */ public function like($field, $val, $pos='both') { $this->_like($field, $val, $pos); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Generates an OR Like clause * * @param string $field * @param mixed $val * @param string $pos * @return $this */ public function or_like($field, $val, $pos='both') { $this->_like($field, $val, $pos, 'LIKE', 'OR'); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Generates a NOT LIKE clause * * @param string $field * @param mixed $val * @param string $pos * @return $this */ public function not_like($field, $val, $pos='both') { $this->_like($field, $val, $pos, 'NOT LIKE'); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Generates a OR NOT LIKE clause * * @param string $field * @param mixed $val * @param string $pos * @return $this */ public function or_not_like($field, $val, $pos='both') { $this->_like($field, $val, $pos, 'NOT LIKE', 'OR'); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Generates a 'Having' clause * * @param mixed $key * @param mixed $val * @return $this */ public function having($key, $val=array()) { $where = $this->_where($key, $val); // Create key/value placeholders foreach($where as $f => $val) { // Split each key by spaces, in case there // is an operator such as >, <, !=, etc. $f_array = explode(' ', trim($f)); $item = $this->quote_ident($f_array[0]); // Simple key value, or an operator $item .= (count($f_array) === 1) ? '= ?' : " {$f_array[1]} ?"; // Put in the query map for select statements $this->having_map[] = array( 'conjunction' => ( ! empty($this->having_map)) ? ' AND ' : ' HAVING ', 'string' => $item ); } return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Generates a 'Having' clause prefixed with 'OR' * * @param mixed $key * @param mixed $val * @return $this */ public function or_having($key, $val=array()) { $where = $this->_where($key, $val); // Create key/value placeholders foreach($where as $f => $val) { // Split each key by spaces, in case there // is an operator such as >, <, !=, etc. $f_array = explode(' ', trim($f)); $item = $this->quote_ident($f_array[0]); // Simple key value, or an operator $item .= (count($f_array) === 1) ? '= ?' : " {$f_array[1]} ?"; // Put in the query map for select statements $this->having_map[] = array( 'conjunction' => ( ! empty($this->having_map)) ? ' OR ' : ' HAVING ', 'string' => $item ); } return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ! 'Where' methods // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Do all the repeditive stuff for where/having type methods * * @param mixed $key * @param mixed $val * @return array */ private function _where($key, $val=array()) { $where = array(); // Key and value passed? Add them to the where array if (is_scalar($key) && is_scalar($val)) { $where[$key] = $val; $this->values[] = $val; } // Array or object, loop through and add to the where array elseif ( ! is_scalar($key)) { foreach($key as $k => $v) { $where[$k] = $v; $this->values[] = $v; } } return $where; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Simplify where_in methods * * @param mixed $key * @param mixed $val * @param string * @param string * @return void */ private function _where_in($key, $val=array(), $in='IN', $conj='AND') { $field = $this->quote_ident($field); $params = array_fill(0, count($val), '?'); foreach($val as $v) { $this->values[] = $v; } $string = $field . " {$in} ".implode(',', $params).') '; $this->query_map[] = array( 'type' => 'where_in', 'conjunction' => ( ! empty($this->query_map)) ? " {$conj} " : ' WHERE ', 'string' => $string ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Specify condition(s) in the where clause of a query * Note: this function works with key / value, or a * passed array with key / value pairs * * @param mixed $key * @param mixed $val * @return $this */ public function where($key, $val=array()) { $where = $this->_where($key, $val); // Create key/value placeholders foreach($where as $f => $val) { // Split each key by spaces, in case there // is an operator such as >, <, !=, etc. $f_array = explode(' ', trim($f)); $item = $this->quote_ident($f_array[0]); // Simple key value, or an operator $item .= (count($f_array) === 1) ? '= ?' : " {$f_array[1]} ?"; // Put in the query map for select statements $this->query_map[] = array( 'type' => 'where', 'conjunction' => ( ! empty($this->query_map)) ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ', 'string' => $item ); } return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Where clause prefixed with "OR" * * @param string $field * @param mixed $val * @return $this */ public function or_where($field, $val=array()) { $where = $this->_where($field, $val); // Create key/value placeholders foreach($where as $f => $val) { // Split each key by spaces, incase there // is an operator such as >, <, !=, etc. $f_array = explode(' ', trim($f)); // Simple key = val if (count($f_array) === 1) { $item = $this->quote_ident($f_array[0]) . '= ?'; } else // Other operators { $item = $this->quote_ident($f_array[0]) . " {$f_array[1]} ?"; } // Put in the query map for select statements $this->query_map[] = array( 'type' => 'where', 'conjunction' => ( ! empty($this->query_map)) ? ' OR ' : ' WHERE ', 'string' => $item ); } return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Where clause with 'IN' statement * * @param mixed $field * @param mixed $val * @return $this */ public function where_in($field, $val=array()) { $this->_where_in($field, $val); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Where in statement prefixed with "or" * * @param string $field * @param mixed $val * @return $this */ public function or_where_in($field, $val=array()) { $this->_where_in($field, $val, 'IN', 'OR'); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * WHERE NOT IN (FOO) clause * * @param string $field * @param mixed $val * @return $this */ public function where_not_in($field, $val=array()) { $this->_where_in($field, $val, 'NOT IN', 'AND'); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * OR WHERE NOT IN (FOO) clause * * @param string $field * @param mixed $val * @return $this */ public function or_where_not_in($field, $val=array()) { $this->_where_in($field, $val, 'NOT IN', 'OR'); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ! Other Query Modifier methods // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Sets values for inserts / updates / deletes * * @param mixed $key * @param mixed $val * @return $this */ public function set($key, $val = NULL) { // Plain key, value pair if (is_scalar($key) && is_scalar($val)) { $this->set_array_keys[] = $key; $this->values[] = $val; } // Object or array elseif ( ! is_scalar($key)) { foreach($key as $k => $v) { $this->set_array_keys[] = $k; $this->values[] = $v; } } // Use the keys of the array to make the insert/update string // Escape the field names $this->set_array_keys = array_map(array($this->db, 'quote_ident'), $this->set_array_keys); // Generate the "set" string $this->set_string = implode('=?, ', $this->set_array_keys); $this->set_string .= '=?'; return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a join phrase in a compiled query * * @param string $table * @param string $condition * @param string $type * @return $this */ public function join($table, $condition, $type='') { // @todo make able to handle operators without spaces $table = implode(" ", array_map(array($this->db, 'quote_ident'), explode(' ', trim($table)))); //$condition = preg_replace('`(\W)`', " $1 ", $condition); $cond_array = explode(' ', trim($condition)); $cond_array = array_map('trim', $cond_array); $condition = $table . ' ON ' . $this->quote_ident($cond_array[0]) . $cond_array[1] . ' ' . $this->quote_ident($cond_array[2]); $this->query_map[] = array( 'type' => 'join', 'conjunction' => strtoupper($type).' JOIN ', 'string' => $condition, ); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Group the results by the selected field(s) * * @param mixed $field * @return $this */ public function group_by($field) { if ( ! is_scalar($field)) { $this->group_array = array_map(array($this->db, 'quote_ident'), $field); } else { $this->group_array[] = $this->quote_ident($field); } $this->group_string = ' GROUP BY ' . implode(', ', $this->group_array); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Order the results by the selected field(s) * * @param string $field * @param string $type * @return $this */ public function order_by($field, $type="") { // Random case if (stripos($type, 'rand') !== FALSE) { $type = (($rand = $this->sql->random()) !== FALSE ) ? $rand : 'ASC'; } // Set fields for later manipulation $field = $this->quote_ident($field); $this->order_array[$field] = $type; $order_clauses = array(); // Flatten key/val pairs into an array of space-separated pairs foreach($this->order_array as $k => $v) { $order_clauses[] = $k . ' ' . strtoupper($v); } // Set the final string $this->order_string = (empty($rand)) ? ' ORDER BY '.implode(',', $order_clauses) : ' ORDER BY'.$rand; return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set a limit on the current sql statement * * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @return string */ public function limit($limit, $offset=FALSE) { $this->limit = $limit; $this->offset = $offset; return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ! Query Grouping Methods // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Adds a paren to the current query for query grouping * * @return $this */ public function group_start() { $this->query_map[] = array( 'type' => 'group_start', 'conjunction' => '', 'string' => ' (' ); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Adds a paren to the current query for query grouping, * prefixed with 'OR' * * @return $this */ public function or_group_start() { $this->query_map[] = array( 'type' => 'group_start', 'conjunction' => '', 'string' => ' OR (' ); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Adds a paren to the current query for query grouping, * prefixed with 'OR NOT' * * @return $this */ public function or_not_group_start() { $this->query_map[] = array( 'type' => 'group_start', 'conjunction' => '', 'string' => ' OR NOT (' ); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Ends a query group * * @return $this */ public function group_end() { $this->query_map[] = array( 'type' => 'group_end', 'conjunction' => '', 'string' => ' ) ' ); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ! Query execution methods // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Select and retrieve all records from the current table, and/or * execute current compiled query * * @param $table * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @return object */ public function get($table='', $limit=FALSE, $offset=FALSE) { // Set the table if ( ! empty($table)) { $this->from($table); } // Set the limit, if it exists if ($limit !== FALSE) { $this->limit($limit, $offset); } $sql = $this->_compile(); // Do prepared statements for anything involving a "where" clause if ( ! empty($this->query_map) || ! empty($this->having_map)) { $result = $this->prepare_execute($sql, $this->values); } else { // Otherwise, a simple query will do. $result = $this->query($sql); } // Reset for next query $this->_reset(); return $result; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Convience method for get() with a where clause * * @param string $table * @param array $where * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @return object */ public function get_where($table, $where=array(), $limit=FALSE, $offset=FALSE) { // Create the where clause $this->where($where); // Return the result return $this->get($table, $limit, $offset); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Retreive the number of rows in the selected table * * @param string $table * @return int */ public function count_all($table) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$this->quote_ident($table); $res = $this->query($sql); return (int) count($res->fetchAll()); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Retrieve the number of results for the generated query - used * in place of the get() method * * @param string $table * @return int */ public function count_all_results($table='') { // Set the table if ( ! empty($table)) { $this->from($table); } $sql = $this->_compile(); // Do prepared statements for anything involving a "where" clause if ( ! empty($this->query_map)) { $result = $this->prepare_execute($sql, $this->values); } else { // Otherwise, a simple query will do. $result = $this->query($sql); } // Reset for next query $this->_reset(); $rows = $result->fetchAll(); return (int) count($rows); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates an insert clause, and executes it * * @param string $table * @param mixed $data * @return mixed */ public function insert($table, $data=array()) { // No use duplicating logic! if ( ! empty($data)) { $this->set($data); } $sql = $this->_compile("insert", $table); $res = $this->prepare_execute($sql, $this->values); $this->_reset(); return $res; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates an update clause, and executes it * * @param string $table * @param mixed $data * @return mixed */ public function update($table, $data=array()) { // No use duplicating logic! if ( ! empty($data)) { $this->set($data); } $sql = $this->_compile('update', $table); $res = $this->prepare_execute($sql, $this->values); $this->_reset(); // Run the query return $res; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Deletes data from a table * * @param string $table * @param mixed $where * @return mixed */ public function delete($table, $where='') { // Set the where clause if ( ! empty($where)) { $this->where($where); } // Create the SQL and parameters $sql = $this->_compile("delete", $table); $res = $this->prepare_execute($sql, $this->values); $this->_reset(); // Delete the table rows, and return the result return $res; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ! Miscellaneous Methods // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Calls a function further down the inheritence chain * * @param string $name * @param array $params * @return mixed */ public function __call($name, $params) { if (method_exists($this->db, $name)) { return call_user_func_array(array($this->db, $name), $params); } return NULL; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Clear out the class variables, so the next query can be run */ private function _reset() { // Only unset class variables that // are not callable. Otherwise, we'll // delete class methods! foreach($this as $name => $var) { // Skip properties that are needed for every query if (in_array($name, array( 'db', 'sql' ))) { continue; } // Nothing query-generation related is safe! if ( ! is_callable($this->$name)) { $this->$name = NULL; } // Set empty arrays $this->values = array(); // Set select string as an empty string, for proper handling // of the 'distinct' keyword $this->select_string = ''; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * String together the sql statements for sending to the db * * @param string $type * @param string $table * @return $string */ private function _compile($type='', $table='') { $sql = ''; $table = $this->quote_ident($table); switch($type) { default: $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->from_string}"; // Set the select string if ( ! empty($this->select_string)) { // Replace the star with the selected fields $sql = str_replace('*', $this->select_string, $sql); } // Set the where string if ( ! empty($this->query_map)) { foreach($this->query_map as $q) { $sql .= $q['conjunction'] . $q['string']; } } // Set the group_by string if ( ! empty($this->group_string)) { $sql .= $this->group_string; } // Set the having string if ( ! empty($this->having_map)) { foreach($this->having_map as $h) { $sql .= $h['conjunction'] . $h['string']; } } // Set the order_by string if ( ! empty($this->order_string)) { $sql .= $this->order_string; } // Set the limit via the class variables if (isset($this->limit) && is_numeric($this->limit)) { $sql = $this->sql->limit($sql, $this->limit, $this->offset); } break; case "insert": $param_count = count($this->set_array_keys); $params = array_fill(0, $param_count, '?'); $sql = "INSERT INTO {$table} (" . implode(', ', $this->set_array_keys) . ') VALUES ('.implode(', ', $params).')'; break; case "update": $sql = "UPDATE {$table} SET {$this->set_string}"; // Set the where string if ( ! empty($this->query_map)) { foreach($this->query_map as $q) { $sql .= $q['conjunction'] . $q['string']; } } break; case "delete": $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table}"; // Set the where string if ( ! empty($this->query_map)) { foreach($this->query_map as $q) { $sql .= $q['conjunction'] . $q['string']; } } break; } //echo $sql . '<br />'; return $sql; } } // End of query_builder.php